☆Not in Love☆

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The story is about a young girl who's life is about to be turned upside down. Her father wants her to marry, she does not have the chance to choose the person that is going to be by her side for the rest of her life, her father will do it for her. Would she be happy? 



I do not know if I was fated to meet you, but I am glad I got to know you. I am so happy because you are by my side. When the sun shines I can see that beautiful smile of yours that now has become everything to me. Forgive me for what I have done and for how I treated you. I did not know that you would become  so important to me, now you know that you are my reason to breath and my biggest reason to be alive. 










Well this is not the first time that I try to write a fanfic. Honestly I tried once in SSF but it was a fail... I never got to finish that other story lol.

So hopefully this time I am able to finish it. This plot has been in my mind since a long time ago but I could not bring myself to write it until now.

This story is posted in honor of a cyber friend of mine, a S♡NE who loved TaengSic so much. Unfortunately he is not with us anymore, he passed away last 

year. @nerdtaeng, you know that you will always be in my heart..♥ :)


I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistakes (there will be, hopefully not that much), english is not my first language, so I kindly ask you to bear with it :c

 I am going to try my best for you all, I hope you all enjoy my story.


Well well, until the next time.... :p


Also pictures are not mine, so credit to their right owners... :)

please comment & subscribe ^^


Update 2016: I won't continue this fic, for obvious reasons. 

Y'all need to know that TaengSic will always be in my heart, but I think that I no longer support SNSD (as of the moment) maybe I'll comeback later, who knows.
But give them both (Jess & the girls) some love <3 


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Chapter 4: I love your story
And I'll wait until you finish the story
aexta- #2
Chapter 4: Hehe it's my first time commenting here in AFF :D Hello unnie! Ah there seems to be more people here. At least those who comment. And there seems to be people form SSF here as well. Hmm it seems that the comments here are shorter... I'll adjust :D You're welcome unnie! We're all waiting for the next chapter! :D
Cococuco #3
Chapter 4: Hahahaha Mr. Kim Taeyeon. Poor Sicababy XD

Can´t wait for the next chapter!
aiiyth #4
Chapter 4: i will always read this fic,,if you update...can't wait for the next story ^^

thank you author
Chapter 4: please update soon
update soon please
akko_snsd #7
Chapter 2: please update soon .. i really like this story <3 (y) :) :D
Chapter 2: Haha~ "a playboy" hum? She's gonna be really surprised! I'm excited! xD
Cococuco #9
Chapter 2: So it was Taeyeon´s pov last chapter. So she´s in love with another but when she meets Jessica, she´ll fall hard.
Can´t wait for the next chapter!!! ^^
Chapter 1: I was wondering about the same thing as well... ;)
Can't wait to read the next chapter! <3 Good luck with your story! :3