From: Ryeowook To: Yesung

Love Letter

"Dear Yesung,

I'm going to enlist. I just don't want to miss too much activities with Super Junior.


PS Here's pictures of my hair before it gets cut off!"

"You idiot!" Yesung shouts, throwing the letter to the ground

"What happened?"

"You know that friend?"

"Yeah why?"

"He wants to enlist, still after I reprimanded him, and I'm sure my hyungs scolded him too."

"Let him."

"But he's still too young!"

"How old is he?"

"He's turning 27 this year, but he's still too immature!"

"Why are you so worried about him?"

"I don't know, I just am okay?!"

"Well he'll be fine."

"You don't know that." Yesung mutters as he dejectedly look at the letter, but what that guy said "why should I worry" he wonders to himself, why is he worrying over him more than any of the other hyungs are?

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Naruka1123 #1
Chapter 10: It was soooo cute! Yewook is a perfect couple
Chapter 10: hehehe ryeowook is a good planner lol
Chapter 10: .oooh,sweet!
Chapter 10: Thank you for this sweet story ;)
shane9 #5
Chapter 10: This is so sweet!yewook is adorable!
Chapter 10: thanks a lot for making this done.... :) love yewook a lot...
hellokittygang1234 #7
Chapter 9: Ahh so cute, I think it's good Ryeowook left. Yesung finally realized his feelings for Wookie.
I'm truly sorry for not commenting. Its a great story.