My Mistake

After 1095

 The next morning, Sehun sat on his bed thinking about what he should have done.

"What if Luhan went to the meeting spot? I didn't show up! He probably hates me! Well, he tricked me, I shouldn't care... He hurt me feelings! But if he didn't show because he saw how shocked I was... Then I should hate him for trying to stand me up!" Sehun though aloud. Maybe a little too loud. His sister, Oh HaYoung, started banging on the door for him to shut up about his problems. He decided to rant about the issue to his friends at their favorite bubble tea shop.

Meanwhile, Luhan was sick in bed with a fever because he waited outside in the cold so long. Baekhyun had to go to work soon, so he called into Luhan's work place and told them he was sick at home with a high fever. He left Minseok to take care of him. Baekhyun had heard Luhan cursing about a man named Oh Sehun while in his sleep. He had heard that name before... Something about dates, stood up, idiots, and brunnette. It sounded like love issue to Baekhyun, and he was into that kind of , so he dubbed himself the 'Master of Issues Involving Love!'. Nobody listened to that idiot though.

Sehun arrived at the bubble tea place and all his friends were gathered outside.

"What's going on? Aren't we going inside? This place is always on Saturdays" He pointed out. Zitao, or just Tao, sighed, "The mangaer isn't here so the store isn't open yet."

"Well, we only just got here, we can wait." Chanyeol piped in. This was his first time coming to this bubble tea place because he always had work on the day of their gatherings. He took the day off to finally hang out.

Sehun spotted this short kid behind Chanyeol and asked who he was. "Oh, this Lee Byunghun. I met him trying to look for his roomate Chunji. I helped him out and we became friends!" Chanyeol boasted, looking proud.

"Well, you can just call me L.Joe" The short kid responded. Sehun shrugged and looked inside the little shop's window. Everything seemed normal, except there was no one inside.

"LOOK OUT!" a voice from behind them screamed. Chanyeol, stupidly, turned around. Sehun, Tao, and L.Joe stepped to the side, and the small-ish kid who yelled ran face first into Chanyeol, knocking him down. Tao knelt down next to them and poked Chanyeol's unconsious face.

"He's dead." Tao suggested, putting his jacket on Chanyeol's face as if he actually were dead. Chanyeol's eyes opened and he groaned. He attempted to get up but he felt too heavy. Chanyeol looked down and his face was met with a tuff of curley hair. The kid looked up at Chanyeol and they both blushed.

"I-im so sorry! I was late for work and ran all the way here, but couldn't slow down because it was down hill.." His voice fell quieter as he explained. He slowly got up, leaving chanyeol speechless, and unlocked the bubble tea store's door. He walked in, being followed by the little crew that was loitering earlier. They all sat down at the counter-bar while the curley haired boy got behind the counter.

"God Baekhyun, you just had to run into this giant here, when you could've run into my arms instead" Tao winked and Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"You know him?" Chanyeol questioned, looking at all of them.

"Well, maybe if you hung out more often, you would know him too." Sehun stared at Chanyeol with his signature poker face. Chanyeol glared back at Sehun in response. He took a glance at Baekhyun, who was already staring at him. The smaller boy's face turned tomato red, and he turned around, turning on the blender. L.Joe noticed and knudged suggestively at Chanyeol. Tao was texting on his phone, probably to his step-cousin, who was very close to him. Sehun stood up and cleared his throat, signaling for all of them to look at him.

"Three days ago, I met a girl." He started. "A very beautiful girl at that. Her name was Xi Luhan"

Baekhyun dropped a bubble tea at what he had just heard. They all looked at him, and he went to his knees to clean it up, but was also eavesdropping on the brunnette's little speech.

"We literally ran into eachother, and dropped our phones. she accidentally picked up mine, and later gave it back. I asked her out on a date" He continued, trying not to look sad.

"But when she gave it back, it turned out she was actually a dude...." He muttered. Tao swallowed his cough drop and started gagging, Chanyeol made a confused look, and L.Joe started laughing. Sehun's face turned red with embarassment, and sat down.

"Wow Sehun, at first i didn't think the infamous playboy would ever ask out a girl. Let alone a guy!" Chanyeol laughed out loud.

"Well I didn't actually go on the date, I mean i'm not into guys!" Sehun tried to make things better, but only made it worse. Baekhyun stood up and pointed to Sehun.


"You stood him up? That's not cool." Tao looked at Sehun, shaking his head.

"You should go apologize." L.Joe butted in. Chanyeol nodded. Baekhyun jumped over the counter and grabbed Sehun's collar.

"You're coming with me." the smaller boy whispered, Sehun nodded not wanting to be killed. The other boy's followed Baekhyun to the open-house inn. When Baekhyun opened the door, he pushed Sehun inside, everyone else barely made it before the little coffee haired boy harshly slammed the door shut. Kyungsoo came out of the kitchen with a confused look on his face.

"What's with all the noise, Byunbaek?" He asked the most innocently as humanly possible. Tao felt like holy water was being flinged on him as soon as he set eyes on the pure boy.

