Kim Myungsoo

My Love is Infinite

INFINITE - Only Tears



Myungsoo sat down at the conference room and looked around the big hall. All he could think of was how he hated living under this building. He never liked being in this kind of atmosphere, all he wanted to be was to be a normal kid, hanging out with his friends and be carefree and not worry about business and all of that.

"Myungsoo, are you listening??" Mr. Kim asked. Myungsoo looked up and nodded, "Yeah, I'm listening" he answered, politely. Mr. Kim heaved, "You need to learn this when you're taking over to industry" he then went back to explaining the concepts. Myungsoo let out a blank sigh and opened up the folder that was in front of him. [All I need to do now is make appa happy].

The conference was over and everyone bowed to Mr. Kim. He slightly bowed back and waited for everyone to leave the room before proceeding towards Myungsoo, who was sitting at the back. He walked up to him, "What do you think?? Can you handle all of these information when you're the next chairman??" he asked.

Myungsoo nodded once, "I understand" he stood up and bowed to his dad, "I'll be going now" he then walked off. Mr. Kim sighed in content and placed his hands inside his pant pockets, "I know you'll do well handling this company" he said to himself.

The conference door opened, "Sir, we have another meeting in another 30 minutes" the secretary said, looking at her watch which was on her wrist. Mr. Kim nodded, "Okay. Let's get going" he walked out of the conference room and headed to the elevator.

Myungsoo was inside the elevator and looked up to see that he was going down to the ground floor. When the elevator arrived at the level, it dinged and the doors opened. Everyone that was waiting outside, stepped aside and let Myungsoo walk out. He lightly smile and walked out. He headed to the main entrance of the company and didn't notice anything that was surrounding him.

"Kim Myungsoo!!" a voice called. Myungsoo turned his head to where the voice was coming from and saw Infinite waving at him. He smiled and waved back. The only people that was able to make Myungsoo smile and feel happy was none other than his group members.

"Hyung, are you free?? Do you want to get some rice cakes??" Sungjong asked. Myungsoo nodded, "I felt like I was stuck in that conference room forever. It was like hell" he loosened his tie and unbottoned the top button of his white shirt.

Sunggyu slung his arm around Woohyun's neck, "Then let's go, I was getting hungry just waiting for you" he stated and rubbed his stomach with his other free hand. Woohyun nodded, "Same here. Let's eat!!". Everyone walked out of the company, noisily, like they always do. All the employees looked their way and guests also turned their attention to where the noise was coming from.

Mr. Kim walked out from the company and saw Infinite walking the opposite direction. He stopped and stared at them for a while. He saw how happy Myungsoo was when he talked to s. [That kid, he needs to learn how to manage his time for the company. He's been hanging out with them too much lately]. He sighed and then a black car approached him. The worker opened the door for him and Mr. Kim went and sat at the back seat. The worker closed the door and stepped aside, to let the car drive off.


Infinite arrived at the rice cake stall and they all sat down at a long table. Everyone of them ordered and when the food came, everyone started to dig in.

"So how was work??" Sungyeol asked Myungsoo.

Myungsoo placed a rice cake in his mouth and looked up at Sungyeol. "It's boring. I don't like being the son of the chairman. Everyone is scared of you at work and that makes me uncomfortable. I especially hate the conferences we have.." he placed his fork down and took a sip of water.

Dongwoo smiled, "It won't that bad when you're the boss of everyone" he mentioned. Hoya slapped his arm, "You babo, he is already the boss. He doesn't need to wait till he's the chairman of the company" he pointed out. Dongwoo chuckled, "Oh yeah.." he scratched his head, "I forgot about that".

The others laughed at how Dongwoo can be so clumsy sometimes. Myungsoo chuckled and looked down at his rice cakes, filled with red hot sauce. "I just want to be a normal kid. Like you guys" he looked up at all of s.

"Why don't you just tell your father that you don't want to be the chairman of the industry and your dream is.." Woohyun stopped talking. "What is your dream actually??" he realised that he never knew what Myungsoo wanted to be in the future.

