The Pretender


Donghae couldn’t stop himself from laughing as he wrote his reply to Eunhyuk. He spun around in his chair in delight once he pressed enter. Eunhyuk’s response arrived quickly.

l.donghae: Wow. You’ve got a filthy mouth.

hyuk0404: Are you nuts? What the was that email?

Donghae was laughing so hard that his glasses fell to the floor. He managed to knock the back of his head on his desk while picking them off the floor. He put them back on as he rubbed at the sore spot. The glasses immediately slipped down to the familiar spot at the end of his nose.

l.donghae: A contract. Did you not understand it?

hyuk0404: Wow, that’s some skill you’ve got there.

The comment confused Donghae. He didn’t know what Eunhyuk meant.

l.donghae: What?

hyuk0404: I can sense the condescension from here. I know it’s a contract. I’m talking about what you actually wrote.

l.donghae: I thought you understood what I was asking from you in the store.

There was a break in the conversation before Eunhyuk replied. Donghae was positive that Eunhyuk was currently regretting everything.

hyuk0404: I understood perfectly fine. I’m not an idiot. I just don’t think all your conditions are exactly feasible.

Eunhyuk’s reply surprised him. It was an eloquent response—one he hadn’t expected from the boy since he was, more often than not, found sleeping or pretending to sleep in class.

l.donghae: I didn’t put anything that can’t be done. I think everything is reasonable. It’s all really simple things. Name one that’s not reasonable and I’ll prove to you it is.

Donghae had a suspicion as to what terms Eunhyuk was referencing. It made him smile.

hyuk0404: Sitting with you in class?

l.donghae: Why is that hard? Couples sit together all the time. I don’t see a problem there. That’s one of the easier terms.

Again, there was a lag in the conversation. Eunhyuk took his time responding.

hyuk0404: Not at our school.

Donghae frowned. He understood Eunhyuk wholly; they went to an all-boys school.

Friends sat together—not couples. However, the more Donghae thought about it, who really knew. Eunhyuk was probably not the only one hiding his uality, and it was not as if anyone at school knew about Donghae either unless they had suspicions. 

l.donghae: Well, we can change that. Make it easier for other people.

hyuk0404: Why am I supposed to care about changing things for other people? I’m concerned about myself.

hyuk0404: Do you know what you’re asking me to do? I’m giving up my entire life, as I know it.

A wave of guilt washed over Donghae. He knew he was asking a lot out of Eunhyuk, especially since it was the last few months of school before everyone went off to college. He didn’t like the fact that he may be responsible for Eunhyuk losing his friends.

He frowned at the thought, but then he reasoned that Eunhyuk’s friends were complete morons who all needed to take a long walk off a short pier.  

Friends were supposed to be the group of people outside of your immediate family that you trusted the most. They were supposed to be the group of people who accepted you in whatever capacity.

hyuk0404: Are you still there?

The ringing of the instant message sound broke Donghae out of his thoughts.

l.donghae: Miss me, already?

Eunhyuk responded immediately.

hyuk0404: No.

Donghae chuckled loudly. He had been expecting a much worse response, but this one still managed to make him laugh. This time, Donghae managed to catch his glasses before they slipped completely off.

l.donghae: Don’t worry. You will eventually.

hyuk0404: You’re seriously deluded.

l.donghae: You don’t know the half of it. :-P

Donghae nearly spun right out of his chair when he read Eunhyuk’s response.

hyuk0404: I guess everyone’s a little crazy. lol

He didn’t know how to respond. The tone of Eunhyuk’s reply was playful and unexpected. It made Donghae blush for no apparent reason.

It wasn't as if the other boy was purposely flirting, but for Donghae, humor and sarcasm were the ultimate aphrodisiacs. The minute a guy could make him laugh, he began to see them in a new light.

However, Donghae completely disregarded Eunhyuk’s comment and reverted to what the other asked earlier.      

l.donghae: I know I'm asking a lot out of you, but you’re clearly not happy, anyway.

Eunhyuk’s response was more along the lines of what Donghae anticipated when he suggested they talk later.

hyuk0404: Don’t pretend like you know anything about me.

Before Donghae typed his response, Eunhyuk added more.

hyuk0404: And what is this about not being happy? I’m happy. I’m ing dandy.

Donghae took a moment to type out his response. He decided to throw caution to the wind and wrote a long, honest answer, one he was sure Eunhyuk hadn’t expected.

The response was so long that he had to write in several replies.

l.donghae: I know you’re not happy. I mean who would be happy having to hide a part of themselves that makes them who they are. You’re gay. There’s nothing wrong with that, but you’ve clearly come to the conclusion that your friends won’t accept you if they know that. You clearly avoid any kind of situation that would make that fact known.

l.donghae: And before you ask, I know because I’ve watched you. Yes, it sounds creepy, but really, you sleep facing my desk so it’s not all that difficult to believe that I watch you. I mean, you’re really cute when you sleep with your lips pouted and what not. And I even find the way you mumble in your sleep endearing. And…

l.donghae: …I lost track of what I was talking about for a minute. >_<

l.donghae: I’ve watched you long enough to know that you haven’t been happy for a long time. I noticed it in the way you smile. You usually smile with your mouth open wide, revealing your gums—it’s so ing cute!! But lately, it’s been a VERY fake closed mouth one that never reaches your eyes. It even makes me sad to look at it.

l.donghae: You’ve also been pretending to sleep more in class to avoid talking to your friends. Don’t think I didn’t realize you were faking; your lips don’t form that adorable little pout when you’re faking it. Plus, I’ve caught you’ve opening your eyes to see if anyone is looking—I was by the way. Just to let you know.

l.donghae: And then I caught you out on a date with that guy. Did he graduate from our school? He looks familiar.

l.donghae: So, I DO KNOW that you’re not happy. Maybe it’s you who doesn’t want to admit it?

