Soonyoung 02 (OC)

Seventeen One Shots!

*Note: The one who requested it wanted it to be an OC so it’ll all be in OC. Just pretend it’s your name if you don’t like the OC name.

The OC Name I chose is: Jihye.

If you haven’t read my post about requesting OCs, then click here.

Oh and erm, if you were the one that requested this, I assumed you wanted me to make the scenario so yeah…though if you aren’t happy with it then just leave me a comment about it!


'There are three words to for me to say. Guess. :)'. This was about the forty-fifth time that I had received a note similar to this. I smiled and folded the piece of paper. I tucked in safely into my pocket as I walked towards the cafeteria.

I sighed at the long line and mentally cursed myself for being such a slow walker. I grabbed a tray and waited in line as patient as I could be. I looked around the cafeteria for my friends but instead my eyes landed on someone else.

I saw Soonyoung, my long time friend, approach the line. He was typing something on his phone and didn’t notice me. I wonder who he’s texting. I thought as I moved up on the line.

"Hey Jihye," I jumped a bit and turned around to see the smiling fool, Soonyoung. "Hey Soonyoung," I replied and playfully hit him. "You know I get easily scared so don’t do that again!"

He laughed it off and I playfully rolled my eyes. “Course I do, it’s just hilarious to see you frightened,” he said. “It’s not funny!” I fought back and pouted. We started to fool around for a while until the cafeteria lady had scolded me for not moving up and causing a mass of people behind us to be angered by us.

"Well, I’ll see you later maybe?" I said and he nodded. "Course, see you later," he replied as he walked towards his table. I walked towards my table to see some of my friend smirking deviously at me. I gulped and took a seat. It was obvious of what they were going to say next.

"So how was that small date with Soonyoung?" My friend, Hebin asked. She propped her chin on her hand and ‘innocently’ blinked her eyes. I rolled my eyes, "It was not a date, we were just fooling around."

"More like flirting," my other friend, Dahee said. I playfully rolled my eyes and started to eat. "Oh yeah, did you get anymore notes from Mr. Anonymous?" Hebin asked as she finished up her soup. 

I nodded and took out the piece of paper from my pocket. I handed it to Hebin and I opened up my juice bottle. “This dude’s totally crushing on you,” Dahee said as she handed me back the paper.

"Looks like someone has a secret admirer," Hebin said in a sing-song voice and ate. "No way! I bet the three words is something like I like cats or something," I said and finished up my meal.

I looked up to see my friends staring at me with an absurd expression on their faces. “What?” I asked as I drank some of my juice. “Do you really think it’s ‘I like cats’ Jihye? Really?” Hebin said and threw a grape at my forehead.

I scrunched up my face and nodded in confusion as to why they didn’t think the same as I did. “You thick headed little girl, they’re confessing to you!” Dahee said and took a grape to throw it at me again.

"Ow! What’s with you guys and throwing food at me?" I said and rubbed my arm. "Oh please, it shouldn’t really hurt Jihye-ah," Dahee replied and was about to take another grape to throw at me until I quickly took away her bowl of grapes.

"Hey! I was going to eat it this time!" Dahee whined and Hebin rolled her eyes. "Think about it Jihye, three words. Three words!! It’s not that hard," Hebin said as I gave back the bowl of grapes to Dahee.

"Um, is this person saying, ‘I hate cats’ then?" I asked, still completely confused. Both Hebin and Dahee face palmed and I calmly finished up my grapes.

"You idiot! YOUR SECRET ADMIRER IS SAYING ‘I LOVE YOU’," Dahee shouted which caused many people around me to stare, including Soonyoung.

"Um, sorry about her! She’s just a bit more on the crazy side today," Hebin replied with an awkward laugh as she seated Dahee. I felt my cheeks flush of embarrassment.

"Sorry about that but you really can be so dense you know!" Dahee said and drank her juice. "I’m not sure if this person likes me! What if it’s a prank?" I replied and Hebin sighed heavily.

"Would it be a prank if this person constantly left you notes about how beautiful you are and complimented you everyday?" Hebin asked. "Well I guess if you put it that way no," I replied. "See? The prank would’ve been revealed months ago!" Hebin said.

"The question is," Dahee paused as she threw away her juice box. "Who this person is." "I think it might be your seat partner! Choi Jae Wan!" Hebin whispered-yelled.

Dahee stared at her as if horns was growing out of her head, “He has a girlfriend smart one.” “Do you think it’s a possibility of one of the cute guys over there?” Hebin said and pointed over to the table that was not very far from us.

