Chapter 1: The First Encounter

A Poster Boyfriend


It was a typical Friday for Jessica; she woke up in the morning around 8:40 or so, alone in her house. By this time, both of her parents were already at work, and her sister was already at her morning class periods. Jessica yawned and stretched as she left her room and walked down the hall to the living room. She greeted her family's two little dogs, who wagged their tailed and barked.

She let them out into the backyard and found the Keurig coffee maker sitting in the kitchen, waiting for her to turn it on. Once she had and brewed a cup of coffee for herself, she was ready to start her day. As she drank her coffee, she the television and flipped through channels mindlessly before letting the dogs back inside. When she finished her cup of coffee, she looked through her list of homework.

"Ew...lab reports, a history paper, AND a government paper," Jessica grumbled, sighing heavily.

She spent the next few hours working on her assignments out in the living room; usually, she did her homework in her bedroom, but today she wanted to change up her mundane and repetitive schedule, only stopping around noon to make herself some lunch.

It was a little past 3 pm when she decided to take a break and shower. Jessica the shower and was slipping out of her clothes when she heard something fall in her room.

Oh of my posters fell again...they haven’t done that in awhile, though, Jessica thought, sighing. She quickly shut off the water and wrapped her towel around her before walking into her room. She clicked on the light, looked around her room for a second, then screamed.

What Jessica found on her bed wasn't a fallen poster, but a young man with dark hair, lanky build, and heavy winter attire.

He looked back at Jessica with wide eyes before turning a bright red. In a flustered and scared state, the boy shouted, "Who are you?!" His eyes weren’t meeting any bit of the stunned girl.

"What are you doing in my room?!" Jessica screamed back, confused.

"Why are you not wearing clothes?!"

His sputtered question threw Jessica, and she stood in her doorway, confused for many reasons, before yelling a question back at him. "Why are you on my bed?! How the hell did you get here JR?!"

The two paused for a moment and looked at each other in confusion. "How do you know who I am?" he asked hesitantly.

"And how can I understand what you're saying?" Jessica questioned. "There's no way Aron could have taught you THAT much English."

"You know Aron hyung?" JR continued, looking confused and a bit scared. JR paused and looked startled. "Wait, you can understand what I'm saying!"

"Um, YES," Jessica said, face bright red now. NOW she realized what JR had screamed at her earlier; she hugged her towel tighter around her in burning shame, and JR paused for a moment before he realized what she had done. In embarrassment, he flailed around for a minute on her bed as he turned himself around so that he wouldn't see her. Jessica blinked with wide eyes and ran into the bathroom. In a startled hurry she threw on her clothes before rushing back to her room. JR was still sitting on her bed, turned away from the door and looking at the window instead.

Jessica cleared awkwardly and caught his attention. He peeked over his shoulder, and once he realized she was fully clothed, turned back around to fully face her. “How did you get here?” Jessica asked him.

JR looked tired and confused as he quickly examined his surroundings. He looked down then, staring at his winter jacket and boots in confusion and slight fear. He eventually choked out, half sobbing, "How should I know? And why am I wearing the clothes from the Hello concept?"

Jessica sighed miserably and sympathetically; she tried to look at anywhere BUT the distraught boy on her bed before she froze. She blinked several times as she stared at one of her NU'EST posters. It was one of her two official posters for NU'EST's second mini album, the Hello album, and the spot for where JR stood was blank. "Um, JR..." Jessica whispered, catching the boy's attention.

JR turned to see what Jessica was staring at, and his eyes widened. The members of NU’EST were lined up in a row, but there was a gaping hole in the middle of the poster of where JR was supposed to be standing. "What happened to your poster? Where am I?" he asked.

"You''re here," Jessica muttered, then gasped. Something clicked in her mind then, and she conjured up a very farfetched possibility. "DID YOU COME OUT OF MY POSTER?!" she screamed in shock and disbelief.

JR's eyes were wide as he turned to Jessica in astonishment. "Did I...what? No way! That's crazy!"

"Then why are you missing from my poster and you're sitting on my bed instead?!"

JR's jaw slacked as he stared at Jessica. "Are you serious?"

"Well how ELSE did you get here?" Jessica tried to reason, slightly panicked. JR looked between the girl and the poster on the wall, his eyes squinted and eyebrows pinched in concentration.

"I...Did I really come out of your poster?" he mumbled aloud in thought. He looked around Jessica's room then, and Jessica stiffened in response. She watched carefully as his eyes drifted from her poster-filled walls to her blanket and stuffed animal filled bed, to the piles of clothes, books, and school stuff scattered around her floor. He looked to her bookshelves, which were overflowing with manga books, and Jessica could see that he took the effort in straining to hide an amused smile.

"You're like Baekho..." JR muttered. “You’re pretty messy for a girl.”

“N-No I’m not! I’m just like every other teenager!” Jessica protested, crossing her arms. A bright red tinted her face as she, embarrassed, looked away from JR’s judging stare. "I'm a teenager first, THEN a girl."

JR smiled then, a timid and amused smile. He nodded slowly, agreeing, “All teenagers are messy sometimes.”

