Chapter 1

Canada, We Love You!




Kris let out a muffled noise and his face scrunched up in annoyance when he felt someone poking on his cheek. He started to stir in his sleep and rolled to the other side of the bed, sighing in content as he pulled his thick blanket higher until he felt his nose was buried under the soft cotton wool.

“Baekhyun, just let me sleep for another 5 minutes.” Kris mumbled incoherently in a deep raspy voice and snuggled deeper into the warmth of his blanket.

Kris stirred, eyebrows knitting together when he felt another poke, on his nose this time.

“Leave me alone or I’ll break your neck.”

Kris started to feel extremely irritated when he felt someone touched his hair. His roommate was basically looking for death by disturbing his precious sleep.

Kris groaned and slowly opened his eyes, blinking his eyes against the bright light that fell into the room.

“Wake up, Kris!”

Kris blinked his eyes repeatedly, when he felt a pair of soft, familiar lips kissed the tip of his nose.

“Good morning!”

“Joonmyun-ah?” Kris’s eyes grew bigger looking at Joonmyun’s face hovered right over his. “What are you-”

Kris’s breath hitched in throat when his small boyfriend leaned in and pressed their lips together in a long, sweet kiss. Kris smiled into the kiss. He wouldn’t mind waking up every morning with Joonmyun kissing him like that.

Kris groaned his disapproval and grabbed Joonmyun’s wrists when the latter attempted to break the kiss. He slid his hand behind his boyfriend’s smooth, pale neck and deepened the kiss, feeling as if he wanted to swallow the fair-skinned male whole. His smile widened when a soft moan escaped Joonmyun’s lips.

What a fantastic way to start your day.

Kris had lost count how long they have been kissing on the bed and he finally broke the kiss, gasping for air. Both of them were panting, breathing heavily as they looked into each other’s eyes. Kris his lips as his hand moved to touch his boyfriend’s cheek and caressed it gently. “How did you manage to escape from Luhan?”

Joonmyun let out a soft laugh and a blinding smile tugged at his lips. “He left me for breakfast. I bet he is shoving food down his throat now.” Joonmyun said while moving closer to his boyfriend and buried his face in the taller male’s neck. “Baekhyun just winked at me when I came in.”

Kris chuckled and ran his fingers through Joonmyun’s soft hair. “I should express my gratitude to Baekhyun later. He’s definitely a good roommate. But it would be better if you’re my roommate. I will kill Lu-”

“Please.” Joonmyun cut Kris off. He snuggled even closer and tangled their legs together. “It’s Sunday and I just want to have a peaceful day.”

Kris made a face and pouted in distaste. “But honey….Luhan-”

Joonmyun made a sound behind his throat and looked up at Kris. “Don’t call me honey and please….be nice today. Luhan is really nice if you know him better.”

Kris held back the urge to kiss Joonmyun because the latter looked so adorable with serious expression, and at the same time he wanted to roll his eyes because Joonmyun was trying to defend Luhan again. He sighed in defeat and closed his eyes. How he wished he won the rock-scissors-paper game at that time.

Kris still remembered how his jaw dropped when Luhan won the stupid game and pulled Joonmyun into their room. Joonmyun gave Kris an apologetic look as he let himself being dragged by his best friend.

“You’ve lost. Accept it, giant.” Luhan said in triumph as he closed the door.

Kris sobbed to himself recalling how he finally shared a room with Baekhyun, not his boyfriend. Well, it was Baekhyun that insisted them to share a room. It was obvious that the small-eyed male was trying to run away from a certain happy virus.

“Baekkie! Share a room with me. I have a lot of things to tell you.” Chanyeol pleaded in a loud voice as he tried to pull Baekhyun into his room. 

There were times when Kris felt like plotting a murder on Luhan so that he could have Joonmyun all the times. He didn’t want to know how Joonmyun and Luhan spent their night on the very same bed. He bet that devil/Luhan/ was laughing at him while holding on to Joonmyun like a baby koala.

