1 - His angelic face is a trap

Leo/Ravi random rabbles

Many Starlights think my boyfriend is cute and adorable with his shyness on camera, and his embarrassment of doing any aegyo or doing anything remotely cute, again on camera. I do agree agree with you all up to a point. Taekwoon is really all those things, on camera. However the guy can actually be a freaking tease and very mischievous. He may not join in doing the teasing or pranking but you can be sure he's somewhere on the side cheering the pranksters on or laughing at the victims enjoying their pain. Till this day, he remember that Taekwoon rather pointed at the bug that kept landing on Wonshik's hat during in one of those episodes than helped flicking the bug away. So what if he's a grown man who doesn't like tiny bugs. He's allowed to have weaknesses okay.

"So did you buy the Beanie?" A voice interrupts Wonshik's peaceful daydreaming. He stops writing his complaints to imaginary Starlights on his laptop and looks up at his boyfriend's face. Yes yes imaginary Starlights. There's no way he will actually send his thoughts to real people. Jellyfish will kill him if Hakyeon-hyung doesn't bury him first. But anyway back to focusing on his beloved and sometimes frustrating boyfriend. He scrunched his forehead, trying hard to understand Taekwoon's question and fails. "Huh what Beanie?"

His boyfriend is sporting his small angelic smile he usually bestows upon their gullible fans, couples with his soft and gentle eyes. Yeah right soft and gentle. "The Beanie I was looking at when we were out. You said you would buy it for me."

Dread starts to climb up Wonshik's spine, giving him chill. He sputters, "but...but.. you said you don't want it."

The small angelic smile is now gone and is replaced by small pouting lips. Starlights you can all agree right? Taekwoon doesn't even need to make any grand gestures or do sad faces to tug your heart strings. The freaking ! Albeit his is not very big. But they are still nice to look at. Yes yes they are. Wait wait he's getting off track. But what can he say. He didn't buy the beanie after all. He should have just buy the darn Beanie even if Taekwoon told him not to waste his money.

"So you didn't buy it?" Taekwoon's soft eyes seem to be staring into his soul. Don't be fool by him again. His consciousness squeaks at him weakly.

"No." Wonshiks' voice comes out small. He wants to hunch his shoulder. He hates that he sounds guilty when he's not.

Taekwoon releases a sigh. He gives a tiny smile hiding his disappointment. "It's okay. I just wonder. I'll let you get back to your songwriting." He leaves and closes the door ever so gently. The !!!! Wonshik wants to take off his cap and throws it at the door or at least at the wall to vent his frustration. But then he would have to get up to retrieve his cap so he chooses to punch in random letters on his keyboard instead. If he throws his hat at the door, it will just be his luck that the hat hits Taekwoon in the face incase he comes back in.


Why do I even put up with him? All he does is tease me at every opportunity he can get. Starlights, let's not forget the countless time Taekwoon votes me for whatever objectionable categories the group is discussing just because he feels like it. Or those time that he simply states he doesn't want them to be teammates because they rarely win when they are on the same team. The ! He should put in more effort in winning then if he wants to win so bad. Actually never mind. He will just make everything into a radish pulling game or a strength game.

"Sir, it's $30 for the Beanie."

Wonshik stops his daydreaming for the second time that day and takes out his wallet to pay the cashier. Yes yes Starlights I know I'm weak. Don't tell me you won't do the same in my situation. You probably even bring food on the way home for him too. Not only that you will coo at him as you feed him those food. It's okay I'll just get back at him the next time we are at another fan meeting. Why do you think Hakyeon-hyung and I keep forcing him to do embarrassing stuffs. We know his real nature. Only at those time he can't retaliate properly. Hahahhah. He can't do much to Hakyeon-hyung because it's Haykeon-hyung. Taekwoon lets that hyung gets away with too many things. I'm his boyfriend so obviously I get away with the teasing too. He never throws anything at me like he does at Jaehwan-hyung or anyone else. He just sits there and endures with the teasing. There are perks after all of dating Taekwoon. I can or makes jokes about him as much as I want. He'll just smiles indulgently at me.


..... while inside his head he's probably plotting something mischievous. Don't be fool by his face Starlights. Learn from me. I have fallen down the well and I can't get up.

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Chapter 2: as soon as I read the dress description, I screamed.
Chapter 3: EYy?! Completed already? I feel I want more... Well, maybe, the point here was the reunion and acceptance... (I dunno..I'm blabbering)
Chapter 2: Aww! I wasn't expecting a fem Wonshik. But it's still cute!!
Chapter 1: Oh my! Shall I pity you Ravi??? Ehehehe!! Just know that I love WonTaek! So, bear with your adorable kitten! XD
Blue82 #5
Chapter 3: I'm not sure what to say. I want them to be in love but it's completed. Cross dressing and gender fluid is always nice to see. I'm cis but lean a bit towards pan and I've dated many bi and cis as well as a bi cross dresser (private since he wasn't and still is not out).
BookWormNerd #6
Chapter 3: It's so freakin' beautiful~ ;~;
Chapter 3: Agjdkdks i need more make this a full series omf-
theamnesiac #8
Chapter 2: precious omgggg jiwon ;/////,
kpopluver4 #9
Chapter 1: hahahaha
this is so funny!!
poor ravi