The Switch


Daehee stared at the house in front of her. It was huge, futuristic, glass everywhere. Her eyes searched for the bell. She finally found it hiding near the gate entrance. She pushed it once and waited. No signs of life.  She pushed it twice. A voice was heard through the intercom.

“Welcome, young lady. You must be my future wife. Please come in.”

“The hell?” Daehee cursed to the intercom as the gate slowly opened up. She walked casually inside and up to the doorsteps. She knocked once and the door opened. A good looking guy with probably 175cm standing tall was behind the door.

“You’re here! And I didn’t regret this whole matchmaking at all. You sure are beautiful and your characteristics match my mother’s words,” said the guy.

Daehee blinked. She didn’t know her future husband would be as good looking as this, at least to her. “Yeah, thanks? I’m Han Daehee.”

“Pleasure to meet you… wait, Han Daehee?”

Daehee nodded. “Yeah. You’re Dongwoon, right?” she asked.

The guy just blinked. He slowly nodded. “Come inside.”

Han Daehee? I thought her name was supposed to be something Sunhee? This girl is sure gorgeous but why is her hair dark red? Isn’t it supposed to be blonde? And why the hell is she calling me Dongwoon? Who is he?

“You live alone?” asked Daehee.

“Well, yeah,” the guy walked over to the side table and took an award away. It had ‘Kim Jonghyun’ written on it. He made sure there were no more awards exposed out there with his name on it.

“So our mothers expect us to live alone in this house? The two of us?” asked Daehee, eyeing Jonghyun carefully.

Jonghyun shrugged. “We’re gonna get married anyway.”

Daehee blinked. She slowly blushed. Jonghyun grinned. “Let me show you your room.”

There must have been a misunderstanding. I don’t care. Living with this Han Daehee must be fun. I’ll take care of the mess and deal with my parents later. As for now, welcome, Han Daehee.


It randomly started raining when Sunhee arrived at the classic house located in Gangnam. It was a European styled house, two stories, a little garden at front. The house surely stood out among the other houses around it. She clanged on the gate since she couldn’t find any bell.

A tall figure came out running holding an umbrella. Sunhee couldn’t really see how he looked like since the rain was pouring harder. The guy quickly opened the gate and took Sunhee’s luggage.

“I’m sorry you had to arrive during the weather like this! Please come in!” he said with his deep voice. Sunhee rushed to the doorsteps, not even bothering walking under the umbrella since it would just make it harder for both of them to walk.

The guy followed her to the doorsteps, putting her luggage beside her and closed his umbrella. He was slightly wet and his white shirt couldn’t hide his perfectly toned body. Sunhee faked a cough and looked away when the guy was done ruffling his hair.

“Are you okay? Do you want to go inside and quickly change? I’ll serve you a cup of hot tea,” he said while opening the door.

Sunhee pulled the luggage behind her. “Thanks,” she mumbled. As she stepped inside, she was amazed at how classic the interior was. It surely felt like she was being in an antique house in Europe. The furniture were mostly made out of wood. Flower prints were on the curtains and cushions. It felt so warm that Sunhee already felt dying to see her room.

She looked up at the stairs. The guy noticed and cleared his throat.

“Your room is upstairs, first door on your left. Do you want me to help with the luggage?”

Sunhee shook her head. “I’m fine, thanks.”

The guy nodded. “I’ll be waiting in the dining room.”

After a few minutes waiting, Sunhee finally showed up with her hair tied up. She just changed her top into a white laced blouse. She joined the guy on the table as he poured tea for her.

“How was your flight?” asked the guy awkwardly. He carefully took a sip of his tea while settling his newspaper beside him.

Sunhee took the time to examine his face. He looked so foreign. If someone told her he was from Middle East or even Saudi Arabia, she would believe it. His tall figure and tanned skin was so appealing. Not to mention his perfect shaped nose.

“Lady? You hear me?” he snapped his fingers in front of Sunhee.

Sunhee blinked several times trying to get back to her senses. The guy laughed. “I’m sorry you must be tired, you’re not talking much.”

He was right, Sunhee was tired. Sunhee drank her tea, leaving it half empty and finally spoke up.

“We… haven’t introduced ourselves properly,” said Sunhee with a little bit of doubt in her voice.

The guy looked up. “Right…”

Sunhee stretched her hand out. “Song Sunhee. Nice to meet you. Your name is Kim Jonghyun, right?”

He blinked before shaking Sunhee’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sunhee-sshi.”

Kim Jonghyun? Who is he?

With confusion written all over his face, Dongwoon slowly pulled his hand back. Sunhee let out a small sincere smile that washed away all of his thoughts.

I have no idea what is going on but having her in my house… I can sense something good will happen.


Got the concept already? So Daehee was supposed to stay in Dongwoon's house while Sunhee was supposed to stay in Jonghyun's place. Clever Sunhee mixed up the address. Wonder what will happen next? ^^

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JaejoongPrincess #1
Chapter 2 is good!!! Please update soon!!!!
thank you for subscribing omg XD i need more subscribers so i could update LOL
JaejoongPrincess #3
Hey, this is pretty good!!! I subscribe!!!