Chapter 2: Zombies and Screaming

A Poster Boyfriend


After a steaming, refreshing shower, Jessica quickly dressed and looked in the bathroom mirror. Her shoulder-length hair was sticking every which way, still damp and dripping wet, but otherwise she was presentable.

A part of her was hoping that what happened not even twenty minutes earlier was just a dream, that she imagined being able to communicate effortlessly with JR was so far fetched. Or the fact that he was currently sitting on her bed still watching Spongebob was just in her head.

Yet there he was, seemingly at home, sprawled comfortably on her bed; the remote sat on his stomach with his hands cradling the back of his head. He had slipped off his boots, and they were neatly set aside at the foot of Jessica's bed.

Jessica could only stare at him with numb disbelief for a moment before he realized she was back. He jumped slightly, sat up quickly and awkwardly, before scratching the back of his head in embarrassed shame.

"So..." he started awkwardly. "What can I do now...?"

"You mean, like, getting home?" Jessica asked. JR nodded slowly, and Jessica could only bite her lip, unable to answer.

"Well it would help to know how you got here," Jessica tried. JR nodded again, seeming to be thinking.

A deep sigh escaped JR with the rise and fall of his chest. He looked intensely to Jessica then, and Jessica tried to stare back.

"You honestly don't know how I got here?" JR asked seriously.

Jessica nodded her head quickly; under his piercing gaze, Jessica struggled to find words to speak. "I was about to take a shower when you fell into my bed," she managed to spit out.

"I fell?" JR asked.

"Well it sounded like one of my posters falling so..." Jessica mumbled.

JR glanced around Jessica's room again, this time taking the time to actually LOOK at the posters on her walls. Sure enough, there were dozens of posters of various sizes and idols. JR nodded slowly, humming in thought. "You have a lot."

"And sometimes they fall, which is really annoying," Jessica added. "Because I have to put new tape on them and I'm scared of them ripping when I pull the old tape off..."

JR smiled and chuckled slightly. "I'm surprised by how many Korean idols are on your walls," he said.

"Well kpop is awesome," Jessica reasoned.

"You don't have any girl groups up," JR pointed out. But he shrugged it off, saying, "but that's not really important right now, I guess...what really important is how I got here and how do I get home."

Jessica blinked in silent agreement and pity as JR quietly sat on her bed, mulling over any possible ideas. He crossed his arms, pinched his eyebrows together, and stared at something only he could see. He only did this for a moment, until he looked to Jessica, silently asking for answers. "What?" JR asked, noticing the way Jessica's eyes softened in sympathy the longer she stared at him.

"I don't know if you're going to get home. I don't even know if you CAN get home..." she explained.

"I can't go home?" JR asked, now a bit more emotional than moments before.

"Well...plane tickets are expensive!" Jessica said. "But even looks like you don't even have your passport."

JR stared at her dumbly for a moment before frantically patting his jacket pockets and searching his person. After a moment, he scrunched his eyes closed and let out a soft groan of frustration. "I don't even have my wallet..." he grumbled in a low voice.

Just then, Jessica and JR heard the growing noise of Jessica's dogs from somewhere down the hall; they were soft growls that burst into a fit of barking. Jessica stepped out of her room to look down the hallway. She walked into the living room and saw her small dogs standing proudly on one of the sofas in the living room, barking and wagging their tails at the front hall, and more specifically, the door.

"Dogs? You have dogs?" JR asked, surprising Jessica. He stood beside her, staring at the dogs who were fixated on the front door. JR asked, in a tone mixed with excitement and apprehension, "Why are they barking?"

Jessica realized with a start as she heard a voice ring out, "We're here!" and the front door flew open.

Three teenage girls stood on the other side of the doorway, and Jessica inwardly screamed, Oh crap they're already here?!

She didn't know what to do, and stood dumbly in the living room as her younger sister and their two friends clambered into the house; they closed the door quickly so the dogs wouldn't bolt outside and be lost forever.