"It could be Min Ji Wook oppa! He always talks to you doesn’t he?" Dahee said. "Yah! Stop staring and pointing! You’ll make it obvious as to how we’re talking about them!" I said and they turned back towards you. "Well don’t you think it is? He always seems to talk to you and don’t you have a crush on him?" Hebin asked and you shook your head.

"That was from 6th grade! Not anymore," I replied and they both stared at each other. Suddenly, a devious smirk formed on their face and they slowly turned their heads towards me. My eyes widened a bit and they both grinned.

"Could it possibly be," Hebin started. "Your current obvious crush," Dahee continued. "Kwon Soon Young?" They both said together which scared me a bit.

"N-no way!" I replied and stole a quick glance over to Soonyoung’s table. Luckily, he didn’t hear his name being said. "Your crush for him is obvious!" Dahee said.

"N-no i-it i-isn’t!" I stammered and cursed myself for losing my cool. "Yes it is! Your cheeks are red and you always stutter a bit whenever it comes to him!" Hebin said and had caught me red handed.

"U-um, I’m going to go get a-another drink," I said and stood up from my seat. "Get me a drink too!" Hebin said and you nodded.

"Have fun staring at him Jihye!" I heard Dahee shout behind me. I quickly glanced around to see some people staring at me.

I quickly approached the vending machines and tried my best to avoid all eye contact. I stood in line and waited for the person in front of me to finish up. I tried my best to avoid eye contact with Soonyoung since his table was barely a table away from the vending machines.

"Jihye!" I heard someone shout my name and I turned around to see Jiwook. He was holding a can of Arizona. He smiled and handed you the drink.

"Here, you can have this," he said and turned around. I grabbed his hand and pull him back. "Wait, isn’t this yours? Why are you giving it to me?" I asked.

"Oh, well since you seem to always drink this, I figured you might want it since I took the last Arizona from the vending machine," he replied and I smiled at his kindness.

"O-oh, well thanks Jiwook oppa," I said and tucked some of my hair behind my ear. "Oh and you look beautiful today," he said and I blushed as he walked away.

I turned back around to get a drink for Hebin. “That jerk seems to like you huh?” I heard someone say and before I put the money in, I turned around to see Soonyoung.

He had a dull look and you looked at him confused. “He’s not a jerk Soonyoung, he’s nice and caring,” I replied and he scoffed. “I doubt he actually likes you so don’t be led on by him,” I heard him reply as I punched in the numbers.

"I’m not being led on and he doesn’t like me that way! He’s just being nice," I replied and waited for the drink to dispense. "He’s a lying, stupid, idiotic jerk and you don’t know him Jihye," Soonyoung said and I turned around to see him displaying a bitter expression.

Before I was able to reply, I heard the drink dispense and I quickly took the drink. I turned back around to reply, “He’s not a jerk Soonyoung! What’s up with you?”

"Nothing, I’m just warning you since you can be so defenseless around guys," he replied. I scoffed, "I’m not defenseless and I know he isn’t a jerk! A jerk is what you’re acting like right now!"

I stormed off back to the table and slammed the drinks down which caused Dahee and Hebin to jump from shock. “What’s wrong with you?” Dahee asked.

"Stupid Soonyoung," I mumbled as I opened the can of Arizona. "What happened?" Hebin asked as she took a sip of her drink. I slammed the drink back down and wiped my mouth.

"He’s jumping to conclusions by saying Jiwook oppa likes me and saying that he’s a complete jerk! He’s the one that’s acting like a jerk by talking smack about Jiwook oppa!" I replied and chugged the rest of my Arizona.

"Isn’t it obvious?" Dahee asked. "Isn’t what obvious?" Hebin asked as she finished up her drink too. "He’s saying smack about him because he’s jealous!" Dahee replied.

I shook my head, “No way Dahee, I think it’s because he’s in a moody phase.” Dahee rolled her eyes, “Anyways, you should write the answer on the piece of paper quickly since lunch is about to end.”

"Oh and about it being Soonyoung, I doubt it," I replied and I quickly wrote down the words ‘I Love You’. The bell rang just in time and I said my farewells to Hebin and Dahee as I ran towards the bulletin board near my locker.

I quickly stuck it on after hiding it underneath multiple classes and made my way towards class. Classes were as usual; some interesting and boring events here and there. Though throughout the afternoon, my thoughts lingered towards who actually does give me notes and if what Dahee and Hebin said was true…Was it really Soonyoung?


The bell finally rang and I quickly arranged my belongings into my bag. I quickly walked out and towards the bulletin board. I tried my best to avoid Soonyoung as he passed by me in the halls.

