Chapter 1

Strange Eyes

I was just sixteen years old back then and today was the day that the fiancée of Yi Fan, my eldest brother, came to our castle to live here. Their marriage had already been arranged for a year now, but as far as I knew there had been some complications so we couldn’t meet her yet. I heard she had been very sick for a long time and I had been almost surprised that my father didn’t abandon her, but our families had been friends for over 10 years now.
But my father was the Emperor of China, I was the princess and my 3 elder brothers were princes. Zhang Yi Lei was a good ruler, fair and kindhearted, but I think he was to kindhearted sometimes and sometimes to loyal to his people.
I watched myself in the mirror. My face looked a little bit sleepy and I had no makeup on yet. Black, messy hair was pulled up in a bun but many strands were loose.
I looked at my favorite dress made out of silver silk with golden embroidery and small blue flowers. Today was an important day, my father said, so I should show my best side.
 And then someone knocked on my door.
“Yes, please?”
Jongdae stepped into my room. A shy smile appeared on his lips when he saw me and then he lowered his gaze.
“His majesty wants to see you, Princess. The Yang’s will arrive in about an hour.”
I had to smile, even when he has already stopped and tried to look serious, I still did.
“Jongdae?” I spoke out his name. He looked at me with a lost expression. His reactions were always so funny when I called him by his real name. Kim Jongdae was Korean but was born here in China. His parents were servants in our castle for a very long time and when they died we kept Jongdae as a servant boy. He was very loyal and sweet and a hardworking person. He was only a little older then I was though, about 17 or 18, I think.
His Chinese Name was Chen and this was how everyone called him, but I knew that his parents always called him Jongdae and I also did.
“Do you have a wish, Princess?” He asked me. He usually tried to escape my gaze but now he couldn’t look away anymore.
“Yes, please call me by my name. I told you many times already! I don’t like you being so formal with me.”
“Yes, I am sorry…” Jongdae looked at the ground not knowing how to respond correctly.
“Please look at me” I ordered. Jongdae became more and more intimidated as he did how I pleased.
“I am sorry, Princess… I mean Yin Xue.” His cheeks were slightly red.
I laughed a little. “I wanted to ask if I can wear this dress today.”
“Well, uh, I would say that you look … lovely in this, I know you like to wear this dress a lot.”
“Yes this is the problem; I wear this too often.”
“It suits you.” Jongdae said quietly and his cheeks became even redder.
I smiled and that was it. He left and I started to put my makeup on and do my hair. I had servants to do this but I rather preferred it to do myself.

Yi Xing, Han and I were waiting in a sitting room. Yi Xing my second eldest brother was reading a book silently; Han, my third brother, had actually fallen asleep while we were waiting. I did nothing but to stare at the ground, bored to death.
I know that father’s friend already arrived with his daughter, but they had to meet Yi Fan first and afterwards they would be introduced to us.
“Brothers, sister” I heard Yi Fans voice when he entered the room. He was followed by two girls. The one was a cute faced, shy looking servant and the other must have been Yang’s famous daughter. I expected her to look kinda different though.
I was the first who stood up, followed by Yi Xing and then Han who woke up.
“Yang Mei Lin and these are my younger siblings Yi Xing, Han and Xuexue.” Yi Fan introduced us to each other and grinned at me.
“Oh, shut up, Fan. My name is Yin Xue, by the way.” I said and after I gave my eldest brother an angry glare I observed his fiancée.
The others greeted her friendly, but I had such a strange feeling about her.
Everyone had always been talking about how beautiful Mei Lin was, a tender and small girl with big shiny eyes. Maybe they exaggerated, maybe my memory was bad or I was simply becoming dumb.
She was pretty tall. She must have been around 178, maybe? She was thin, but definitely not small. But since Yi Fan was so tall, I think she was fine. She was dressed in a white dress that was in contrast with her darker skin. Raven black hair was falling down on her shoulders. Her hairstyle was simple and gave her some kind of innocence though. But her face, her face was so scary.
Mei Lin’s eyes had actually a very sharp form, with big eye bags and dark circles. They were the first I noticed and her eyes were probably giving her that strange look. Her face was formed very well though. She had a regular nose, not perfect at all. Her lips were red this day.
I couldn’t get my eyes of her.
“Xue?” Yi Fan asked. “Are you all right?”
I just noticed that my glare must have been very gloomy. Mei Lin must have been very confused by my reaction, she looked so lost.
“Yes, I’m fine. Was that all I had to dress myself up for? Can I go to my room now?” I hissed. I don’t know why I was acting so mean though.
“Well for a while I would say, but there is dinner father would want to see you at.” I heard Yi Xing saying.
“Actually father wanted that you show Mei Lin the castle, at least the main part.” Yi Fan said. “Before dinner I need to have a private talk with Mr. Yang.”
I must have been looking really mad, because he seemed to become kinda amused when he noticed my stare.
“Well, I guess I could do this too.” Han said and gave the new Ms. Important a charming smile. She also showed a shy smile and lowered her gaze.
“I think our beloved sister will manage this simple task. Father wants to see you both.” Yi Fan said.
I sighed in frustration.

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