2 - 2 Birthmark

Leo/Ravi random rabbles

2 - 2 Birthmark (Final)

Word: 2,8K

Eomeoni - Mother (formal)


Jiwon opens the door of her apartment to admit Taekwoon in. Today is the first time he comes to her house. Her. He remembered to ask her before how she would like to be call. She told him she's comfortable with both pronouns, but she preferred She most of the time. There are moments when he still gets bewildered, and not sure how to act around her.

It happens the most whenever the two of them reminisce about their childhood. The now old and vague image of the young boy Wonsik, and the image of the present Jiwon clash inside his head. It's 2 months now after that revelation, he still doesn't understand much of Jiwon's thinking. He just reminds himself that it's her bodies, and she can dress however she likes.

One thing he's sure of was that he's happy to meet his childhood friend again. He's no longer has to wonder how Jiwon is, and what happens to Jiwon's life. He's glad that she's happy to get reacquainted with him too.

"Come in, and sit down. Make yourself at home."

She welcomes him inside, and goes into the kitchen to bring out some refreshment. He looks away from the sight of her short shorts and round , as she bends down to get something.

Of course he can't help but gets curious of how much she has changed, not just with her personalities, behaviours, clothing choices, but also her body.

In the ideal world, they'll just jump right in and be very good friends again. Realistically, they are different people compare to the people they were as kids. One moment they are talking and laughing, the next moment she hugs him, and he's reminded that her chest, padded or real, is pressing against him.

He feels it's intrusive and offensive to even wonder, if she has done any permanent change to her body, so he has yet to ask. She could just be wearing padded bra. So many questions he feels weird to even wonder. He tells his brain and mind to stop, but they don't obey him so well.

Jiwon carries a tray over, and places it on the table. She puts some juice, carbonated water, and beer on the table.

"Choose whichever you like." She grins and sits down on the floor. Her short hair frames her face, and gives it a charming, round shape.

"Thank you."

He grabs the carbonated water for now. He can't touch beer this early in the day. He's going to be out too soon, and may blurt out some embarrassing stuffs that float inside his head. Jiwon would have to beat him up, and then never talked to him again.

He joins Jiwon on the floor, and sits right next to the coffee table. She turns on the TV and flicks around to different channels, as they debate on what to watch. They converse easily on different topics: a mixture of their old childhoods' memories, their current hobbies, and whatever that they are watching.

It feels easier to talk to her now. She doesn't have to hold herself back in fearing that he may find out about her, and he has stopped having anymore suspicions on why she feels so familiar.

At one point, Jiwon leans her chest on the table, and Taekwoon makes sure to avert his eyes away to the TV. She's acting natural and normal in her own body and home. He's the one who's unsure.

Her chest...is ahem...flatter today. He didn't stare! But it's her chest. He can't help but see people's chests since they are chests. They are there. He sees them, just as he sees her bob hair, and her huge smile.

He has dated and slept with people before, but he wouldn't call himself an expert on anything woman related. He also grew up in a household with 3 noonas and his eomeoni. From the accidental gazes his eyes have landed on her chest, he deducts that Jiwon...erm... looks like she has a flat chest when she's not wearing her bra. Today, she's wearing a loose, double ed top. Not that it's any of his business.

He has always thought he was a good person, who didn't judge other people based on how they looked and dressed. He now realizes he's more shallow and judgmental than he thought. It's an ugly self-realization to have. He grasps at straw, and hopes this is just him adjusting to being very close to a woman friend.

He has women friends and acquaintances, but none that he can call a very close friend. Actually he doesn't think he has a guy that he would call his best friend either. The only best friend he has ever had was Jiwon when they were kids.

"How come you didn't continue playing soccer in university?" Jiwon asks.

He shrugs casually. "I got injured once, and was recommended not to play soccer as a sport anymore."

"Aww." She touches her glass to his as a cheer. "I was waiting, you know, waiting to see your name and face on newspaper and TV. I thought I would see you becoming an athlete."

He smiles at that and shrugs again. He was very upset when he had to give up soccer. However, the years have helped to diminish his disappointment. Now those soccer days have become fond and distant memories.

"To waste time, I started reading a lot to take my mind off soccer. I eventually got interested in writing, and then journalism. So it's all work out in the end."

"And here you are." She smiles, and taps her drink against his again. He returns the gesture happily.

"Yup and here we are. I'm not surprised you pursue writing." Taekwoon remembers the young Jiwon. "Even as a kid, you had never have problem with writing assignments. You said they were fun."

"And you said they were boring." Jiwon laughs her deep laugh.

He now finds her laugh to be very nice and rich. It fits her. 


"I would invite you along to the theme party, but you already said no." She walks out to the living room in her black dress, and spins around once to show off to him. She puts her hands on her waist, and waits for his response expectantly.

