
Or so He Thought

Baekhyun froze. He thought Park Chanyeol was actually in love with him. But he isn't.


Right then and there, Chanyeol's cheerleader of a "girlfriend" came into view and clung to Chanyeol's muscular arms. Baekhyun raised an eyebrow at Sandara, which did the same to him.


Baekhyun looked away, feeling hurt and disgusting. He walked towards Chanyeol. "Thank you for everything."


Baekhyun ran out of the cafeteria and to the garden. He sat on the bench and hugged his knees as the rain started to pour on him. He choked on a sob and didn't even bother and save himself from getting wet.


After a few moments, the rain stopped... or so he thought. He looked up and saw that it was still raining, but he isn't getting wet. He looked at the tall boy in front of him and gasped.


It was Oh Sehun. The famous soccer jock that spends his time on the bubble tea shop down the streets. Park Chanyeol's oh so gorgeous bestfriend. Even though he's as hot and charming as Chanyeol, he doesn't like the idea of him messing around and breaking people's hearts.


"Are you okay? Come on, you'll get sick." Sehun whispered but it was loud enough for Baekhyun to hear. The latter just shook his head and smiled.


"I'm okay. And it's not like people like you actually cares for people like me," Baekhyun said in a matter-of-fact tone as the younger raised an eyebrow at him. Baekhyun stood up, Sehun following him.


"I do care for you, Byun Baekhyun." Baekhyun froze, once again. He looked at Sehun. "I do care."


Baekhyun suppressed a laugh, a fake one, though. He ran his hand through his hair which was dripping as he spoke - the younger looking at those lips Baekhyun has.


"I won't fall for sweet words anymore, Sehun. Don't you think it's bad enough that your bestfriend played with my feelings? And you're gonna do that, too? Well, for you, soccer jock. I'm not as weak as what you think I am," Baekhyun pointed out as the younger's forehead creased.


Sehun couldn't believe that Chanyeol had hurt Baekhyun's feelings. Sehun warned Chanyeol that if he does that, their friendship will be non-existent. "Chanyeol did that?"


"Oh, so now you're deaf? Great," Baekhyun said, sarcasm evident in his voice. He rolled his eyes and looked at Sehun's eyes. "Yes, he did. He made me believe that he was actually in love with me. He made me fall for him."


Sehun looked at Baekhyun, concern evident in his face. "Let's get you dry."


"Don't you think I'm sick for believing such lie? I'm vulnerable, right? Go on, say it in my face." Baekhyun said, as he faced Sehun. The latter hugged Baekhyun, feeling his clothes getting wet as well.


"No," Sehun said, Baekhyun's hair. "You aren't vulnerable. You deserve to be loved, Baekhyun. Let me love you."


Baekhyun's eyes widen. His stomach tossed and turned. 'Sehun is in love with me?' He thought.


Sehun broke the hug and stared at Baekhyun. "Even if you don't want me to express my love, I will still do it. I love you Baekhyun, I really do."


Baekhyun was speechless. Sehun led him to the infirmary and stayed with him - accompanied him.


Indeed, meeting Sehun is a wonderful thing.


- -


"Baekhyun?" Baekhyun froze as he heard a voice say his name. That dark voice belongs to the guy that broke his heart. To the guy that made him feel worthless. "Baekhyun, forgive me. Please."


Chanyeol choked to a sob. Baekhyun wanted to hug him but he couldn't. He has to hear Chanyeol's words out first.


"Baekhyun, please. I can't bear to see you with Sehun!"


"Baekhyun, please. I love you."


"Baekhyun. I miss you."


Baekhyun walked out from behind the door. Chanyeol's eyes lit up and he ran to Baekhyun. The latter shook his head, stopping Chanyeol to hug him.


"Don't," Baekhyun said, raising his hand up so that his palms face Chanyeol's face. "Don't dare and hug me."


Chanyeol nodded and smiled sadly. There were bags under his eyes and Baekhyun just wanted to hug him right then and there.


But he couldn't.


Three months of being with Sehun hadn't really helped him move on from Chanyeol. Yes, he did loved Sehun's company, but that's all. He wanted Chanyeol.


"Please, Baekhyun. Come back to me," Chanyeol pleaded as Baekhyun shook his head. The latter closed his eyes and rubbed his temples.


"Why do you always have to ruin everything?" Chanyeol pouted at Baekhyun's remark. Baekhyun sat on the chair at the corner, Chanyeol following him.


"First, you ruined me. You made me feel like you were in love with me when you weren't."


"Second, when things are starting to get to the next level between me and Sehun, you came again and begged me to come back."


Chanyeol opened his mouth to speak bit closed them immediately. He couldn't find the words to say. Surely, he wanted his best friend to be happy. But he just couldn't let Baekhyun go.


"We can be FRIENDS," Baekhyun blurted, Chanyeol's eyes widening. "If you don't want the two of us to be friends, then leave me alone."


Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun for a minute or so. He looked at Baekhyun's dark pools, to his cute, little nose, and to his plump, pink lips. He wanted to own Baekhyun. But the only things Baekhyun offers is FRIENDSHIP.


"Okay then," Chanyeol choked. Baekhyun smiled and grinned.


"That's better. Let's go?"


'Am I ready to be JUST A FRIEND?'


'I guess it's better than nothing.'


The two got out of the dark room and into the blinding light.


"I'll see you later at lunch with Sehun, FRIEND." Baekhyun placed emphasis in the last word. Chanyeol felt his heart clench. He nodded.


'Friend? Let's see, Byun Baekhyun.'




A/N ;


Seriously, I'm not planning this. This fic was bound to be a ChanBaek/BaekYeol one but I guess it didn't turn out as it was planned. Lmao.


*I* ship SeBaek, so, sorry ChanBaek shippers. Lmao.


Hope you like it! Please do comment and subscribe! :)



      Nathalie ♡

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Chapter 1: Is it the end? Omo.. No chanyeol, you can't play with other people's feeling like that
tideu2h #2
It was so good. I want to translate it to Vietnamese :'( Can I have your permission? BTW, do you have a sequel :(( ?
Chapter 1: you going to make a sequel, right? this can't end like this!!! please, author-nim!
Chapter 1: It's hard being a baekyeol and a baekhun shipper tbh.
elfXoXo13 #5
Chapter 1: Sequel~~~baekyeol and hunhan♥♥♥♥♥
theperfnerd #6
Is this a sebaek end
Lulyhan #7
Oh, it is the end ? ..
Chapter 1: The ending was knd of who cares i love Baek n they are together..Yeol don't u dare break them...Sebaek all the way...<3