
Another Half

"Tao." Kris smiled brightly. He can't even think of this day. He was told that Tao was going to be in the country about the next month, not this early. But either way, he was so happy to see him.


The said boy nodded. He was facing a tall, good looking blonde guy. "You really are the same." 


"Did I look good to you?" Kris asked in a seductive voice. His friends were in shock. Kris behaved weird, nobody was sure what the hell was going on.


"Actually, you kinda look ugly, but that's fine. I always know that you were less handsome than Mimi Ge." Tao said looking Kris up and down.


Chanyeol can believe what this guy had just said. Well not only him but all of them. There was no person who can said that to Kris. I mean, Kris was the most hot guy on campus, everyone wanted to date him, befriend him, heck even a gaze will be enough to die for. But here it was this good looking man saying those rude words to the God campus.


"How dare you?!" Chanyeol gasped out loud. "Hey, I'm talking to you rude boy!" 


Kris was busy admiring Tao that he kind of lost the tone of Chanyeol's words. Tao looked back at the boy who yelled to him. "Oh, excuse me. Did I do something to you.?" Tao asked not knowing what this person was so mad about.


"Hell yeah, well actually not to me but to Kris!"


"I'm not. I only said he was ugly. That all." Tao said as not big deal. Chanyeol was beyond mad. Jongin kept eating alive the boy's body with no mercy.


"Ugly?! What the is wrong with you?" Ren almost yelled, Baekhyun held him by the arm.


"Chanyeol said something to Kris." Suho asked him.


"Kris. Damn it,man!" Chanyeol hit Kris in the shoulder to bring him back to the earth. 


"What the is your ing damn problem !" Kris said between teeth. 


"He is our problem, he is so rude." Ren said doing a pout, Baekhyun couldn't help but squeal at the cute sight.


"Rude. Who? What the hell are all of you doing here. Get the off." Kris was man and all of them knew it.


"Hey, is Okay. Actually they were a big of help here." Tao said and turned to look at the crew friends. "I don't know what I did wrong to make you all mad but I'm sorry for all troubles and well yeah, sorry." He said. 


"Wooh, wooh, wooh. Hold on. What are you apologizing for?" Kris asked and looked at his friends.


Tao shrugged. "I don't know, he." Tao pointed to Chanyeol. "He said I was rude just as that boy."


"Well speak." Kris looked coldly at Chanyeol.


"I-I just, I thought, well actually all of us, hum...the thing is th-"


"The thing is that that boy was being so rude with you. Chanyeol and I only asked for him to have a little bit of respect for you." Ren replied batting his eyelashes to Kris.


"And who the are you?" 


"My god Kris." Baekhyun said almost in tears." He is Ren, the super model who is in love with you at first sight and....oh god, you really are something what a cold guy you are."


Kris just rolled his eyes at what the puppy guy was saying.

"Is fine Baeki, really." Ren said in a sad voice.


"See, you are really heartless." Jongin sighed.


"Whatever, not my problem." Kris said to all and then looked at Ren. "Listen, why don't you just back the off and leave me alone. You really are a ugly one."


Ren was almost in tears but he already know that Kris was hard to get so he just took a deep breath and smiled back. "Is fine Kris. I will work hard for now on. I'm in love with you and I swear you will fall for me. We're going to be a couple. I lovely one." 


"Ren is so strong." Luhan said in a whispered.


Tao smiled. It was the same since the very beginning. Everyone loves Kris. 


"Love at first sight?" Tao asked.


"God." Kris sighed.


"Yep." Baekhyun was the one who answered Tao's question. "Isn't it cute? Ren, a super model by the way, fell in love with Kris at first sight. Even thought Kris is a bit bonehead...I bet they will be a couple." 


"Cute, indeed." Tao giggled causing a beating fast speed in Jongin's heart. Kris felt his legs as jelly.


"Woah you are cute." Kyungsoo said.


"YiFan, take him to a date." Tao cheered, then someone was at his sight. "Oh Mimi Ge!" Tao was about to run after the said person when Kris grabbed his arm.


"Where are you going?" He asked.


"With Mimi Ge, actually I was looking for you to take me with him but since he is there, I don't need you anymore." Tao smiled playfully.


"Really?!" Kris whined.


Tao turned to Kris friends. "Thank you so much for helping me."


"It was my pleasu-I mean, our pleasure."Jongin said smiling back at Tao.


"Did you know Mi Ge?" Baekhyun and Ren asked him.


"I do. He is my Gege." Tao answered and Kris whined again.


"I do too. He is my Ge or Hyung too." Ren said happily.


"No, I mean he is my brother, like real brother." 


"NO WAY!" Ren and Baekhyun yelled.


"Well yeah what a great thing, now don't talk to Tao." Kris warning at the two.


"Anyway, I need to go. YiFan I'll see you at h-" 


"No way in hell I'm going to let you be alone with that freak. I'm going with you." He closed his car.


"Again? Gosh, he is my brother!" Tao whined cutely earning a lovely sight form all of them, special one. A tanned boy.


"Whatever. Now let's go." Kris held Tao's hand and started to walking.


"Wait please." Ren said. He as the others looked at the intertwined hands. Jongin felt a little bit of jealousy but Ren was more mad at this. "What is your relationship with My Kris? Please, don't try and be to close to him."


Tao's eyes were wide opened. "I'm sorry but I ca-"


"Is okay Tao. First of all: I'm Not Yours, god save me. Second: he can try and be as much as close as he wants. Who the are you to saying those words? We are not even friends so don't talk to him like that again. And finally, our relationship is none of your business but I'm going to let you know. He is my wife." Kris took Tao's hand and walked to Tao's older brother car.


A/N Im baaack! This one the first update for this story, the others will be later today! 

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reenee09 #1
Chapter 4: I guess Fei is Tao's cousin.
Chapter 4: update soon please!!!
pandabaozibun #3
Chapter 4: Tao is the mama, yes? i hoe u'll update soon....
leeleeloveskpop #4
Chapter 4: Oh my so cute
Art18999 #5
Chapter 4: so cuttee~~ *///*
Please update soon^^
i want more.....
in love with this story...
deegakwon #7
Chapter 4: i love your story.. please update soon authornim. i can't wait! >.<
Chapter 4: Uuuu~~ sooo fei is tao and kris daughter than.. I tot she is taos mom xD