Kris snapped out of his miserable thoughts when Joonmyun reached for his hand and intertwined their fingers together.

“Don’t you feel hungry? They are having breakfast downstairs.”

A smirk found its way on Kris’s handsome face. “I have a better idea.”

Joonmyun frowned when his boyfriend cupped his face with his large, warm hands and looked into his eyes. “What?”

“I can have you as my breakfast.” Kris didn’t wait for an answer as he leaned down to capture Joonmyun’s soft and sweet lips. They shared a lot of kisses until Joonmyun pushed on his broad chest in an attempt to pull away.

Joonmyun was starting to feel dizzy and he swore his heart almost leap out of his chest. He squirmed in his boyfriend’s tight grip and barely managed to breathe. “Brush your teeth first…..” he stopped momentarily to catch his breath. “…and we can kiss as long as you want.”

Kris could only laugh in response and stole another kiss, successfully earning a groan from the beautiful male. “You never complained about my morning breath before and I never complained about yours. Should I tell you how many times we have shared kisses without brushing our teeth first, love?”

“Idiot.” Joonmyun’s cheeks turned crimson and he quickly rolled over before buried his face into a pillow.

“I’ve told you before. It’s a bad idea to kiss right after you open your eyes.” Joonmyun’s voice was muffled against the pillow and he squirmed to get away from Kris’s touch.

Kris cocked an eyebrow and grinned at his boyfriend’s reaction, trying his best not to laugh out loud. He rolled over onto his stomach, with his elbows supporting his weight. He nudged his boyfriend gently and let out a chuckle when the latter mumbled incoherently. “I’m just kidding. You taste amazing everytime we kiss.” Kris whispered and attached his lips to Joonmyun’s earlobe, causing the latter to yelp in surprise.

Joonmyun sat up straight and rubbed his ear. His was sure his face was red like a ripped tomato at that moment. “You ert! Don’t do that again.”

Kris smiled as he followed Joonmyun to sit up and closed the distance between them to plant kisses on the exposed skin of the latter’s neck. “And have I told you that you smell good.”

Joonmyun gasped audibly at the said words and instinctively scrambled off the bed. He glared at his blonde-haired boyfriend and huffed in disbelief. “I’m so done with you, ert. Get up and join us for breakfast in 3 minutes.”

Kris finally burst in laughter to see his boyfriend’s flustered, blushing face. His lips curled up into a smirk and he stared right into Joonmyun’s eyes. “You love this ert anyway.”

Joonmyun rolled his eyes and turned around to walk out of the room. He stopped in his track when he heard a shriek from Kris.

“Wait.” Kris screamed, brows furrowed together as he took a good look at Joonmyun’s sleepwear. “Are you wearing Luhan’s shirt?”

Joonmyun looked utterly confused as he nodded his head. “Yes?”

“Take it off!” Kris hissed, pointing at Joonmyun’s sleepwear.

“What?” Joonmyun looked down to the direction Kris pointed to in puzzlement. “Why?”

“I said take it off. Do it now or you need to kiss me as an apology.” Kris said as he moved himself off the bed.

Joonmyun took a breath and tried not to get annoyed at his boyfriend. “Why should I feel sorry for wearing my friend’s clothes? You’re being ridiculous.”

Kris bit his bottom lip and soon irritation clouded his deep black eyes. “You better take it off before I bite your neck.”

Joonmyun’s face turned pale as he watched the taller male took two steps towards him. He didn’t wait for another second to turn around and ran downstairs to seek protection from Luhan and Baekhyun.






Kyungsoo eyed Jongin suspiciously as the taller male logged off his laptop. “What were you doing on your laptop?”

Jongin simply said ‘nothing’ and smiled as he flopped down onto his bed, rolling over and lay next to Kyungsoo. The tan-skinned male sighed in content as he stretched out his limbs high above his head. His hand then crawled up to Kyungsoo’s waist but Kyungsoo was fast enough to slap his hand before it could reach its destination.

“Ouch, what was that for?”

