

After being a victim of a attempted murder, 15 year old Nicole runs away with no memory of herself but her name. When taking refuge with Key, she refuses to recover her memories when the culprit strikes back, who is determined to keep her silent.


I fell. Off into the raging waves below. Memories of my life swept past almost in an instant. My mother and father's caring faces, my 11th birthday, my little fangirl-like crush on the Kingka, DooJoon and the uncaring face of the attacker. Engulfed by coldness, the throbbing of my bleeding head was replaced by burning. Unimaginable burning. Opening my mouth, instead of screaming it was replaced by coldness. Fire crept through my chest, burning everything in it's way. I felt sleepy, I simply drifted. Drifted into oblivion.


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xXHightlightsXx #1
Am I the only one who can't she the paragraphs on my iPod?