Myungsoo shook his head, "What kind of friend doesn't know what he's best friend's dream is" he said, disappointedly. Woohyun shrugged, "This never popped in my head and plus when you were born, you were already suppose to be the chairman" he said. "Why not state the obvious" Myungsoo rolled his eyes. Woohyun placed his hand on his face, "Yeah.. that was a stupid statement" he admited.

Everyone was laughing and talking happily. Myungsoo always wanted his life to be like the rest of his friends. Though they came from rich families as well, their dads didn't force them in following his footsteps, but in his case, he's dad is the owner of South Korea's biggest industry and it was appropriate that Myungsoo was to become the next generation chairman.

In his life, Myungsoo never experienced the outside world. Everything that he did resolved around the company and how it was established. He would spend his Saturdays and Sundays at the company, rather than going to amusement parks or movies with friends, like a normal teenager. He sometimes want to disobey his dad's orders but he never had the guts to.


It was nearing night time and Infinite all had to go home. Myungsoo walked to his car and a worker opened the door for him. He was used to everyone doing everything for him, which never lead him in lifting a finger. He sat down at the back seat and the door softly closed. The car then started to ignite and soon it took off, heading home.

When the car reached home, Myungsoo got out from the car and walked to the front door of his mansion. It covered most of the region surrounding him. He had a golf court, basketball court and even both an indoor and outdoor swimming pool that was huge in size. He had everything a boy ever dreamed of having and every girls dream guy.

"Oh, your home already" his dad placed the newspaper that he was reading onto the table.

Myungsoo looked at him and bowed, "Yeah, I'm home" he headed towards the grand staircase when he's mum walked down the stairs. "Sweetie, are you hungry??" she asked. He shook his head and continued to proceed up the stairs. Ms. Kim looked at her son walking up the stairs in a tired manner then turned her attention to her husband, "Tired day at the company??" she asked. Mr. Kim cleared his throat, "He wasn't even listening to what I was saying in the conference" he stated.

Ms. Kim walked down the rest of the steps and headed to the kitchen, "Do you think you're placing too much pressure on our son??" she asked, a bit worried. Mr. Kim shook his head, denying, "I don't think I'm placing pressure on him. He's going to become he next chairman and that's all there's to it".

Myungsoo closed his bedroom door behind him and looked up at the ceiling. "Why is my life set this way?? I want to change everything.." he sadly sighed and walked over to his king size bed. He slumped down on his back and laid on the bed, staring up at the white ceiling.

Then came a knock on the door. "Come in" he said. The door opened revealing his mum, she walked inside, "Get change, you must be tired. Here's water" she placed the glass on his study table and turned around to see his blank eyes, staring at her. "Don't worry, you're going to be fine. The industry will be yours in a few years" she said and walked out of his room, "Get some rest" she closed the door behind her.

"The company is going to be yours" he repeated. "But I don't want it to be" he paused, "You got to do what you got to do" he said. He walked over to his waldorabe and opened up the double doors. It was a walk in waldrobe that was bigger when you reached the inside and he placed his blazer down on the chair. He untied his tie and looked at himself in the mirror. "All their going to see me as is Mr. Kim's son" he said.


You were sitting at your study table and holding onto a picture frame. It was a picture that you took 2 years ago, with your family at a studio shop. You looked at your dad's smiling face and a small but sad smile appeared on your face, "You won't be there when I graduate. And I always wanted you to see me graduate from high school, going to college" you started to get teary and lifted your head up, so tears won't fall down.

When you felt that the tears have dried up, you looked back at the picture and placed a finger on your dad's face. "Will I find the right one soon?? Or do I have to wait till high school is over??" you asked your dad. You then had a flashback.

"Appa, when will I find the right guy??" you asked your dad.

He chuckled, "Sweetie, when he comes you will know" he placed his hand on his chest, "Because this will beat rapidly and you will instantly know it" he wisely said.

You lightly pouted, "I wonder who will make my heart beat fast.."

You smiled at the memory. "Yes, I wonder who will make my heart beat fast" you wondered.

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