pinyin scribbles

Suho and Kris are the best of friends. They’re attached at the hip. Nothing or even no one can separate those two. The smaller is a goody two shoes while the taller is a delinquent and that is why people who know them get a little bit confused on how those two clicked. They share the same apartment.


“Suho.” Kris called while trying to watch his favorite action movie for the 20th time that day.


The other one is studying that time. “Yes?” He’s been trying to concentrate even with the loud cacophony that television and Kris are making.


“You should get a girlfriend.”


Suho was taken aback. He hasn’t heard anything like that from Kris before. He guessed the older was tired of him being so dull and boring to talk to? Kris stood and went beside the younger man who shifted to writing letter after reading the whole 20 pages consisting of the new lesson in Physics.


“Or you want me instead?” Kris whispered mocking the smaller one.


Suho flustered. “Yah! What are you talking about, Yi Fan?” This time he addressed him by his Chinese name that everyone was oblivious about.


“You like me, don’t you?”


“You conceited man.” Suho tried to hide his nervousness by laughing.


Kris raised an eyebrow and snorted. He stole the letter Suho was trying to finish. “Then what is this?” He asked, sort of teasing.


Suho blushed. “That’s nothing!” He tried getting the paper from his big hand but unfortunately, they both fell.  Suho was on top, blushing at the sight of their current position.


“Yi Fan, wo ai ni. Yi Fan wo xihuan ni.” Yi Fan read the disorganized scribbles of Chinese pinyin on the paper. In English, those mean: “Yi Fan, I love you. Yi Fan, I like you.”


The younger man blushed and it seemed like his face was redder than a tomato! Suho tried to stand up but Kris pulled him into a hug. “You think I’ll let you escape after knowing you like me too? Or should I say, you love me too?”


Suho’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”


Kris responded by pinching Suho’s red cheeks. “You’re so cute and innocent.” He hugged him tighter. “And that’s why I love you too.”


Suho smiled and reciprocated to the skin ship Kris was doing to him that moment. 

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2440 streak #1
Chapter 1: SO CUTE!
Chapter 1: I believe you accidentally put the story twice on your document. Other than that it was super cute omg T___T
Chapter 1: The story was duplicate.