"Jina-ah !!", the girl calls Jiyong loudly.


But He already gone behind the door. Youngbae just too stunned to run out and chase his best friend. He just stand there and stares at the people in front of him.


"What have you done again ?!! Did you hurt her again ??!", the girls yells angrily as she walks near Youngbae. Suddenly, he felt a push and now he's on the ground.


"I'll tell you again ! You can't go around her just to hurt her !!", the girl yells as she stands in front of Youngbae.


"W-we.. we..", Youngbae stutters. Think fast Youngbae. Think for the most reasonable reason for him to barge in

and left. Think !!



"We just had an argument. I t-tell her I want to g-go to umm- Tokyo. And s-suddenly she left and ran here. I just followed h-her to explain, w-we don't know you guys are here. Sorry for barge in", Youngbae says.



"You want to leave her ?!!! ARE YOU IDIOT ?!! SHE'S THE BEST THING EVER HAPPEN TO YOU. YOU-",



"I KNOW THAT. Can you stop yelling ? I feel bad yelling at you. It's just for a couple week", Youngbae hisses.



Of course, he didn't have gut to yell at this petite girl. The girl that make his bestfriend gone into that 'sickness' again. At first Youngbae feels so happy for Jiyong, he finally want to give that 'sickness' a try again. After being hurt by the dearest person in his life, Jiyong nearly give up on that 'sickness'. The sickness that we called love. Youngbae knows that Jiyong clearly in love with this petite girl, even now he's still in his denying stage. Youngbae felt very thankful to this girl at first. But now, He wishes he could make this girl disappear from his best friend life. And Youngbae clearly know why Jiyong just run out like that. Jiyong is hurting again.



"Weeks ?? Not forever ?", the girl asks him.


"Of course not", Youngbae replies.


"B-but why did she look so angry just now..", the girl mutters softly.


"Maybe she's too shock to see her best friend is dating a teacher", Youngbae says coldly.


"Dating ? Who ??.. Ahh N-no !! Oppa and I didn't date. We're j-just a f-friend", the girl stutters.


"Oppa ? If you just friend then shouldn't you call him sensei, Dara-shi ?", Youngbae asks coldly making Dara

jumps in shock.


"A-ano… Uhh.. I'll talk with Jina", Dara says as she runs out the door and disappear in a flash leaving Seunghyun and Youngbae there.



"I certainly don't know you. But I think it's against the school's law for a teacher to date his student", Youngbae says coldly.


"Didn't you hear her just now ? We're not dating, we're just friend. Can't you understand the language ??", Seunghyun asks back.



"Friend ? What I saw earlier didn't describe it well. You hugs her tightly and you even kiss her head !!", Youngbae exclaims angrily.



"It's up to you. Either you want to believe it or not. But certainly, I'm not dating her. And I'm never work against the rules", Seunghyun says as he walks out.






"Jina !!", Dara calls Jiyong from behind their room's door. Jiyong arrives at their room for just a couple minutes, thinking this place could get the rage out of his brain. But he's totally wrong, not long after Dara came banging at the door and calling his name.



I'm tired of this. Why ?

Why from all of this girls, it must be Dara.

Why she's being the one who dates my noona's fiance.

Why Dara ?? Why ?



"Jina, please open the door", Dara says. Jiyong open the door reluctantly, and quickly sit down on his bed.


"Sorry, I'm in the bathroom" Jiyong says as he proceed to lays on his bed. But suddenly a pair of soft arm wraps around his waist.


"S-sorry Jina, it's not like what you see", Dara whispers.


"So what I should see huh ?!! You kiss him ?? It's explain everything Dara, enough", Jiyong yells as he pull Dara's hand away from his waist.


"N-no !! We're not like that… hicc.. Please trust me Jina, we're not like that. I can.. hicc explain", Dara says as she cries.


"You don't have to explain. What I see is enough to explain everythings", Jiyong says as he stands up. Jiyong walks to the door, until he pulled back by Dara. She hugs him tightly again.


"P-please don't walk out o-on me… hicc.. You h-have to hear me out… hicc.. I didn't date oppa. W-we are really j-just friend.. hicc.. W-we've known each other s-since I was a kid.. He's a neighbor of m-mine.. And that t-time, I r-really like h-him.. He's my first love.. B-but he g-gone to Tokyo when I still d-didn't have a confidence to c-confess.. hicc.. S-so I w-wait for him. A-and It's l-like a miracle for me t-to meet him here..S-so I c-confess to him two y-years ago w-when I'm in my first year.. A-and h-he r-reject me.. H-he never seen m-me like that.. hicc.. It hurts me, really.. And s-still hurt me till n-now.. W-we're not dating Jina.. R-really, p-please trust me", Dara sobs loudly. Jiyong felt his back wet by Dara's tears. Jiyong let out a sigh and turns around. Jiyong lift Dara's chin and wipes her tears.



So, he's Dara's first love. Well, whatever it's in the past. And furthermore, they're not dating !!