I started to linger around my locker; waiting for the halls to be cleared. Since there was only about 3-5 people in the halls, I decided to quickly look around the bulletin boards and underneath the papers.

I was about to give up from about 5 minutes of looking everywhere on the filled bulletin board until I saw a piece of paper fall to the floor. I picked it up and quickly grabbed my stuff from my locker as I walked outside.

I slowed my walking to open up the note and read it. 'Okay, I'll tell you the words if you meet me by the park in front of our school at 7:00 pm. Let's finally meet each other unless you decide not to.' I bit my lip as I debated if I should go or not.

I folded the piece of paper and tucked it into my pocket. I walked outside and saw Soonyoung with Mingyu, Wonwoo and Seungcheol. My eyes widened the moment Soonyoung and I made eye contact.

I quickly looked to the right and started to quicken my walking pace. I looked back and he was out of my view. I sighed and continue to walk until I bumped into something that felt like soft fabric.

I turned around and quickly back away the moment I saw Jiwook’s face. “Mianhaeyo Jiwook oppa!” I said and bowed. I heard him laugh a bit, “It’s fine. I was looking for you anyways and luckily, I found you.”

I blushed as I stood straight and he smiled, “Since we walk the same way, I was wondering if you’d like to walk with me.” I nodded in response and we started to walk.

We had a funny conversation as we walked. “Well, I’m sorry about that but it was fun talking to you,” he said and smiled. “Yeah, it was fun, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I replied and he nodded as he quickly ran to his sports practice.

I continued to walk until I stopped by the convenience store to buy another Arizona. I patiently waited in line as the cashier dealt with the other costumers. I looked towards the door as the chime had caught my attention.

I saw four familiar faces and as I saw the tallest one approach, I quickly looked away. Soonyoung and his friends were here. I quickly handed my drink as the cashier sure did take his sweet time to scan it.

"That will be-" "Here you go, thanks," I replied as I quickly handed him the money. I tried my best to walk past Mingyu and Wonwoo but Wonwoo had a keen eye to see me.

"Oh hey Jihye," I heard him say. I mentally cursed him for noticing me as I turned around. "Oh, hi there Wonwoo, Mingyu," I replied and subtly smiled at them.

"It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other!" Wonwoo said and smiled. "It’s true," Mingyu added and I nodded in agreement. They started to talk to me and I tried my best to quickly end the conversation.

As I saw Seungcheol and Soonyoung at the counter, I quickly interrupted Mingyu. “Um, I’m sorry to interrupt but I’m sort of in a rush right now so-” “Oh, we’re sorry to interrupt you,” Mingyu said.

I was about to turn around until Seungcheol turned around and noticed me. “Hey Jihye!” He said and smiled brightly. I quietly sighed and waved. I saw Soonyoung turn around and we immediately made eye contact.

"Uh, I’m sort of in a rush right now so sorry!" I quickly stated and walked out of the store with a very quick walking pace. I looked back and sighed in relief as they were out of sight.

I slowed my walking pace and I opened up my Arizona and drank half of it from walking way too fast. I finished up my drink as I walked through the park and threw it into the garbage can.

”..hye! Jihye! Wait up!” I heard someone shout and I looked back to see Soonyoung. My eyes widened and I yet again, increased my walking pace.

I was about to start running until I felt him grabbed my arm. “Wait Jihye,” he said. I didn’t respond as I desperately tried to wiggle out of his firm grip.

"Look Jihye, I wanted to say that I’m sorry from before, you were right about me acting like a jerk," he said and I stopped moving my arm. I turned around and faced Soonyoung.

He laid down on the floor once you turned around. He tugged you a bit which cause you to fall as well. I sighed, “It’s fine and I didn’t mean to snap back so harshly towards you.”

He was breathing heavily, “Gosh Jihye, how fast can you walk? More importantly, how fast can you run if you can walk nearly as fast as a cheetah!” We both laughed and I offered my hand as I got up.

He reached for it and got up as well. He dusted off the dust from his pants and we started to walk. “Now, anyways, I have a few questions for you,” he said and I raised a brow.

"Who’s this secret admirer I hear that loves you?" He whispered and you playfully rolled your eyes. "It’s no one, Dahee and Hebin assume that this person who gives me notes, is my secret admirer," I replied.

"Oooh! Looks like someone is crushing on a certain someone," he joked and you lightly pushed him. "I doubt it though, but I’ll find out later today," I replied and he looked at you with a confused expression.