Jessica's sister Emily was only slightly taller than Jessica, was athletic and fit, had dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. The girls' two friends, Renae and Scarlet, were both different in height and appearances. Renae was as tall as Emily—if not a bit taller—had long brown hair, and small brown eyes. Scarlet was much shorter than her friends, with curly red hair and green eyes.

"It's so HOT in here!" Renae whined, fanning herself. The three girls shuffled into the living room, not yet noticing the teenage boy among them.

It wasn't until Scarlet turned to say something to Jessica did she freeze. "UM...!" was all she was able to get out before Emily and Renae screamed abruptly in surprise.

"JR?!" they squeaked loudly.

The boy jumped at the sudden screams, but smiled brightly and greeted the girls. "Hi there," he said sheepishly.

"Oh my gosh," Emily whispered, cheeks flushing bright pink.

"What are you doing here?" Renae asked, eyes wide in disbelief. "Is the rest of NU'EST here too?!"

JR looked to Jessica, lost, before the girl made an 'ah' noise of realization. "These are my sister and friends," she explained. "That's my sister Emily, and our friends Renae and Scarlet." Jessica motioned to each girl as she introduced them to JR.

"Hello," JR greeted a second time. He smiled, adding, "It's nice to meet you girls."

Jessica could tell that her sister was internally freaking out, while their friends just stood with stunned, disbelieving faces. JR suddenly tapped Jessica on the shoulder, turning her attention to him.

"Um...I never got your name," he pointed out.

Jessica blinked in surprise for a moment before stuttering, "O-Oh. Um, my name is Jessica."

JR nodded slowly, grinning slightly. "Ok, so it's Jessica, Emily, Renae and Scarlet?" he repeated.

"Yep, but you should probably make out autographs separately," Renae joked.

JR laughed then, asking, "You want one?"

"Heck yea!" Renae said excitedly.

JR and Jessica momentarily forgot everything that had happened to them in the whirlwind of twenty minutes or so as JR signed whatever the girls shoved his way. Renae had him sign the inside of her journal—more than once—while Scarlet shyly asked him to sign her own journal. Then, Emily suddenly ran into her room and came back out with several NU'EST CDs, surprising JR.

"These too please?" Emily asked, smile wavering in an attempt to keep herself from screaming and fan-girling.

"Ugh I knew I should have brought my CDs to school!" Renae whined. "But seriously though, how did you get here? What are you doing here? And are the other members of NU'EST here too?"

"It's just me," JR answered.

"How did you learn English so fast?" Scarlet asked softly, eyes wide and curious.

"English?" JR echoed. "Does it sound like I'm speaking English to you?"

"Yeah," Renae answered.

"So are you not speaking English? Then how can we understand you? We can't speak Korean," Emily said.

"That's so weird..." JR murmured, confused. "To me, it sounds like you girls are speaking in Korean, but to sounds like I'm speaking in English?"

The three girls nodded, with Jessica just staring dumbly at the group. It still felt so surreal for her, for him to be standing right in front of her.

"But how did you get here?" Renae asked for what seemed liked the umpteenth time.

"Oh, I don't know," JR answered bluntly.

"Seriously?" Scarlet asked, skeptical.

JR nodded and shrugged, saying, "The last thing I remember was going to sleep. The next thing I knew, I was wearing my clothes from the Hello concept. That, and I was sitting in Jessica's room."

All eyes were on Jessica then. "What did you do?" Emily asked seriously.

"Me?!" Jessica squeaked. "I didn't do anything! I was about to take a shower when I suddenly heard something in my room!"

Emily, Renae, and Scarlet squinted their eyes with disbelief before Renae demanded, "Let's see your room."

The three girls marched down the hallway and into Jessica's room. They looked around for even the smallest of details. "Your room is a MESS," Emily complained.

"Well EXCUSE ME for not having it clean 24/7," Jessica mumbled. "It's not like I was EXPECTING anyone to come falling out of my posters..."

"Falling out of your posters?" Scarlet echoed, suddenly curious.

"Well, I mean...that's the only thing that makes sense," Jessica reasoned, catching the other girls' attention.

"What do you mean?" Danielle asked.

"Look at my Hello poster over there," Jessica explained, pointing to one of her walls. The three girls turned and gasped.

