Garden Of Yellow Roses (2/?)

Garden Of Yellow Roses

Monday proved to be no different from any other day Jonghyun gone to school.  He still didn’t like it. He didn’t want to color, he didn’t want to practice his numbers, and he didn’t want to read books. All Jonghyun wanted was his Appa so he did what he always did, he cried.

“Um Mrs. Park,” Kibum stood patiently next to his teacher’s desk as she stopped what she was doing and turned her attention to the small boy.

“Yes Kibum, what do you need?”

“Why does Jonghyun cry so much?”

“He doesn’t like school very much, he just wants to be home with his Appa.

Kibum furrowed his brows in confusion. He couldn’t understand how anyone wouldn’t like school. He looked forward to going every morning.

“But school is fun. You get to learn and play with your friends all day.”

“Jonghyun doesn’t have any friends at school  Kibum. Maybe if he did he wouldn’t cry so much.  Mrs.  Park said as she went back to her task of sorting through papers.

Kibum thought for a moment before he spoke again. “Umm Mrs. Park,” he said looking up at his teacher, “can I be his friend?”

Mrs. Park smiled down gently at the young boy. “I think that would be a wonderful idea Kibum.”

Kibum smiled back at his teacher. “Can I take him to the bathroom and help him clean his face?”

“That would be a great way to help out your new friend.” Mrs. Park watched with a smile as Kibum walked over to Jonghyun, saying something in his ear before taking him by the hand and walking him to the restroom.

They entered the bathroom, Jonghyun following timidly behind Kibum as Kibum held his hand. Kibum thought for a moment about  what to do to make Jonghyun stop crying, smiling to himself when he got an idea.

“When I’m sad my Umma sings me a song. So I’m gonna sing it for you so you won’t be so sad okay?” Kibum spoke cheerfully as he handed Jonghyun some tissue for his face.

Kibum positioned himself with his hands at his sides, swinging them in rhythm  as he sang Jonghyun the lyrics to one of his favorite songs.

By the end of the song Jonghyun was no longer crying being preoccupied by Kibum’s mini performance of the familiar nursery rhyme. He tried to hide the small smile that crept onto his face due to Kibum’s charming pose at the end of the song.

“See I told you a song would make you feel better.” Kibum said as he took the tissue from Jonghyun’s hand to wipe his eyes.

“Do you want to be friends?” Kibum asked when he was done cleaning Jonghyun’s face.

No one had ever asked to be Jonghyun’s friend before. He wasn't really sure how to respond.

“Mrs. Park said that you’re sad all the time because you don’t have any friends. If I promise to be your friend will you promise to not be sad anymore?”

Kibum looked at Jonghyun waiting for his reply. Jonghyun just looked back at Kibum not really knowing what to say. He had never had a friend before and wasn’t really sure if he even wanted one. He cried all the time at school because he wanted his Appa not because he didn’t have friends but whenever he was around the bouncy wide eyed boy school didn’t seem so bad. And Jonghyun did really like the fact that Kibum sang for him, so if that was what a friend did then maybe it was okay for Kibum and him to be friends.

“If this is gonna be a promise, it has to be official.” Kibum said as he grabbed Jonghyun’s right hand, holding up his pinky and interlocking it with his own.

It had been a little over two weeks since Kibum had promised to be Jonghyun's friend and he kept his promise well, doing practically everything with Jonghyun. Jonghyun was good at keeping his end of the bargain as well because with Kibum around he really wasn't sad anymore, even though he still did miss his Appa, he liked being with Kibum and he found out that he actually liked being at school too. The fact that Kium was alot more outgoing than him was helping Jonghyun get over his shyness little by little. He had even managed to raise his hand(or rather Kibum raised his hand for him) and answered a question during class, his voice being a few notches over a whispe. Kibum squealed and patted him on the back afterward which made Jonghyun grin widely, feeling proud of himself for answering the question.

Both boys were sitting together in the reading corner, Kibum reading book about counting to Jonghyun, when Miss Lee called for the children to line up for lunch. During lunchtime they sat next to each other as usual, Jonghyun with his school lunch, because his dad couldn’t cook a thing and Yejin was sick so she didn’t come over that morning to make his lunch, and Kibum with his lunch box from home.

