Who Are You?

My Handsome Soldier
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~Donghae's POV~

Nothing like a walk in the forest on break from duty. All of a sudden, a strong gush of wind was blowing through. I ducked for cover. Then, I spotted a figure falling down from the sky. I better take a closer look.


I began to shiver with fear as the person is walking towards me. He looks like a soldier because he was dressed in an armor. "W-Where a-am I?" I stammer by looking at the surrounding. "The better question is, who are you? And how did you get here?" he asked in ancient Korean. Gosh! It's hard to understand ancient language sometimes. "A tornado brought me here," I replied back to him in ancient Korean. "Hmm. That explains the strong wind earlier," said the soldier.

Then, he bend down on his knees by holding his spear. "By the way, can you tell me your name?" I wanted to reply but I was still trembling with fear. "It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you." He's staring at me with his eyes twinkling. And something tells me that this soldier looks very familiar to me. "M-My n-name is Gongju," I replied again. He began to smile. "Nice to meet you, Gongju. My name is Donghae. I'm the soldier who guards the palace," he introduces himself.

No wonder he looks so familiar. He is Donghae, the soldier I saw from the museum. "Could you be so kind to tell me where am I?" I asked him.

"You're in the Joseon era," he replied. Joseon era? I was right! That tornado did bring me back in time to the Joseon Dynasty era! But what's the reason that it brought me here? "You don't look like you're from around here," he said, looking seriously.

"Ah, no. I am from the future. I am from the 21st century," I explained.

"That explains why you are wearing a funny looking dress," he said. He is looking at my nightgown.

"This is my nightgown to be exact," I replied. I got up on my feet and so did Donghae. "Nice meeting you, Donghae. But I would like to go back to my own home. Would you be so kind to guide me home?"

Donghae sighed. "You can't get home actually."

"Why not?" I asked worriedly.

"Because since you appear here by a tornado, I can't get you back home," he sighed again. I buried my face and cried. Does that mean I'm stuck in the Joseon era forever and I'll never get to see my friends and family again? *sobs*

I felt Donghae patting my back. "It's alright. I'll help you," he said. I wipe my tears and look at him. "Really? You will do that?" I asked. He nod his head. "I will take you to see the king. Maybe he can help." Donghae took my hand and we walk back to the city.

The city is not like what you see in the 21st century. There are lots of old houses and the people were all dressed in hanboks. I've seen pictures of this in the museum. There's even a marketplace where people buy their stuff. It looks much smaller than back home. The city is pretty crowded. A few eyes were staring at me. They probably think I'm a weird looking girl in a modern nightgown. "You can explore the city later. Right now, we have to go back to the palace," I heard Donghae calling. I quickly catch up with him.

We have reached the palace gates. There were soldiers surrounding the gate. One of the soldiers called him. "Donghae. There you are. Where have you been? You're back on duty now." "I was exploring the forest, Hyuk," he replied to the soldier he's talking to. He resembles Minhyuk a lot. Then, he began to stare at me. "Who's this girl wearing a weird dress?" he asked.

"Oh, her. She's a girl from the future. A tornado must have her up and brought her here. Her name is Gongju. I wa

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Chapter 8: WOW! No words, it was awesome! :)
AdibahAzzam #2
Chapter 8: Author nim that was...DAEBAK !!!!
simple but AWESOME !
I hope you make a story about donghae x oc again ^ ^
Maybe school love ?
*don't mind me :P
Chapter 8: It was nice. It was like you read my mind about the ending, wherein a student who resembled Donghae appeared. It is the kind of ending I was expecting and you managed to do it. The story was kinda short and fast paced, I guess it would be better if every detail were written and the story was expanded but I understand that you should finish before your exams. I like it and good luck on your exams. Fighting!