"What happened to your poster?!" Scarlet asked, mortified.

"Where's JR?!" Renae shouted.

Jessica's sister stared at the distorted poster for a moment before turning to her sister. Emily then turned to JR, who seemed to follow her older sister like a shadow. "Where did you COME from?" she asked, though it wasn't really accusing JR. If anything, it was a rhetorical question that hovered in the air, with no explanation or way of answering.

"How long do you think you'll be here?" Renae decided to ask.

JR seemed to pout in thought then, and the girls had to keep themselves from fan-girling at his expression. There was a bit of silence before JR said, "Well...I can't really go anywhere. I don't have my wallet or passport...or even my cellphone. And I don't remember my manager's phone number...basically I'm stuck here until people notice I'm missing and they start searching for me."

Jessica and the girls' jaws dropped at his matter-of-fact type of answer. He looked to them, suddenly aware of his relaxed answer. "Well I mean it's not like I can do anything, right? There's no use stressing about it," he tried to defend himself.

The girls looked to each other, worried for a moment; it wasn't until Renae spoke up, saying, "I guess..."

"You'll need a place to stay then," Emily said.

"I can't stay here?" JR asked, surprising himself for a moment. Why did he seem so comfortable here?

Jessica and Emily glanced to each other nervously. They wouldn't mind AT ALL if JR wanted to stay in their home. But they weren't the only ones who lived in their house, after all.

I HIGHLY doubt mom and dad will let a teenage boy stay in our house, Jessica thought.

"I don't see why not, but..." Emily started, voicing Jessica's inner worries.

"You can use the spare bedroom," Jessica said. Emily gave her sister a hard stare. "I'm sure our parents will understand when we tell them what happened...even though I don't really understand it myself..."

JR smiled, somewhat relieved. "Okay," he said.

Everyone decided that their brains were hurting too much from trying to answer questions that led to more questions than answers. Emily offered the group to play some video games, which JR seemed excited and curious about.

"What kind of games?" he asked enthusiastically.

"Let's play zombies!" Renae announced.

"But Renae, only two people can play that," Scarlet scolded.

"I don't mind just watching," Jessica spoke up; she knew she was a below average video game player.

"Do you want to play zombies JR?" Renae asked excitedly.

"Zombies?" JR asked.

"There's a zombie mode on Call of Duty," Emily explained.

"You mean on the Black Ops 2," Renae added.

"Yeah, and it's REALLY fun," Emily continued, though she looked to her friend, slightly perturbed by her cutting into the explanation.

"Um, sure we can do that," JR answered, smiling. "But if it's okay, I'll watch for the first round. I've never played before so I want to see before I play."

"Sure! Renae and Scarlet are really good at playing," Emily chirped happily. "We can play the next round together."

Wow, smooth. Jessica praised her sister for the subtle flirting moves she demonstrated perfectly.

The group of teenagers left Jessica's room and entered the living room. Emily and Jessica set up their XBox and television; Scarlet let the dogs out, because they were whining and scratching at the back door. Once the room was a little quieter—because the spastic, barking dogs were outside chasing shadows and their own tails—the game night began.

JR took a seat next to Jessica on the large couch in the living room, smiling briefly to her before Emily sat on his other side. The sisters' friends sat on the loveseat couch adjacent to the others, controllers in their hands and determined looks on their faces. Scarlet and Renae scrolled through the game options with expert ease, and JR watched in captivated interest as the screen morphed into a darker setting. The game started, and Emily started to explain—with the occasional help of Renae or Scarlet—the rules of the game. She talked about the different buttons, and Renae turned her controller to JR so he could see what Emily was talking about.

Pretty soon, the screen changed once more, and the first round began. The girls' characters were in what looked like an old German movie theater. They were in what looked like the grand entrance/entertaining area, and there were two sets of stairs on either side of the room. It was slow at first, with a only few zombies showing up. JR jumped a bit when Scarlet screamed in surprise as a zombie hit her from behind.

"They're coming from YOUR door, Renae!" Scarlet growled. Renae only laughed and half-heartedly apologized. Her character marched over to Scarlet's before shooting the zombies that came charging from an opening in one of the walls.