"I b-believe in you. S-sorry", Jiyong says softly. Dara smiles as she hugs Jiyong again. And this time Jiyong hugs her back.



"T-thanks J-jina", she mumbles softly.



"Mmm", Jiyong mutters as he inhales Dara's scent. After a whole fifteen minutes hugging each other, they now sit on the floor with their shoulder touching. Dara tells him all of her childhood memories and of course her memories with Choi Seunghyun.



"I'm going to tell you this, but please don't tell anyone", Dara whispers softly.



"Okay. What is it ?",


"Umm- I'm telling you this b-because I d-don't w-want to h-have any m-misunderstanding b-between us. Just now, Oppa tell me that he's going to married in a month. And suddenly I felt sad again. I thought I've been over him, but I don’t know. Maybe I've never let this love gone. I d-don't know", Dara says sadly. Jiyong his arms around her shoulder and pull her to his embraces.



He's telling her about his wedding with my sister. Why is he do that ?? Isn't he want to run away with that doctor ?



"He's going to marry ?? With dr. Riuna ??", Jiyong asks her.



"No, not with unnie. They're best friend, both of them gone to the same college and they grew close. But, he's not

going to marry her. Oppa said he is going to marry with his princess", Dara says.


"I thought he dates unnie",


"Noo !! He's not. They're mostly like a real brother and sister", Dara says.


"Ahh, so who is the princess?", Jiyong asks even he's already know the answer. It's his noona. And now he realizes how stupid his noona to believe in rumor. Her dearest fiance never cheat on her, he's clearly a flirty guy but it doesn't mean he cheats on her. He kept his heart just for her, Kwon Bom.



I'll call her later, and I will drag her in to finish this mess.



"He said her name is Bom. Like her name, she's is his spring fairy, his lovely princess. Ohh, don't you think it's cute ??", Dara says as she stares at Jiyong.



Sh*t ! Why is she looking at me like that ?? Urghh, My heart felt like to jump out of my chest. Aish !! I'll make noona explain to this girl that I'm not a girl nor a gay. She really has to pay all.



"You're really pretty", Jiyong mumbles softly. He stares at the girl in front of him who blushes like a red tomato. Dara slightly moves away from Jiyong embraces and cover her face with her hand.



"S-stop s-saying t-things l-like that", Dara stutters.


"I'm j-just saying the truth", Jiyong stutters as he realizes what things he has said to her.



Aish !!! How could I tell her something like that ?! You Pabo, Kwon Jiyong !! What if she fell in love with me as Kwon Jina. Not the real me, Kwon Jiyong ?!! Aishh, you mess up everything !!



"J-just stop saying that", Dara mutters softly.



"Mmm, s-sorry to make you uncomfortable", Jiyong says.









"Hello ?", Jiyong answers the call.


"Where are you ? I got to go in fifteen minutes. And I still have things left to talk with you", Youngbae says




"Okay, I'll go to your room now",


"Mmm, arraso. Be quick okay",


"Hnn, bye".


Jiyong put his phone to his pocket as he stands up. But suddenly, Dara grabs his arms and stares at him with her lovely eyes.



"Who is that ? Where are you going ?", Dara asks curiously.


"Youngbae, He'll go in fifteen minutes. So, I need to meet him quickly", Jiyong says as he rushes to the door.


"Okay be careful", Dara says as she waves him. Jiyong walks out the door and hisses softly.


"Noona, you have to help me clear this out". 




Chapter Sixteen everybody !!! 


It's nearing the end of the story T^T

Please bare with me, I'll update in some short chapter later..

Hope you'll still like this story.

Thanks for the comments and subscribes !!

And I'm an Indonesian !! Hey hey hey !! Haloo salam kenal^^


Btw, have you heard Taeyang's songs ???

Oh I really like eyes, nose, lips (CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO)

And My favorite songs is !!! STAY WITH ME (ft. G-DRAGON) (CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO)

Can't wait to see them on inkigayo >.<


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daragon_vip #1
Chapter 22: I can't click on the one shot sequel to this, is the link broken authornim???
Chapter 23: omg!! i love this.. u're awesome, author-nim..
Chapter 5: I just do not like the fact that because of the actions seunghyun makes in this story, i see him now as the bad-guy while i came for a sweet TOPBOM story, not the opposite, but that's just my opinion.
phEnxx #5
Chapter 21: very cute... thanks for sharing the story authornim :-)
Hachieyy #6
Chapter 22: kyaaaaa!!! i love this fanfic! jiyong is soo cuteeee <3
Amirum #7
Chapter 21: its soo cuteeee !!!! Jiyong is being too cheesy ! Haha >.<
iamnay #8
Chapter 22: im laughing like crazy and the ending is so cute !!!
addeww #9
Chapter 21: aawwww...... so cuuuuuuteeeeee... ♥♥♥♥ thanks unnie ^^
Nicoletan0000 #10
Chapter 21: Cute love it so much but why..end it so fast :(