Chapter 3

My Art Teacher

*1 New Message*


Daehyun's eyes almost bulges out of his sockets. Did he really do that? Did Yongguk really reply in no less than ten seconds to his text message?

He inhales sharply and views the message.

Yeah! Hi! Oh wow, I mean... Hey. ; )

From: BYG

Daehyun didn't think it was possible, but he actually squeeled like a high school girl who's been asked to prom by their crush.

"Okay, get it together Jung Daehyun. What should I reply?!" By now he was completely out of ideas so he did the next best thing he could think of. He quickly dialled his best friend's number, not taking into account that it was already around 2AM.

To: JaeButt

OMG help me!!!

As he waited patiently for Youngjae's message, he wrote ideas down with lightning speed, only to delete them right away. In no time though, his phone started ringing and he smiled when he saw the caller ID.

"Jaeee! Help me! I need to reply something to Himchan hyung's friend. He painted earlier in the studio and by god was he charming. But I texted him first and didn't use the company phone"

Youngjae and he have been acquiantances back in high school. It wasn't until college that Daehyun really got to know him. They both ended up getting Painting as their major course in one of the country's premiere universities. They were inseparable, from being each other's models during their anatomy classes, to deciding to putting up their own painting studio. If there was anything good or bad happening with any of them, they made sure that getting each other's seal of approval was done first.

"First of, why the hell are you calling me at two in the morning just to tell me about this? Second, was he charming-oh my god take me-charming or charming-you're cute for someone who's friends with Himchan-charming?" Daehyun winces at first at the annoyance in his best friend's voice, but was thankful that he at least simmered down at the mention of Daehyun taking interest in someone. 

"Charming-oh my god take me-charming. He was adorable too, plus he's an art enthusiast! He even chose The Kiss to paint earlier." The manager wiggles in his bed. He rolls over on his stomach and plays with his hair.

"Ooh~ he must be quite the guy to pique your interests quite quickly. What did you tell him?" By now it was no use to try and take a quick nap from painting, so Youngjae just decided to make coffee and resume painting after he's done helping out his best friend.

"That's the thing. I... don't wanna seem too aggressive nor weird him out, but I don't know how to flirt anymore. Hell, I don't even know if he's gay or anything!" He bites his nails, a habit Youngjae's been forcing him to stop since college.

"Dae. Chill. Just tell him that the company phone was broken or something, and you took the initiative to use your own phone to tell him that we're open tomorrow." Daehyun's not sure what he did in his past life to deserve someone as smart as Youngjae.

"You, sir, are a gift from above. Thanks! You can go back to sleep now~" Daehyun kisses his phone and ends the call after hearing Youngjae's confident 'I know.' 


We're actually open tomorrow at around 9AM-Midnight since it's a Saturday. Are you available tomorrow to finish your painting? I can set you in our guest list if you want. : )

Also, using my personal phone because the company phone's broken. Feel free to message me for further inquiries. 

He presses send and scrunches his nose at how serious he seemed. He sits up to set his alarm clock to 7AM, hoping Yongguk will be available.




(A/N: Short chapter is shorttttt OTL hello, AFF! I've decided to finish this rather than trashing it midway like what I've been tempted to do lately. But all the B.A.P activity lately has been making my fangirl side extremely happy~ Also, I'm sorry again if the tenses are confusing! It's my weak spot as well as describing stuff >_< but thank you to those of you who still like this and comment! <3)

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Chapter 5: scary Bang Yongguk vs a toddler :"v
bangdaebak #2
Chapter 5: I read this first time on ao3 and now I am reading this the 100th time Idek here including on ao3 itself lmao I just love this au where baby dae is an art manager, it's so adorable. Bless bangdae.

Thank you for writing xx
ShuHae #3
Chapter 4: god!!! all of them are so cute!!!!!
daehyundarklight #4
Chapter 4: yeeee.. some progres.. they're so cute..
daehyundarklight #5
Chapter 2: like this....
so cute.. hihihi...
aryadrottning #6
Chapter 2: XD this is so cute
Chapter 1: It seems like Daehyun got Yongguk wrapped around his finger- ouo Update soon! It's rare to find the oh so full of ego (not badmouthing- I love him too ouo) Bang Yongguk waver like that~