The Big Secrets

Our Secret Box (oneshoot)


I yawned and rubbed my eyes occasionally while math in my class took place. It has always been like this, it happen almost every day, especially since he left. Now I don’t have a friend who sat beside me when the class begins, that chair always empty everyday.

Ah, I began to miss him again. For me, forgetting someone who close to you aren’t easy.

“Yah! Youngmin!” I don’t know for hell what I did before, but that Boardmarker was thrown into the front of my face and attacked my forehead. I cried in pain and slowly rubbed my forehead, geez…what she think?! What if I get a serious wound and need a surgery? She hurt my precious forehead.

“Youngmin, no daydreaming in my class, got it?” Miss. Choi warn me with her ruler, I just nodded and try to focusing my self for that boring lessons. Seriously, I hate this subject, I hate her and I hate it when… he wasn’t beside me for cheering me or help me solving my Math problem. I hate it.

I'm trying to sit properly on my chair so she’ll not suspicious and throw the other markers to me, seriously it still hurt. It’s not like I try to remember him all a days, but he can’t get off from my mind. I always remember his expression when he smiled, angry, sad, or being cheesy. But since that day, I didn’t see him again.

It has been a half year since I started my new life without him around. It’s boring and sometimes this condition make me really pissed. I started daydreaming, and it makes me look like a fool. Like now, when I was scolded by Miss. Choi the class was silent, perhaps because they think that had become a commonplace, The daydreaming Jo Youngmin.

Around five minutes later, the bell rang and it’s time for go home, alone. I packed my books even I never write something there, go to downstairs and walked to the street and then I’ll wait the bus like usual.

“Youngmin, we can go to catch a bus together if you want,” Minwoo asked, ah he’s the only people who treated me like human in this school. He never tired for ask me to go home together with him, and if I can added he’s a weirdo. Uh, I guess we’re look alike. But, Minwoo can be friendly to other people, not like me. I didn’t talk too much.

“No, thanks,” I smiled, then he nodded. Ah, the good boy. Even we’re on same age but he looked more like my younger brother.

I go to the downstairs and walked without noticing people around me, it’s useless. Usually they will speak about the teachers or their friends, badmouthing about them. The girl or boy at my school always do that, so...I had tried my best for keeping our secret box, even he wasn’t here.  If that box opened and someone knew about that, then we’ll be dead.

No one know about the contain of that box, except one person. They never know and they mustn’t know.

I keep walking and didn’t realized someone has been waiting for me at gate, laying his body against the tree. I just frown my eyebrows and start to walk more closer to him, I think he was stared at me since I walk from the school’s door, but I’m not sure.

He wear a long black sleeves and jeans, his hair was black with some bangs covered his forehead. He had same eyes as me, same nose, and same lips…he had a same face with me. My eyes going brighter than before, I spread my lips more so I can smile or laugh. I tightened my sling bag to my shoulder and running toward him. He noticed me and smiling.

“KWANG!” I shouted and slap his shoulder lightly,

“How are you? What are you doing here?” The question floated from my mouth, I bet my face was look like a little child now. He hit my shoulder back, then laughed. Ah, how I miss his laugh.

“I just… miss you and dad, so I came,” he answered while taking me back to home.

“Is it? How’s mom?”

“She’s fine, she always want to meet you though,”

“Good then, If I can…I want visit her sometime,”

He ruffled my hair playfully and laughed, finally I can laugh again.

Then, our secret box are opened now.

Since my parent divorced six month ago, I wasn’t be able to see him. He move with Mom to the nearby city. I can’t go to his place cause dad would hit me again, he never allowed me to live with Kwangmin. I hate him but sometimes I feel pity for him, my dad was stressed so yeah..sometime he will hit me as his prey.

If you feel so curious about Kwangmin, I’ll tell you. He is my younger brother. My twin, a half of me. I born 6 minutes earlier than him, but that’s not important cause I know he’s more mature than me. I always act childish and very very sensitive especially when he was around me. Fortunately, Kwangmin isn’t a an arrogant or short tempered person so he never feel bothered, I guess. We are twins and we never being apart before, some of neighbor said that we’re very close unlike the other siblings. Yeah that’s right, we spent mostly of our time together. Plus, Kwangmin is the only person who can read my mind and know me so well.

Mom and Kwangmin have asked me for live with them but I must refuse. Because I can’t, no matter how hard I tried my father would be ended for hitting me and lock me in my room. So, I feel a little worried if Kwangmin came, my lonely father will keep him too, I think.  That’s our secret, not mentioning that’s a big secret but I’m sure if my classmates knew about my father they must be thought that I’m a crazy person too.

Actually, we have another secret to keep. Didn’t I said before that we have lot of secrets?

“How about you?” finally he asked when we start to pass the river,

“Uh…you know, sometimes I felt bored here,” I shrugged then smiled.

“It must be hard…” I turn my gaze to him, those brown orbs still look same. Warm and soft. “For you, living with him,”

“No, I’m okay… don’t worry,”

My dad had give me a warn, if I tried to runaway he’ll find me and punish me more. I bet Kwangmin never know that I have been try to run from home and dad found me red handed. He locked me and didn’t give me any food for two days, really. He always said that he’s doing this and this for my sake, but I feel trapped here. Then, he will hurt Kwangmin.

I already said before right? There’s one person who already know the big secrets in our box. That one person is…my father. But I can’t deceive my self that I want Kwangmin came and save me, ask me to go with him and run.

“Young,” Kwangmin suddenly grab my wrist and slowly pull me to his embrace.

I was shocked, but I can’t help my self for gave him a hug back. He put his arm around me and buried his face on my shoulder. He hugged me tightly and sometimes he kissed my hair,

“Kwangmin…seriously, why are you here?”

I slightly push him but he cupped my face between his palms. I looked into his eyes, I can saw my reflection trough his chocolate orbs. Slowly my bag began to fall to the ground and I bring my self to him, decreasing the distance between us. He lifted his head and capture my lips.

This is our secret, our big secret and Dad knew it.

He push me toward the bridge side, still locking his lip with mine. He reached out my hand and interweave our finger, he squeeze my hand and our lips parted. My eyes feel so hot and sore, I think I’ll cry. It’s true, I started to shut my eyes tightly and let out a little sob. Just in front of him, I can be like this.

Kwangmin pecked my lips,

“Sssh…Young, I miss you so much,”

“Yeah, I know, cause I miss you too,”

“Young, I’ll answered your question before…” he sighed and bowed his head down, look into our feet. “I…I want you to go with me, just me. Not mom or dad, just the two of us,”





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kaijin1582 #1
Chapter 1: sequel pleeeeeaasee >////< aahhh love it~
Chapter 1: oh come on,,go for it guys!!
live together and be happy!!
youngminnie was getting hit by his dad so bring him with you kwangminnie!!GO!
The ending is so sweet...
The whole is touching, in fact.
I like it ♥
SHINee4ever5 #4
That ending needs a sequel ^^
Sequel please? :]
lov4ever #6
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
heartbreaking (;_;) but LOVE it!! <3<br />
sequel pliizz~~
hereiam #8
gezzz this brotherhood T//T<br />
That was really nice! I like the way you write ^^<br />
But I want more~ T_T<br />
Yayy~ for a sequel!! xD