Heat pack size H


There's always too much cold and too little warmth.

Time to step out of it.


Or get a bigger one.




To: CY unnie!

Happy 19th, congrats because you're one year older with one more year of wrinkles and whatnot.

I'm glad I made that comment about Woohyun on Starry Night :)


To you, to Hoya, and to your dreams.




(The Neighbourhood: Sweater Weather.

"It's too cold for you here.

So now let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater.")



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tofudimsum #1
Chapter 2: This...what should i say. At first I thought it's going to be angsty and I already felt like my heart sinking, but it wasn't. Weehee.

It was hilarious in some scenes. That Myungyeol couple. Would be cool to have such idiotic friends. And when Hoya made his appearance, I felt my own heart squeezing. My chest constricting. Seriously that guy makes my heart stop for a second.

It was such an adorable one-(two)-shot. Really. I loved it. And the world that you described there, I wanna live in there. I wanna have an embarrassed Hoya behind me with a tub of ice cream (btw, the described flavors are actually also one of my faves haha) and I want his warm hug. The kiss... i am too fricken shy to accept a kiss so I'll pass on that haha. And then you can be Woohyun's gf (I bet it was you anyways hahaha)

But really, thank you so much.
I love how said you are glad that you once made this comment on Starry Universe. We indeed became friends affer an analysis of Woohyun's behavior. I will always remember that, Kimmy

Thanks, again. I love you ;;
hoyayeobo #2
Is today her birthday?