In the Beginning

Its you!

 It was a beautiful summers day... but I'm stuck inside in school, listening to Suho and Lay bickering at eachother. 

¨Why were you flirting with her?" asked Lay.

¨I was just showing her the change room!¨ smirked Suho.

¨I already called dibbs on her!¨

¨No, you just said you liked her. You should have been more clear!¨

¨Why don't I make it clear!¨ said Lay getting out of his seat.

Before he could get any farther Yifang stood up and came in front of Suho.

¨Why dont you just ask her out. She's been going to school for three months now, and plus you're her lab ¨partner¨. So just-¨. She stops talking as her eyes come across her long time crush. Sure he wasn't attractive to many girls, but to her he was the cutest thing and he was very smart.

¨Oh isn't he wearing the same sweater as yesterday Yifi!¨ said Lay.

Suho started laughing.

¨Hey Xiumin!¨ said Lay.

And before Xiumin could turn around, both Lay and Suho ducked under the table and left Yifang standing there alone.

Xiumin turned around to see Yifang standing there alone. Her cheeks burning pink. There gaze met and he started walking towards her.

"Hey Yifang!" said Xiumin.

"H-h-h-h-h-hello!" stuttered Yifang.

He stopped infront of her only inches away. The bell rang telling the students the last period had started.

"Well gotta go!" said Xiumin. And he turned around to leave the classroom.

Suho and Lay got out from under the table and stood next to Yifang.

"So how was your "session" with Xiumin?" asked Suho.

Yifang took her bag and attacked him with it.


"Sit down you three!" said the teacher.

The next hour was interesting for Yifang. She couldn't stop thinking about Xiumin.

"Hey Yifang...Yifang...Yifang".

"Miss Yifang what did I just say?" the teacher slapped the ruler infront of Yifang .







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Lay008 #1
Yeh sorry abt that
Chapter 2: Dude hide this chapter, it's not done yet!
Lay008 #3
Shut Up! Its for Leon!
Update sooooon! I'm honoured to have a story named after me!!!!!!!!
Lay008 #5
This is my first fanfic no haters please