The game continued on, with more and more zombies starting to swarm the different points of entrance or "doors". Scarlet was whining when she and Renae suddenly screamed. The level had changed and smoke started to cover their screen.

"NO! RENAE RUN!" Scarlet cried out.

"I'm TRYING BUT THE CONTROLLER—" Renae cut herself off as her character became turned around. "WHERE ARE YOU LOOKING?!" She screamed at her character, making the Jessica, Emily, and JR laugh.

"I'M ALONE!" Scarlet half-whined, half-sobbed as her character ran through different exits and down a flight of stairs.

"HOLD ON I'M COMING!" Renae snapped. Her character followed the same way Scarlet's had gone, and Renae said, "THERE, see?"

Jessica jumped in her seat when Scarlet let out another scream as a ball of lightning exploded in front of her character. Jessica glared at her friend and complained, "Don't DO that! You scared me!"

She was about to say more but noticed JR staring at her. She smiled nervously, unsure of what to say. "D-Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Jessica asked, suddenly aware of her lack of being a good host.

My mother would kill me if she found out I wasn't being nice to guests... Jessica thought.

"Could I get water?" Renae asked.

"Oh me too!" Emily piped up.

"You live here, you know where the water is!" Jessica snapped at her sister.

"Water sounds good," JR said.

Jessica nodded and grabbed several water bottles from the kitchen fridge. "We also have some snacks," Jessica offered.

"What do we have?" Emily asked, entering the kitchen.

The two sisters grabbed a big bowl and popped some popcorn. They also grabbed another bowl before dumping a bag of Chex Mix into it. Jessica handed out the bottled waters as her sister set out the bowls of snacks.

JR reached to the water from Jessica, but froze in surprise when his hand touched Jessica's instead. She blinked, slightly startled, because JR turned a light pink as he took his hand away quickly. Jessica wasn't able to process what happened because her friends let out angry cries of frustration and anguish as they died in the game.

"WE WERE SO CLOSE TO LEVEL TWELVE!" Renae shouted, pouting with a mix of dejection and rage.

"Look at them molest your dead bodies," Emily murmured as she watched the end game screen.

JR choked on his water then, sputtering, "W-What?!"

Emily turned to the boy next to her, stunned, before turning a dark red and looking away rather embarrassed. Renae, Scarlet, and Jessica could only laugh in response. The controllers were passed to JR and Emily, and JR bit his lip.

He unconsciously leaned closer to Jessica, their shoulders touching, as he showed her the controller. “Which button do I shoot with?” he asked.

Jessica reached out to show him but froze when she realized how close they were. When did he get so close? Jessica wondered with wide eyes. She blushed slightly as she tried to continue on without any distractions.

“R-Right here, this button,” Jessica said, tapping one of the front buttons. Completely shy about their closeness, Jessica stood from her seat, muttering, “I’ll just let the dogs in…”

JR stared at her as she left, but slowly turned back to the game. Jessica sat back down in her seat as the first level started. During the first level, JR fiddled around with the controls to familiarize himself with the game. Emily and JR were slow to start, with Emily ordering JR around left and right. Jessica smiled in amusement as this continued into the slightly harder levels of the game.

“Behind you!” Emily barked, making JR tense.

He turned his character just in time to see a swarm of zombies; he screamed and button mashed in an attempt to run but his character’s screen went dark and he died.

“I’m down!” JR said, feeling the stress of the situation.

“NO!” Emily shouted in vain as her character died in the same fashion moments later.

“Can we play again?” JR asked excitedly.

“YES!” Renae shouted excitedly.

The next several hours went by in a flash with an unnatural amount of screaming and the occasional curse word spewed in a fit of frustration. The group of girls and JR went through endless rounds of the game, until they were bored of shooting the undead. The sun was setting, and the skies outside were a hazy grey when Renae asked, “What else can we play?”

But before Jessica or Emily could answer, the family dogs stood and barked at the front door. The sisters stared at each other in horror as they heard a woman’s voice coo, “Hello puppies. Mommy’s home!”

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