From: Yesung To: Ryeowook

Love Letter

"Dear Ryeowook,

Please don't respond to this because I won't reply to anything you send me. Why did you leave?! Did you really not want to see me that much?! Ryeowook, when you return I have something I want to tell you.


P.S. I really am livid at you for leaving."

"Yesung I... I didn't mean to hurt you." Ryeowook says, tearing up with a tear dropping on the letter "What do you have to tell me? Couldn't you just say it in the letter?"

"Ryeowook, get out here now."

"Yes sir!"

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Naruka1123 #1
Chapter 10: It was soooo cute! Yewook is a perfect couple
Chapter 10: hehehe ryeowook is a good planner lol
Chapter 10: .oooh,sweet!
Chapter 10: Thank you for this sweet story ;)
shane9 #5
Chapter 10: This is so sweet!yewook is adorable!
Chapter 10: thanks a lot for making this done.... :) love yewook a lot...
hellokittygang1234 #7
Chapter 9: Ahh so cute, I think it's good Ryeowook left. Yesung finally realized his feelings for Wookie.
I'm truly sorry for not commenting. Its a great story.