"You look pretty." He compliments her.

She does look pretty. Her black dress is a nice and simple v-neck, sleeveless dress that falls to to her knees. It hugs her waist, and shows off her firm and tone arms.

"You look pretty." He repeats with a very small smile.

She lets go of her pose, and claps excitedly and cutely. She's also wearing a long black wig, which she has it tied at the top of her head, and lets the rest fall down. She's looking pretty, strong and lethal.

"You look like you are from a movie, a special agent on a mission." He compliments again. Compliments seem to please her, and they are not that hard for him to say since they are the truth. 

"Wow I didn't know you are such a charmer." She flutters her eyes, and comes over to gives him a tight hug.

He reddens, and stutters more at her words, than her warm hug. "I-I'm not." He pats her back slowly. 

It certainly is different to be hug fully by her. She's as big as him. When she wraps her arms all around him, it's very warm and tight. He wonders if they arm wrestle, who will lose. There are some weights around her house, which she has mentioned she uses them to exercise at least once a week. 

"Got to keep this body, nice and fit." She flexed her arms, and then did a comical super hero pose.

She chuckles as she moves away. "At least you have good taste, Taekwoon." She pats her hair, and smoothes down her dress.

He just nods by habit as he waits for the red in his face to fade away. She skips light feet to the entryway. She pulls out two pair of low high heels, and stares at them. She's probably debating on which pair to wear.

"Are you going to meet up with your date, or is that person will come here?" He asks her.

If her date comes here, he get the chance to see that person's face. What type of person Jiwon dates, men or women, has yet to come up in their conversations.

She stops staring at her shoes, and looks back at him. "Not a date date." She corrects him, but she looks either pleased or embarrassed. So it has to be someone she at least likes.

"Her brother borrowed her car, so I'm going to pick her up at her house. She told me she's going as Mulan. I can't wait to see her outfit."

So she's into women, but she said it's not a date date.

Would it be rude if he just goes ahead and asks? He's more than mildly curious if he's honest with himself. She puts away one pair of shoes as she finishes choosing. She stands up and watches him.

"You want to know don't you." She reads his mind with a smirk.

"Know what?" He feigns ignorance, and keeps his face blank.

"You are not fooling me," she tsks and waggles a finger in his direction. "I can read you very easily."

He looks away and presses his lips together to hold off a smile at being caught. After a quick moment, he looks back and just nods. He may as well confess, so he can satisfy his curiosity.

"Yes I like her, and I do want to date her, or did."

"Ah I see." He bobs his head. "You change your mind, and don't' want to ask her out anymore?"

She shakes her head, and for the first time today, smiles awkwardly. "I actually did but she declined. I wasn't her type."

"Oh." He murmurs, and doesn't know whether to give a sympathetic face, or tell her sorry.

She shrugs and bends down to put on her shoes. "We all have preferences, and I didn't fit hers. She's small and cute. She likes someone who's not so big like me."

She smiles and lightens up. "Oh well her loss. We are better as friends anyway."

"Have you uh, have you ever tried to date a man before?" He asks hesitantly and then braces himself incase she throws her heels at him. "I don't mean anything bad by it!" He says quickly to defend himself. He's just curious.

Even though they have been talking, and catching up, there are still so many things he doesn't know about her.

She just giggles at his worried face. "It's okay. I understand. Girls are fun enough for me."

"I see."

"Why? You want to date me Taekwoon?" She gives a comeback, and then grins as she walks over to stand before him.

He shakes his head, and flushed. "I'm just curious."

She gives his arm a pat, and grins. "I know, and you are probably into the small and cute type like her. I should introduce you two."

His eyes flit back and forth, as if he got caught doing something mean. He then looks back and just shakes his head.

"For me, it's more of how I feel toward her." He thinks over as he remembers his dating record. "Something about her will catch my interest, and I just start liking her. It's about feeling." He finishes explaining himself without a prompt from Jiwon.

"Don't worry. People have their preferences." She pats him again with an understanding smile.

He shrugs her hand off. "No really!" He whines and then catches himself. "Really, it's about feeling." He repeats slowly.

She just laughs, and walks over to the table to pick up her bag. "I'm not judging Taekwoon. I'm far from an expert on relationship. I only date once awhile."

He picks up his coat too since it's time to say goodbye for now. They would have hanged out longer today, but she has a theme party she has to show up too. She has invited him, but he's not fond of the idea of going to party where he doesn't know at least half of the people.

"Why?" He pulls open the door, and waits for her.

"Not many people want to date someone who's in between." She says so casually that he doesn't understand her words at first.

"What does that mean?" He titles his head ever lightly.

She comes up next to him, and trails her hand on her side, from her chest to her waist.