"Kyungsoo, meet Chanyeol, Tao, and Lee Jar. Make them some tea" Baekhyun ordered, dragging Sehun up the stairs to Luhan's room. L.Joe was about to correct him, but he was already gone. Kyungsoo smiled at the boys, directing them to the kitchen. They all gulped and naÏvely followed the sweet little male.

"Now, you go in there and apologize. You better beg for forgiveness, Luhan doesn't forgive easily." Baekhyun minded, pushing Sehun into Luhan's room. He stumbled on his way in, but caught himself.

"I don't want to talk to him anyways..." Sehun muttered to himself. He looked around, and noticed no one was in the room, but the bathroom light was on. He sat on the bed to wait because he knew that Baek wouldn't let him out without apologizing.

Luhan sat in the bathroom, popping some cold medicine into his mouth. He still felt crappy, and had just got done with his shower. Still in his towel, he looked for a brush, but decided not to push himself too much. He opened the bathroom door to see the only jerk he never wanted to see again. He squinted his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, and to his dismay, it was real. Sehun looked up at the open door and saw Luhan, just wearing a towel, which he noticed hung loosely on the blonde boy's waist. Sehun's face turned completely red and he looked down at his feet. Luhan rolled his eyes and strolled into his room. Ignoring the jerk who sat upon his bed, he started digging though his drawers looking for some pajamas to wear to bed. He found his rudolph sweatpants and TVXQ t-shirt. Good enough for Luhan.

Sehun watched in the corner of his eye as Luhan dropped his towel and casually put on his clothes. The brunnette's face turned a darker shade of red, if that was possible, and he looked at the opposite wall.

"Why are you all red? We're both guys afterall, right?" Luhan finally broke the silence. Sehun turned his head to say something, but Luhan was already right in his face.

"So, you run me over, chase me, take my phone, ask me on a date, stand me up, and now im sick. What a gentlemen you must be." Luhan deadpanned. Sehun gulped and stared back at Luhan, trying not to sound shaken.

"Well, you didn't tell me you were a guy, and I felt tricked. I'm not gay!" Sehun pointed out. Luhan rolled his eyes and pushed Sehun down so his back was on the bed. The little blonde got close enough to Sehun's face that it wasn't possible to move without kissing. He noticed how red Sehun's cheeks have gotten.

"It was obvious, yet you never asked" Luhan whispered. Sehun felt immediate guilt after those words came out of Luhan's mouth. It was true. He never did ask, even though he knew something was weird. Suddenly he felt a pair of small, soft lips on his. His eyes grew wide, and he pushed Luhan off.

"W-what are y-" Sehun stopped there when he heard snoring. Luhan had passed out. Sehun lifted Luhan onto the bed so his head was on his pillow. He covered the older kid, and turned off the light and left.

"Did you apologize?" An unknown man stood in front of Sehun. "Baekhyun told me to ask. I'm Minseok, by the way. He hadn't told me what happened, but I have a feeling you would live better with me not knowing." Minseok crossed his arms, staring at Sehun. Sehun nodded and asked where the bathroom was. Minseok pointed the way and Sehun stumbled into the small restroom. After closing the door, he slid down the wall until he was sitting. He could hear his heartbeat ringing in his ears, and was afraid somebody would hear. His face grew a grizzly pink as he lifted his hand to touch his lips.

'Luhan kissed me....' He thought.

"I'M NOT GAY!" He yelled in defense to his own thoughts. But he hesitated for a moment. He started thinking about how pretty Luhan looked. How maybe, he wanted to kiss Luhan before the little blonde kissed him first. And how it didn't feel like Luhan was a normal guy just changing in front of him.

"Am I...?" His eyes grew wide as he thought aloud.

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Ohluhan101 #1
Chapter 1: OMG. OMG. OMG.
Lattexo #2
Hello Panda_Doll
My name is Lattexo and I'm a Vietnamese translator
I would want to ask you your authorisation to translate your "After 1905"
I hope you will answer.
But I don't (and i can't) forget to say the most important thing :
Thank you for all your work
~ Lattexo ~
DinoPearl_Riza #3
Chapter 10: oh i just realized that they used jongin's car XD hahaha
ceisya #4
Chapter 10: Updateee soon
DinoPearl_Riza #5
Chapter 9: omg it's great ><
sorry i've been a silent reader for a while.. i just read it all today.. hehe
oww.. foor sehuna... why did you play with the stove anyway...
I love it! Great job! I think it is very good so keep up with the great work.
Chapter 8: But i like ur story tho~ =)
Nefastraven #8
Chapter 4: soooo you'll finally know the answer to your question
sorry I didn't answer yesterday I started watching Baka to Test and I was distracted
It was Minseok that's your answer
Lujan has Sehun-sense he knows ALLLL
loveluck #9
Chapter 4: Wherr hav u been all my lyf?!>.> omg this flufff@$#&@ this is wat I need... too much angst wiv othrrs; its sad so yayyy! soo cute XD!