The two jumped in surprise then when Jessica’s ringtone went off at full volume. Jessica sheepishly smiled at the sound of SHINee whispering sensually “Get it get it” and , before trying to explain, “Um, that’s my sister’s text tone...”

JR held his breath when Jessica fully entered her room and reached for her phone. It buzzed and blared the same verse over and over again on the desk beside her bed, where JR sat on edge as Jessica slowly sat down beside him. Jessica stared at her phone screen before unlocking it and looking at the multiple texts her sister had sent her.

“Um...okay,” Jessica said, awkwardly trying to start a conversation with the boy beside her. “So, my sister says that she and our friends are coming over after school gets out in…twenty minutes...”

JR sat on the bed silently, unsure of what to say. Jessica took this as a sign that she needed to continue, which she did. “Okay, so when they get here, it might get a little loud. My sister and our friends are fans of you and NU’EST.”

“Like you?” JR asked. Jessica nodded.

“They’ll be surprised you’re here,” Jessica offered, smiling. Then, she squinted from behind her glasses in disbelief. “You, right? I’m not making this up? I’m not crazy and just talking to thin air, right?”

“No, this is real,” JR sighed in agreement.

“How did you even get here?” Jessica wondered.

“I have no idea...the last thing I remember is going to sleep back in my dorm,” JR explained, doubt and fear growing in his dark eyes. “The next thing I know, I’m here, in my old clothes from the Hello mini album...wait, where even is ‘here’? Where am I?”

Jessica bit her lip in hesitation. She stared at the boy, and he seemed as small and confused as a lost, scared puppy. But she knew she had to tell him the truth. “’re in the United States of America...specifically the state of Texas…”

“I’m where?” JR asked incredulously, eyebrows raised in surprise and jaw slack. Jessica only nodded slowly in reassurance that what she said was accurate, and he threw himself back on her bed with a loud, frustrated groan. “How did I even GET HERE?!” he wailed.

“If I knew I would tell you…” Jessica muttered. Her phone went off again, only this time it was a different text tone.

JR immediately sat up at the sound of the chorus of his debut song, Face. He stared intently at Jessica’s hands, more specifically her phone. “That’s Baekho,” he said dumbly.

“Um, yeah...that’s my friend’s text tone,” Jessica admitted shyly.

“You use our song as a text tone?” JR asked, eyes wide.

“Well, yeah. Why wouldn’t I?” Jessica retorted somewhat defensively and very embarrassed.

JR blinked, stunned, before shaking his head and shyly smiling. A light pink stained his cheeks as he mumbled, “I’m just...I’m just surprised. That’s really cool. I didn’t really think fans actually did that…”

Jessica couldn’t help but smile and blush in embarrassment. She silently stared at JR, who had started to look around her room once more. She looked around with him, wondering what she should do next.

I really need to shower before the girls come…I can’t just leave him alone, can I?  Jessica thought. What would he even do if I showered? He can’t wait for me in the bathroom that would be WAY too awkward...but can I leave him be? Is he going to suddenly disappear like the way he suddenly appeared?

Jessica continued to mull over questions like this, unsure of how to continue. Oh god I need to clean up my room… Jessica realized when JR stopped his wandering eyes and stared intently at her messy pile of clean and dirty clothes. This is SO embarrassing!

“JR do you want to watch some TV?” Jessica suggested quickly. This seemed to catch the boy’s attention, because his hard, unblinking gaze turned to Jessica in curiosity. “You can watch the TV while I shower…?” she offered when he didn’t say anything.

“Um...okay,” JR agreed. Jessica smiled in relief before grabbing her remote and handing it to the boy. She the television before grabbing a fresh pair of clothes from her pile on the floor; she was worried that JR would have been watching her, but his eyes were glued to the ritzy, glittery dresses the little girls on TV were wearing. His jaw was slack in stunned surprise as the small children of Toddlers & Tiaras strutted around on the stage in glamorous dresses and costumes, dolled up with make-up, fake tans, and over-the-top princess hairdos. Jessica inwardly groaned.

Of all the shows…! Jessica mentally screamed.

“Are all American kids like this?” JR asked, eyes wide.

“NO!” Jessica shouted, making the boy still on her bed jump slightly. “Uh, this is just SOME kids, not all of them. Usually, their parents do that...they dress their kids up to compete in child beauty pageants.”

“And people WATCH this?” JR asked.

Jessica nodded slowly, though she cringed for admitting so. “To be fair though, other channels have better shows than, just change the channel.”

JR looked down to the remote, found the channel up and down button, and started channel surfing. He clicked the button several times before he went to another show and made a noise of realization. “Aron hyung talks about this a lot!” his eager surprise caught Jessica’s attention, and she turned back to see an all too familiar bright, yellow, animated sponge.

“Spongebob,” Jessica hummed, and JR nodded fervently. Jessica sighed in relief before saying, “Okay, you go ahead and watch that. I’ll be back after I finish showering…”

JR nodded, though his attention was solely focused on the cartoon; Jessica slipped out of her room and into the bathroom as quickly as she could. She let out a breath of air she didn’t realize she was holding and stared at the ground numbly.

What am I going to do…? she wondered. How was she supposed to explain to her sister and friends that the leader of K-Pop boy band NU’EST was watching Spongebob Squarepants in her bedroom?

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