Donghae sat with his head between his hands. His palms felt cool against his cheeks, which felt like they were on fire after finishing his long explanation.

He looked over what he had written slightly in disbelief. He couldn’t really believe that he wrote it all, but he was sure that this was the only way to make Eunhyuk understand where Donghae was coming from, even if it made Donghae look and sound like a stalker in the making.

It had been a whole five minutes before Eunhyuk replied.

hyuk0404: ………

It was another response Donghae hadn’t expected. It was not malicious, which was what he was waiting for, nor was it just a whole line of swear words. Nevertheless, it made him feel extraordinarily embarrassed.

l.donghae: …sorry…

hyuk0404: I didn’t realize it was so obvious.

Donghae sat up in his chair when he read his computer screen. The image of a despondent-looking Eunhyuk came to mind and immediately, Donghae felt terrible.

It wasn’t because of the arrangement, but it seemed that Eunhyuk truly was unhappy and Donghae had made him realize it fully.

l.donghae: It’s only obvious to me because I’ve watched you closely

hyuk0404: Just because I’m unhappy doesn’t mean I want to change that situation.

Donghae couldn’t understand Eunhyuk’s logic. Why would he willingly choose to be unhappy? More importantly, why should he?

l.donghae: Why wouldn’t you? Why live unhappy and constantly hiding? No one deserves that.

hyuk0404: I don’t exactly see you going around announcing yourself to the world. So, who are you to talk?

l.donghae: Granted, but I don’t talk to people at school. There’s a difference. There’s no need to announce anything to people who don’t talk to me. My friends know. I don’t need to hide in front of them.

Eunhyuk didn’t answer for almost ten minutes. Donghae contemplated writing to ask if he was still there, but he knew the other boy was mulling everything over.

Donghae knew that he had just dumped a lot on Eunhyuk.

hyuk0404: Okay. We can sit next to each other in class and I guess, that includes acknowledging the relationship and the handholding thing.

l.donghae: Could you sound any less enthusiastic about it.

hyuk0404: I’m ing THRILLED. Happy? Seriously, man. I’m ing dreading going to school on Monday.

l.donghae: I promise you’re attitude will change over time. I’m lovable.

hyuk0404: Yes, blackmailers are lovable. ::rolls eyes::

l.donghae: Well, I find you lovable and you’re a petty thief.

hyuk0404: You’re never going to let that go are you?

It was the one thing Donghae could be grateful for because it was what brought him this situation. When would he have ever spoken to Eunhyuk before he attempted to steal the shirt?

l.donghae: No. Why would I? That’s the whole reason we’re in this situation now.

hyuk0404: No, we’re in this situation because you’re crazy and concocted this whole thing. You could have made it simple like asking me to pretend to be your friend, but you’ve taken it a step further.

l.donghae: There’s nothing in it for me if you’re just pretending to be my friend. Don’t you have enough pretend friends?

Again, the conversation stalled. This time, Donghae decided to write because he was sure what he had written had irritated Eunhyuk.

l.donghae: I see I hit a nerve. Are there any other terms that you find unreasonable?

hyuk0404: Yes, handholding is fine. But kissing? We’re not a real couple. There’s no need to be kissing.

Donghae chuckled. This was what he had been waiting for since he drafted the contract. He knew it would be the one thing that Eunhyuk would find the most issue with.

l.donghae: You clearly don’t know people.

hyuk0404: What do you mean?

l.donghae: Well…the minute you confirm that we’re dating, people are going to ask you prove it. Don’t you know that? Have you never watched the people around you?

hyuk0404: !

Donghae decided to lighten the mood, much to Eunhyuk’s absolute horror.

l.donghae: I can add that to the terms if you’d like.

hyuk0404: WHAT? No. On the cheeks. Only! No need for on the lips.

hyuk0404: And THAT’S never going to happen. So, get that fantasy out of your head…ASAP.

Donghae had to grab a pillow from his bed to laugh into so he wouldn’t wake his mother with how loud he was laughing

l.donghae: Fine T_T  Anything else?

hyuk0404: Everything is fairly easy. It’s not like we have to hang out for that long. As long as people see us, it can just be like 5 minutes.

l.donghae: Yeah, I guess.

hyuk0404: You sound disappointed. ^_^

Donghae scoffed in surprise. There was an arrogance to what Eunhyuk had said. He hadn’t liked it one bit. For this situation to work out, Donghae knew he had to have the upper hand in their relationship.

l.donghae: .

hyuk0404: Just because I’m agreeing to this doesn’t mean, I’m gonna follow everything the way you want it.

l.donghae: Anything else?

hyuk0404: Are you mad?