"How is that?" He asked and you pulled out the note from your pocket and handed it to him. He opened it and skimmed through it. He passed it back to you and you quickly tucked it back in.

"Are you really going to see this person?" He asked and you were confused as to why he had some excitement in his voice. "Yeah, I want to know who this person is," I replied and he nodded as he bit his lip.

"Who do you think it is?" Soonyoung asked. "Well Dahee and Hebin thinks it’s Jiwook and someone else," I said. "Oh well who’s the someone else?" He asked.

"It’s a secret," I replied and smiled as I skipped on ahead. He ran towards me and caught up with me. "Well do you like Jiwook hyung?" He asked.

I thought for a bit and quickly debated if I should say yes to see if he gets jealous. “Maybe,” I replied and bit my lip to prevent my smirk from showing.

I saw him frown a bit and I started to bite my lip a bit more. “Oh come on, it’s yes or no question,” he said. “I, I think I do, why? What about you?” I asked and his frown was clearly visible.

Was he jealous? I thought. “It’s a secret,” he replied. “Oh come on! I told you mine so you should tell me yours!” I said and he blushed a bit. “Okay, okay, it’s a good friend of mine that I met through one of the Seventeen members,” he said and his cheeks grew red.

"Hmmm, I’ll figure it out soon," I said. By this point, we reached the end of the park. "Well, bye Soonyoung, I’ll see you tomorrow," I said and turned to the left as he said farewell too.

I went home and thought about if the person might actually be Soonyoung. For the next two hours, all I could think about was who the person could possibly be and what will happen when I meet this person.


"Um, I’m going to quickly go the convenience store so I’ll be back in 30 minutes!" I told my parents and quickly put on my shoes as I ran towards the park.

Luckily, it was summer and the sun was still out and shining as brightly as ever. I looked around and there was no one except for little children playing around at the playground and adults here and there.

I figured I might be early so I went and sat down at the bench while I waited. I looked around the park and there was still no sign of any person around my age.

After about 5 minutes, I was about to get up and leave until I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes. The person cleared their throat, “Surprise?” I recognized the voice anywhere and quickly removed the person’s hands as I turned around.

It was Soonyoung. He was standing there with a small smile on his face. “The answer is um, I love you, so you were correct but you don’t have to return the feelings-” I shut him up by planting a kiss onto his lips which took him by surprise.

He pulled back and blinked multiple times to interpret what just happened. “I love you too you dork,” I replied and he slowly walked over to the bench and sat down next to me.

"B-but you sai-" "It was a lie, I was seeing if you would get jealous," I said and stuck out my tongue playfully. "What a cruel little girl," he said and laughed.

"So was the reason why you acted up at lunch because of jealousy too?" I asked and he nodded as a shade of red appeared on his face. I giggled and he smiled a bit as he shyly scratched his neck.

"So will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. "You obviously know what the answer is," I said and he leaned in for another kiss. We were barely a centimeter away and I closed my eyes.

Instead of feeling his sweet lips, he kissed my nose and pulled away laughing. “Hey! I wanted a kiss though!” I said and pouted. “Okay, fine,” he said. He leaned in once more but kissed my nose yet again.

I crossed my arms and playfully rolled my eyes. “Okay, for real this time,” he said. He leaned in but this time, I decided to do the same and I kissed his nose.

"Yah! I said for real this time!" He said and you shook your head as you got off the bench. "Not unless you can catch me!" I shouted and ran from him as he jolted out of the bench.

It was a funny evening even though I stayed a bit passed my time limit by 2 hours but it was worth it.

I felt like I rushed this a bit so I apologize if you think it was rushed. Well anyways, I hope you anticipate the next one! Bye~

Sorry for not having many one shots last week but now I’m back! Hope you enjoyed!

-Admin L

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iluvEXOforever #2
YeowooJinnie #3
Youngooon #4
Chapter 6: I died reading Wonwoo's like seriously . Haaa~ *sigh* how fantastic will it be if it was real . For all Wonwoo's wifeu out there , dont be jealous if news come out that he's dating me *sassy* (shut up ! just kidding ~)
Chapter 7: ahh i really like this one!! <33 ((:
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Chapter 9: Sweet... And funny Yujin
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Chapter 7: Awe cute Maknae Chann~
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Chapter 6: Lol Mingyu??? Hahaha XD
nhu_NN #9
Chapter 1: Soonyoung is so cute! I love the story. Fighting!
markedbacon #10
Characters: Minghao x Reader
Genre: fluff and romance!!
Scenario: 7 minutes in heaven ;-) please include some "action" authornim ahahahha please and thank you!!