Hello, How Are You?


The conflict that is going on in your heart due to your breakup last spring. "Hello, how are you?"


“Hello.” I open my window and greet the fresh air as I whisper to myself. I tilt my head to the side; my gaze catches a figure talking to a shorter male, “How are you?” I whisper again.

“Morning.” the word just slip from my mouth. Seeing your cheerful face really make me want to wave my hand and greet you. When I about to do so, realization hits me.



Someone, please rewind my spring for me.


Hello, How Are You? - sung by Hatsune Miku



Hello, everyone ^^

This is something that came across my mind when I was doing nothing in the middle of the night and had a sudden urge to listen to this song.

This story is about how are you feeling when you breaking up with your boyfriend, Chanyeol.

I inserted the translation of the song lyrics here and changed it to some sentences. This is the first time I write something like this, so maybe it's no good. Sorry~ But I hope you'll understand this story and enjoy it ^^

'You' = Chanyeol


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ficsystem #1
Chapter 1: it's cool... i like it