Donghae knew he had to be a bigger if this was going to work. Even though the plan was to terminate the contract the day after graduation, Donghae’s intentions were to make Eunhyuk fall for him to the point where he wouldn’t want to stop their relationship.

l.donghae: Look who the condescending one is now. Don’t forget that all I have to do is get the security footage.

Eunhyuk was slow to respond, but when he did, Donghae could see he had managed to reveal that he was the one with the upper hand.

l.donghae: Forgot? Didn’t you?

hyuk0404: Fine.

hyuk0404: Also, can’t you just write our names on the contract? What is all this EMPLOYEE/EMPLOYER ?

l.donghae: lol

hyuk0404: What are you laughing about?

l.donghae: The fact that since you’re angry, you’re now nitpicking. That’s what bothers you about the contract? I highly doubt that.

hyuk0404: Let’s get real. I hate the WHOLE damn thing. But if I’m going to avoid getting in trouble and having my parents cancel my trip to Paris, which I’ve been saving up for since I was 10, I will do whatever it takes.

l.donghae: Paris?

Donghae didn’t know what to do with this piece of information. Nevertheless, he reminded himself not to forget it. He was positive that he would be bringing it up again later on.

hyuk0404: Yes, Paris. I want to go to Paris, by myself, before going off to college.

l.donghae: Why Paris?

hyuk0404: It’s none of your business.

l.donghae: Fine. The contract isn’t really a thing to take so seriously. I just wrote it to see what you would say. You can delete the email, but those are the terms of our agreement.

hyuk0404: Whatever.

l.donghae: Is there anything else you want to discuss?

Donghae could sense that the end of their conversation was nearing. He silently hoped that it didn’t end.

hyuk0404: Yes. It has to do with you.

l.donghae: Obviously.

hyuk0404: Oh for the love of everything. Can you not be an for 1 second?

l.donghae: Go ahead.

hyuk0404: Are you available to meet up tomorrow?

l.donghae: You mean, later today?

Eunhyuk ignored the lame attempt at a joke.

hyuk0404: Yes, are you free later?

l.donghae: I work from 10 to 3.

hyuk0404: After?

l.donghae: Sure, but why exactly?

hyuk0404: We need to figure some things out in person. We’re not done talking about this.

l.donghae: Okay, I guess. We can meet in front of my store at 3.

hyuk0404: Whatever. I’ll see you tomorrow, then. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.

l.donghae: Sweet dreams.

hyuk0404: off.

Eunhyuk signed off immediately, much to Donghae’s dismay. He had been enjoying the rapport they had been having. Granted, it was mostly Donghae being a bit of a prick to Eunhyuk, but it was fun even so.

He was even going to get to the see Eunhyuk later that day. He wondered what the boy wanted to talk about in person, but Donghae didn’t really worry too much about it.

He was just happy to get to see him.

Donghae smiled as he logged off his computer and headed to bed. It was a little past two in the morning, but he was wide-awake because he was excited.

He immediately knew that he would regret staying up this late because he has to be at work early, but at that moment, he was too happy to care.

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HappyBonBon #1
Chapter 10: oh my god, why I just find this!!!
lov_fan_Y #2
Chapter 10: There are no more chapters. 😭😭😭
Chapter 10: It just began. .
Einhyuk have a lot explaining to do..
sweetylailai #4
Chapter 10: I can't wait to read the rest! Is that Eunhyuk has already a boyfriend? See u!!!!
Softballgrl13811 #5
Chapter 10: Great start to operation fake boyfriend =) oh man it is going to get weird and intense!!!
Softballgrl13811 #6
Chapter 3: Lmfao I was dying of laughter while reading that contract. That is clever and hilarious!!! I look forward to the rest of the story =)
Chapter 10: I really like this story, I am happy when I see your updates ^^
Chapter 10: I was waiting for this chapter and it didn't disappoint me. It was worth it.
I'm still thinking Hae should quit the idea. He is just going to suffer, he is already suffering but he is too stubborn to realize all the bad things this idea will bring to him.

I find myself hating Hyukjae. I understand he is not doing it on purpose, cause it must be hard pretending but he shouldn't say "I hate you" to Hae, he is going to regret it soon or later.

Waaaaa!!! I need to know what's next.
Thanks for the update.
EunHaeLove42 #9
Chapter 9: This story is quite interesting. Looking forward to reading about the school coming out
Chapter 9: Hey there!
I found this lovely story at AO3 but since I don't have an account there I preferred to post my comment here.

I have so many mixed feelings about this. I do want Hae to be happy with Eunhyuk but at the same time I want him to forget all this and let Eunhyuk in his misery. He deserves better and not a pretend boyfriend. I can perfectly understand how he feels but I must confess that I hate the way he has to beg Eunhyuk to date him or better say, pretend to date him. I hope Hae gives up the idea and finds someone better.

PS: I have a question, Kyuhyun and Yesung will be a side pairing in the story?