
Melting Snowflakes

The ground cracked as soon as I stepped on it. Fear rushed through my veins as my heart began to beat rapidly; I didn’t know that it was possible for me to stay alive.

It’s orange flames flickered as the clouds ran away, leaving the sky open and vulnerable. The ground beneath cried in pain, unable to take the heat. It cracked and gave up.

I looked around; my eyes squinted at the sudden wave of intense heat. Beads of sweat flowed down through my forehead, finding its way to my cheeks and on my shirt, wetting it.

There were no people outside and I would be so surprised if there were. I have been going out of my house ever since this heat penetrated our country. Despite the risks, it was worth it.

Just outside my town, a cathedral stood around a wall of scattered remnants of what used to be a cluster of houses and huge chunks of metal.

I looked at it with awe and I forgot how to inhale oxygen for a moment. How could something look so breath taking and beautiful in a place that I call a nightmare?

It has two pillars situated in front of the cathedral though the left was broken and incomplete. In between the pillars—particularly in the middle—stood the beautiful centerpiece of the cathedral, it would shine when the lights illuminate it. Its color would dance in grace and joy.

I entered the cathedral through a small door and I can’t help but gawk at how dreamlike it looked. I pinched myself and shook my head, just to make I wasn’t dreaming. I’ve been walking through these doors for two years now but every time I stand in the middle of the aisle, it felt like the angels were sheltering me from the heat and its voice would calm me.

I slowly spun myself around, taking its beautifully carved pillars and its heavenly looking altar captured in my mind and permanently sealed it away, making it available for me to remember it.

Before I reached the altar, the stained glass behind it blinded me with its perfection and excellence, making my heart halt.

I heard the floor creak as I conscientiously turned my head around, but I see no one. I figured out that it might be a small animal lurking around the area so I shrugged and went on.



I softly touched the writings on the concrete walls that looked like it’s going break and fall in front of me; I smiled.

My hands slid across the steady walls that separate me from the real world; I felt a chill travelling down my spine. My fingers broke away from the wall and I inhale a cold and stiff air. Suddenly, the oxygen in my lungs didn’t escape and was stuck in there.

I watched the whole cathedral drop small and white cottony balls and I took my time to exhale the air out of my lungs; I tipped my chin up and looked at the blue sky, nothing dropped.

I took a step and travelled my way to the middle aisle, my back facing the altar. I reached my hand out and the cotton-like ball melted as it landed on my palms.

 I shut my eyes close, forcing my mind to find an answer to my intriguing question but my mind is like a railway of tracks with no signs or directions.

My eyes opened and found nothing. I touched the palm where I once reached my hand out to touch the cotton-like ball. It was dry and rough. I was giving in to the delusions of my own mind and I knew that I was going too far.

These things only came from books I’ve read when I was a kid. They were just theories made but were never tested. They were just things that would appear in television shows and fiction books, completely imaginary and out of this world.

Nobody knew if it was cold or hot. Nobody knew if it was soft like a flower’s petal or hard like a rusty metal. Nobody knew if it would bring a smile to his or her faces or plain disappointment. Nobody knew if it would be harmless like a baby’s kiss or deadly like a snake’s bite. Nobody knew. Nobody knew. Nobody knew.

But there’s one thing that everybody knows,

They knew that it never happened. They knew that it was just a plain imagination of a human’s mind.



I looked up and closed my eyes. With only a small amount of light going through the ceiling, I let the sun warm my face. I breathed in, the scent of clean air filled my nose and I exhaled. It was relaxing and calming.

There wasn’t much heat and I didn’t have to squint my eyes to adjust to the heat.

“If only I could stay here forever,” I longingly whispered.

I roamed around, taking little steps to let my adventure here stay a little longer. I reached a part of the cathedral wherein the ceiling was damaged, only letting a suitable amount of light pass through.

I reached my hand out and allowed the light pass through my skin. I tried to catch the ray of radiance in my hands but failed to do so. How could I catch an untouchable thing?



I heard the floor behind me creak again but this time, I saw a shadow move amidst the dark corner.

“Who’s there?” I asked to no one, hoping that it is just an animal.

I heard footsteps running at my right side and I spun my body to check as to what it was. I shuddered in fear; a small river flowed down my eyes as I wiped them clean.

I closed my eyes and counted to three bit by bit; I bit my lower lip as I felt the temperature go down almost suddenly.

I opened my eyes and a boy with a golden red colored hair and his fringe—side swept— covered his forehead. His eyes squinty but beautifully carved and he was staring intently at me.

He tilted his head to the side and it made his cheeks look fluffy and squishy. His white skin radiated as the sun illuminates beneath him. He blinked once and a color of frosty blue tainted his once dark chocolate colored eyes.



White fluffy cotton balls hovered above us as I looked at him with curiosity; I took a moment to glance around, almost suddenly, the floor beneath became nothing but a white blanket.

I slowly looked at him; his crooked grin shone on me and I couldn’t help but smile back.

Gradually appearing between us was as beautiful as a rare gem, its corners would glint when the light shines upon it. It was small but it was really isn’t to miss. It was precious and exceptional.

I was afraid to touch it but the spark in the boy’s eyes offered me to hold it, his smile speaking to me. I reached out my hand and touched it though the sudden collision sent electric waves down to me spine, it brought a smile on my face and a laugh that seemed unfamiliar to my mouth.


“What is this?” I asked, still amused at the sudden thrill.

The boy looked at me and showed me a smile.

“A snowflake,” he answered.



Author's Note:

I know that this is one lame opening for this story but hey, it's really good to try some kind of new genre in life and lol. Haha. This is an entry for a contest that I'm entering. Well duh, why would I say this? 

This is such a new thing for me, my writing style and all. It changed for some reason and I really like it. It was a refreshing thing to see how my writing changed in such a short period of time. Hehe.

Anyways, I do hope that you'll drop a comment and spread the word? Lolz.

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This is so great! I love it so much! I love the part where she told her story to her grandson and the part where she met with Minseok again :)

Awesome job!
lalatela #2
Aaaaah please updaate please updaaatttee!!!
lalatela #3
Waaaaaa its so cool, looks like i'm watching frozen plus the guardians in one story omg You so cool!
I want to read this more :D
lalatela #4
Kyaa, i hope he's have the silver hair :3 but i like when you tell us he is have a blu eyes wkwkk
Update agaaaiin!! :D