Kyungsoo scowled, a look of anger chiseled its way onto his face. He glared at Jongin, who looked confused with his sudden outburst. “I believe you owe me an explanation. Don’t pretend as if you’re innocent.” he finally said, voice laced with exasperation.

Jongin blinked in response. He then draped his arms around Kyungsoo’s waist despite the protest escaped from the latter’s mouth. “I don’t understand. Okay, tell me what I did wrong this time?”

Kyungsoo let out a growl of frustration and he fluttered his eyes shut as he snuggled against Jongin’s chest. “I’m jealous.”

Jongin frowned as he rubbed small circles on Kyungsoo’s back. “Jealous? Why would you feel that?”

“I know you made a video call with Joonmyun last night.” Kyungsoo sounded hesitant and Jongin was sure he heard disappointment in his boyfriend’s voice.

Jongin looked down and his eyes searched for Kyungsoo’s. “How did you know about the video call…..and why did you feel jealous? I just don’t get it.”

Kyungsoo huffed loudly and pulled away from Jongin to sit up straight. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the headboard. “I searched through your history. Now I know why you didn’t pick up your phone last night.”

“Hey! That’s a breach of privacy.” Jongin exclaimed in disbelief.

“Why? Are you scared I’ll find out your secret conversation with Joonmyun?” Kyungsoo spat, accusation lacing each word.

Jongin opened his mouth to argue with his boyfriend but Kyungsoo’s expression made him stop. “Please Kyungsoo. We’ve talked about this before. Joonmyun is just my friend, not more than that. Why are you bringing up this pointless topic again?”

Kyungsoo grumbled under his breath and swatted Jongin’s hand away when the latter tried to touch his arm. “Who knows how many secrets you’ve been hiding behind my back.”

Jongin sighed deeply, feeling a headache coming on. Dealing with a grumpy, jealous Kyungsoo was definitely not one of his favorite things. “Okay, what do you want to know? I can tell you every single word I’ve said to Joonmyun. Or maybe you want to join me the next time I make a video call to him? Come on, don’t make that face.”

Kyungsoo stared at Jongin expressionless when the taller male brushed his lips against his knuckles.

“You know I love you, more than everything.”

Kyungsoo felt something flipped within him and he suppressed an uncontrollable urge to smile when Jongin gave him a chaste kiss on his lips. His lips were slightly parted when Jongin pulled away from him, his eyes still fixed on the taller male. How he wished he could stay angry a little bit longer.

“Kiss me properly idiot.” Kyungsoo grunted before pulling Jongin into a bruising kiss.

Jongin smiled into their kiss, his slender fingers ran through the hair at the base of Kyungsoo’s neck. They stumbled backwards with Jongin back against the mattress. Kyungsoo seemed content with their new position as he pressed their bodies closer and slipped his tongue inside Jongin’s mouth with a satisfied hum.   

“Do you want to make a bet how long we can keep kissing?” Kyungsoo asked in a breathy voice when he broke the kiss and it caused Jongin to let out a deep chuckle.

“By the way, Kris is fine. Don’t worry about him.” Jongin informed Kyungsoo, just after stealing another kiss from the doe-eyed male. “He looks happy from the picture Joonmyun showed me.”

Kyungsoo’s face instantly crumpled in annoyance. “I didn’t ask about that traitor. Don’t mention his name in front of me…..especially when we are kissing. It kills my mood.” Kyungsoo muttered under his breath.

“Aigoo, you’re so cute.” Jongin laughed and pinched Kyungsoo’s cheeks, making the smaller male to glare at him with wide eyes. “You can never lie to me. Who else you wanted to know about then? Joonmyun? Luhan? Baekhyun? It’s Kris for sure. I know how much you miss him.”

“He’s having a good life there while I’m stuck with two idiots here.” Kyungsoo muttered, obviously displeased.

Jongin quirked an eyebrow up. “I thought you said Sehun is better than Kris.”

“Shut up. I’m not talking to you.” Kyungsoo gritted his teeth.

Jongin heaved a sigh. “Okay, let’s just drop this conversation. I don’t want to see you breathe out fire-ouch it hurts Kyungsoo! Stop kicking my legs!”

