Kang Yoojung

My Love is Infinite











INFINITE - Nothing's Over



It was a sunny day, the sun was out and the air was fresh. You walked out of your back door and breathed the fresh air. You looked around the garden and saw the flowers beginning to bloom.

"Such a warm day" you smiled and giggled.

"Yoojung, can you help me??", your mum called from the vegetable section of your garden. You stopped dazing and turned your head to see her waving her arm at you, trying to get your attention. "Coming!!" you shouted and ran up to her. You bent down and helped her pick out the right size carrots.

Your mum wipped the sweats away from her forehead and looked at you with affectionate eyes. "My daughter is so pretty. I wonder who will marry you" she complimented. Your eyes widened at what she said and shot your head her way, "Mum!! I'm still young" you stated.

She chuckled a bit, "Arasso, it was just a thought" she calmed you down.

You smiled, "I'm not going to have a boyfriend until I finish school" you said. She looked at you, surprised, "Finish school?? Then I have to wait for another year?? Who will take you then??" she teased. You lightly pushed her arm, "Umma, I won't be that old. Boys will still be attracted to me" you bravely stated.

At that moment, your brother, Kang Youngmin walked out from the back door. You lifted your head up and saw him walking your way, tiredly. "Oppa!! Do you think I'll get a guy when I finish school??" you asked him, out of the ble. He looked up at you and gave it some thought. "You wanna bet??" he teased.

"YAH!!" you shouted, frustrated that he even underestimated your ability. "For your information, I WILL find a guy. I won't be like you, who's in senior year and don't even have a girlfriend" you poked your tongue out, teasing him.

He shook his head, "How would you know that I don't have one??" he asked, raising his eyebrows. Your eyes rounded, "Y-You have a girlfriend?? And didn't tell us??" you tugged on your mum's sleeve, "Umma!! Oppa has a girlfriend and didn't tell us!!" you accused and pointed a finger at him. Your mum sighed, "He doesn't. If he does, he wouldn't be home on a Sunday and offering to help us" she pointed out.

You let go of her sleeve and knew she was right. "You don't have a girlfriend, you liar" you pointed another finger at him. He shook his head, "And I thought you were smarter" he patted your head. You pushed his hand off, "I'm not a dog!!" you expressed. He chuckled and continued to stare at the two of you working.


You placed the basket full of carrots on the kitchen counter and dusted your hands together, to get rid the excess dirt. You looked at the time on the clock hanging on the wall. "It's the afternoon already??" you lightly pouted and tapped your finger onto the counter repeatedly.

"Why are you doing that?? Stop it, it's getting annoying" Youngmin walked in from the back carrying the last basket of carrots. You spun around and looked at him, "Do you want to go shopping??" you suggested.

He gave you a 'are you serious' face. "You're joking right??" he didn't seem like he enjoyed the suggestion.

You placed your hands on your hips, "Does it look like I'm joking??" you dared him. There was silent between the two of you for a good 5 seconds when you finally spoke, "Okay, I was joking. I don't want to go shopping with you anywayz. I'm going to to call Hana" you took out your phone from your jacket pocket and dialed in her number. You placed the phone on her ear and walked off, heading to your room.

Youngmin made a face at you, "This dongseng.. seriously, if she wanted a sister, just ask umma why her first child had to be a boy" he lightly shook his head and walked to the lounge and slumped down onto the couch.

You closed your bedroom door. "Okay, I'll meet you there" you pressed end call on your Samsung Galaxy S2 and chucked it on your bed. You opened your closet and searched through the many clothes you have. You took out a white sleeveless top with high waist shorts.

After you wore your clothes, you lightly applied make up and by the time you finished Hana arrived at your front door.

Youngmin ran to the door and opened it. He saw Hana standing there, wearing a cute dress. "Oh, so Yoojung called you" he emphasized.

Hana furrowed her brows, "What are you trying to imply, Youngmin??" she crossed her arms. He placed his hands in front of him, "I was just saying" he backed away and went back to sitting down on the couch and watched the television again.

You walked downstairs and saw Hana waiting at the door. "Hana!!" you girly ran up to her and linked arm. "Let's go shopping" there was excitement in your voice. Hana nodded and the two of you left.


The two of you walked down the street and headed to the bus stop. You stopped in front of the timetable and scrolled your eyes down to the nearest time. You took out your phone and saw that it was only 2 minutes until the next one. "Perfect timing" you said.

Hana clapped her hands together, "Finally, I can go shopping, with my best friend" she beamed at you. You nodded, "I haven't been shopping in a while. I'm running out of clothes to wear" you sadly sighed. Hana agreed, "Same here, I need to catch up with the latest styles. The clothes that I have now is so last season".

You looked at what she was wearing, "This is last season?? I didn't even notice". Truthfully, you never follow the style trend, you don't even need to know what's the new trend. You buy what you like, that's your motto when shopping.

The bus came and the two of you hoped on. The two of you sat down at the back and when you's took your seat, the bus moved.

Shopping with Hana is both tiring and expensive. All you could notice were the many commas that were on the clothing tag. Your eyes widened when the total number of the items she brought added up. [She can really buy clothes]. You thought, shocked that she had enough money to even buy more.

Hana and you continued to shop around until it was nearing closing time. You held onto your bags tightly and walked out from the mall with Hana following behind. She always find it hard to leave the shopping mall. "But I don't wanna leave" she pouted. You looked at her expression and shook your head dismally, "Come on, the shop won't go anywhere. It'll still be here tomorrow and the next day and the next" you explained.

"But the clothes in here won't be. I need to buy one more garment" she was about to run back inside when you quickly grabbed her hand. "Let's go home" you lead her the other way. "But-But-But" she stuttered. "No buts!!" you said. All she could do now is keep quiet and let you drag her away.


You laid the clothes you bought on the bed and looked at everyone of them. "Wow, I really bought a lot today" you were surprised to see many garments lying on your bed. It was a combination of skirts, shirts, dresses, jeans and even jackets. "I'm starting to become more like Hana" you shook your head disappointedly. "I need to stop shopping.." you closed your door and walked to the lounge room.

Youngmin was watching the news about a company.

"The Kim Industry has been able to climb up the ladder and now is popular among many other industries around South Korea" the anchor woman said.

You looked at the screen and a man was being filmed and photographed. "Isn't that Kim Hyushin??" you pointed to the television. "Well nah duhh!!" Youngmin exclaimed, making what you said sound dumb. You gave him a look, "I was only asking. Sheesh" you spun around and walked into the kitchen.

Youngmin continued to watch the news and the chairman's son appeared on the news. "Kim Myungsoo, is the son of the chairman and he is following in his father's footsteps and will later take over the industry in the future" the anchor woman continued. Youngmin stared at Myungsoo in the television, "Wow, he's the son of Hyushin.."

In the television, Myungsoo looked at the camera and lightly smiled, "Hi, my name is Kim Myungsoo" he announced.



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