"Some people don't want to date a man who dresses fabulously like me. And some people prefer to date people who have women bodies."

Taekwoon frowns, and instantly feels defensive for her. He reaches out and pulls her slowly into a hug. "You look fabulous."

"I know." She giggles into his shirt, since she puts her head down onto his shoulder. She returns his hug tighter.

Her laughter sounds bright, and he's glad to hear it. After they part, she gently pats her hair, and then reaches out to mess with his. He cringes but lets her do it anyway. He likes seeing her smile, and he can always fix his hair later.


He blinks three times before he opens his mouth. "Why are you dressing like that?"

"What's wrong with my clothes?" Jiwon says defensively.

She looks down at her loose jeans, and oversize hoodie. It's a hoodie, and not a sweater. He has never seen her worn a hoodie before. She's also wearing giant brown chunky construction looking boots. Ever since he found out Jiwon is Wonsik, he has cut down on judging people on what they wear. However, this looks is not hers.

"I don't only wear skirts or shorts."

"I know that."

She has both women's and men's clothes. She doesn't like to apply gender titles to clothes. However, sometimes she has to use them when she's talking about the clothes, she wants to buy or already have.

It's as if for today, she picks the most masculine outfits she can find to wear. No, that's the wrong name for it. It's like some kid trying to look tough. That jean looks like it's going to fall off of her any second. He may or may not have seen a flash of the top of her underwear.

Pink. It was either pink or red. He blinks and mentally hits himself on the head. Sorry Jiwon. I didn't mean to see that!

"One of your friends is going to join us today at the baseball game. I thought I would dress nice."

He gives her a mild disbelief look. He has seen her many times, both at work and in private, to know this is not Jiwon's definition of looking nice.

She sighs. "He's your friend. I don't want you to be awkward, and have to explain to him about me."


"Don't worry, I have told him a tiny bit about you already." He gulps down his rising defensiveness for her. "I wouldn't introduce him to you if he was going to be judgmental."

"Oh. Okay." She pulls her jeans up, and scrunches her nose. She fixes her belt, and makes it tighter. "He can still be judgmental later."

"He doesn't have to sit with us then."

He doesn't need his friends to be friends with each other. People don't always click with everyone they meet. He himself sure doesn't click with everyone he meets or works with.

"If I ask you to hold my hand to walk down the seat aisles, would you?" She asks mischievously.

He knows she's teasing. Nevertheless, he gets fluster anyway, and narrows his eyes at her. She just chuckles, and whacks him on his arm.

"Do you want to change before we go?" He offers.

"Maybe this jean. It is loose on me." She tugs at her jeans, then at his nod, she's starting walking back to her building. "You can use he today." She adds.

"Why?" He twists his lips. "I'll just call my friend now, and says we will not go together with him."

"Nah, I like that pronounce today."

He catches up to her side, and her hand flutters over the crown of his hair. Right after, she shakes her hand in the wind. Ah, maybe there was dust or a strand of fur on his head. It's one negative aspect of having a pet. His pet's fur follows him everywhere.

"Do want to visit our hometown once of these day?" He asks as that thought suddenly enters his head.

He's due for another visit. His relatives have been bugging his parents about his presence. It will be nice to go together with Jiwon. They can revisit all their old haunts and playgrounds. They can see how much things have changed, and how certain places look smaller now that they are much bigger and taller.

Jiwon stares thoughtfully ahead as she walks. She hums as they walk side by side.

"Maybe. I came back once before, but I didn't talk to anyone. Maybe it will be nicer if we go together."

He nods.

She reaches out and put a hand around his forearm. "I'll wear a leopard printed dress, and calls you my boyfriend." She smiles as she teases him.

He smiles along with her.

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Chapter 2: as soon as I read the dress description, I screamed.
Chapter 3: EYy?! Completed already? I feel I want more... Well, maybe, the point here was the reunion and acceptance... (I dunno..I'm blabbering)
Chapter 2: Aww! I wasn't expecting a fem Wonshik. But it's still cute!!
Chapter 1: Oh my! Shall I pity you Ravi??? Ehehehe!! Just know that I love WonTaek! So, bear with your adorable kitten! XD
Blue82 #5
Chapter 3: I'm not sure what to say. I want them to be in love but it's completed. Cross dressing and gender fluid is always nice to see. I'm cis but lean a bit towards pan and I've dated many bi and cis as well as a bi cross dresser (private since he wasn't and still is not out).
BookWormNerd #6
Chapter 3: It's so freakin' beautiful~ ;~;
Chapter 3: Agjdkdks i need more make this a full series omf-
theamnesiac #8
Chapter 2: precious omgggg jiwon ;/////,
kpopluver4 #9
Chapter 1: hahahaha
this is so funny!!
poor ravi