Kyungsoo stopped after a while and sent Jongin a glare that made the latter flinched.  “I’m going home. You can forget about our date tonight.” he said coldly and scooted to the edge of the bed.  

Kyungsoo let out a yelp when a hand pulled him backwards, making him to lie flat on his back.

“Don’t go. Let’s play Mario kart.” Jongin said as he tangled their legs together and grinned.

Kyungsoo groaned. “Do you think I’m in the mood to play the game now?”

“Come on, Soo-ya. It’s not like I ask you to discuss about physics or math.”

Kyungsoo’s lips twitched in irritation. “Are you trying to show off your genius brain?”

Jongin was speechless, eyes grew bigger. “I didn’t mean in that way.”

Kyungsoo buried his face in the pillow and kicked Jongin on the thigh. “I know I’m stupid.”

Jongin blinked his eyes, feeling his patience running thin. “What is wrong with you? Stop acting like a girl in her period.”

“Just leave me alone.” Kyungsoo’s voice was slightly muffled by the pillow.

Jongin rolled his eyes. “But this is my room.”

Kyungsoo sat up abruptly, glowering at Jongin. “Fine, I’ll leave. Forever.”

“Hey hey, I’m sorry. Don’t get angry.” Jongin said softly as he leaned forward and closed the distance between them to kiss Kyungsoo’s lips. A frown marred Jongin’s forehead when Kyungsoo didn’t respond to the kiss. He then took the initiative to nibble on Kyungsoo’s lower lip gently, hands roamed along the latter’s arms.

Kyungsoo groaned at the back of his throat before he moved his lips and grazed his teeth at Jongin’s cheek. A smirk crept onto his face as he opened his mouth and---

“Aaakhhh- Kyungsoo-ya!”

Jongin pushed Kyungsoo away from him and rubbed his cheek. He knew a red mark must have formed on his cheek. “Why did you do that?!”

Kyungsoo smiled innocently. “Kissing you of course.”

His cheek was still stinging in pain but Jongin broke into laughter after glaring at Kyungsoo for a few minutes. He pulled Kyungsoo into his arms and laughed harder when the smaller male puffed his cheeks. “You are so cute. Do you know that?”

Jongin screamed loudly for the second time when Kyungsoo sunk his teeth on his nose.





I know I have no right to apologize. I left this story for a very long time. I know and I’m deeply sorry. I always wanted to write but my assignments and exams didn’t allow me to do so.

I might not be able to update until December since I need to study for my final exams in November. I hope you can wait for the next chapter patiently T_T sobs I feel guilty

For this time being, I hope you like this chapter :D I know this is a short chapter, I’m sorry…sobs

Thank you so much for your comments and upvotes. I love you all, seriously :D  


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2439 streak #1
Chapter 1: wow, we just upped the skinship here huh HAHAHAHA
would've loved a finished version of the sequel, but still, thank you for this authornim!
2439 streak #2
Chapter 1: i forgot we never finished the sequel for GLLS
Chapter 1: No more chapters since 2014 :c ok. I was so excited,
. Will u come back? :c
Godness!! Krisho n Xiuhan!!! I totally love your fic, you're the best!!
Update please. I miss your update. Kekeke.
SuhoSandi #6
Chapter 1: ur story is incredibly cute and lovely ...I even lost my words to describe it. Thx for the previous one and for this too...I'm your new fan author,waiting for ur updates. Plus I love all the pairs ;) Thx again coz ur fic makes my holidays complete. Fighting author <3
Chapter 1: really good want to see more Tao & Sehun ><
noname101 #8
Chapter 1: Update author....I really want to see more KRISHO!!!!
AdriannaAS #9
Chapter 1: Omg!!!!! Update!!!!! UPDAAAAATTTEEEEEEEE!!!!! im dying because of fluffiness XD love u....fighting~~~~ ;-) :-D
Chapter 1: Aigoo .. this is so cute ^^
Update soon juseyo ~~