“Wanna share lunch today?” Kibum looked at Jonghyun smiling before opening his lunch box his Umma had prepared for him that morning.Jonghyun nodded happily as Kibum put a roll of kimbap, two kiwis, and a cherry tomato on his lunch tray. He didnt like cuccumbers so Kibum kept those for himself. Kibum talked pretty the whole duration of lunchtime but Jonghyun didn’t mind. Kibum was really funny and Jonghyun didn’t really talk much anyways. The topic of Kibum’s lunch conversation that day was his baby brother Taemin, who Kibum deemed annoying because all he did was follow him around all day.

“But when I get sent to my room for being too bossy, he always sneaks to make me feel better and plays with me so I guess he isn’t too bad.” Kibum said about his brother before finishing the last of his banana milk.

They ate happily, without talking for a while until Jonghyun felt the urge to say something. “I like to watch Power Rangers at home with my Appa.” He said looking at Kibum who just blinked at him for a moment before he replied because it was random remark.

“Me too, they’re cool. Which one is your favorite?” He asked as he ate the last slice of cucumber.

“The blue one, I want to be a Power Ranger when I grow up.”

They talked about all their favorite shows until both boys were finished eating. Kibum suggested that they play on the swings when they went outside for recess.

"Im extremely happy Kibum and Jonghyun hit it off so well."  Mrs. Park smiled as she watched Jonghyun and Kibum play on the swings before turning to Miss Lee to see her nod in agreement.

"Im glad too," Miss Lee replied. "Having Kibum around is doing wonders for Jonghyun and the way Kibum mothers his is so cute." She exclaimed as two children ran past her towards the slide.

“You wanna play hide and seek?” Kibum suggested, tired of swinging and wanting to play something else. Jonghyun nodded as he jumped off the slide, linking hands with Kibum as they walked to a nearby tree.

“Okay, you count and I’ll hide okay.”

Jonghyun nodded before he turned around, and began counting, holding both hands over his eyes as he did. When he got to ten he turned around and began looking for Kibum. After checking practically the whole playground and not finding Kibum, he decided that he would look again, but this time a little more carefully thinking that Kibum was a really good hider and that when it was his turn he would have to get an even better hiding place. He checked everywhere he could think of but he still couldn’t find Kibum. The tears started to well up in his eyes by the time he looked for the fourth time and he was sitting on the ground balling before he got to his fifth attempt when he heard a familiar voice speak to him.

“Jonghyun, why are you crying?”

Jonghyun turned to see Kibum as he sat on the ground next to him. Kibum had heard him crying while he was hiding and came out to check if he was okay.

“Did you hurt yourself, or did someone push you?” Kibum asked, eyes looking over the boy not knowing why his friend was crying.

“I c-couldn’t find you … and I got scared.” Jonghyun managed to say between sobs, tears flowing down his face.

"I was just over there behind that bush." He said pointing to the only place Jonghyun didnt look as he wiped Jonghyun's face with his hands.

Kibum turned to hug the crying boy, holding him and apologizing for making him cry. He didn’t like the feeling he got from making Jonghyun cry but he didn’t know how to make him stop even though he said sorry so he did what his Umma always did when he was scared, he kissed Jonghyun on the cheek. Jonghyun’s tears stopped instantly as he stared at Kibum with wide eyes in confusion, his face turning a light shade of red.

“Whenever I’m scared my Umma always gives me a kiss and it makes me feel better so I gave you one to make you feel better too.” He explained simply as he smiled at his no longer crying friend. “I’m sorry I made you scared  and we don’t have to play hide and seek again if you don’t want to okay.”

Jonghyun just stared at Kibum, still in shock from the peck on his cheek as Kibum stood up and took his hand to line up with the rest of the students to go inside because recess was over.

After recess was rest time. Jonghyun looked foward to it, being a bit tired form crying. After getting hi\s blanket from his cubby, Kibum went to his regular rest time spot next to Jonghyun who was already laying down. He pushed his blue mat next to Jonghyun's until they touched before he laid down, Jonghyun turning to face him as he did. Mrs. Park dimmed the classroom lights and some soothing music as all the children settled down for rest time.

"Are you still mad at me for making you cry at recess?" Kibum whispered to his friend so he wouldnt wake the children that were sleeping around them. Jonghyun shook his head.

"Oh okay, cause I really didn't mean to do it." he said as a yawn left his lips, his eyes slowly closing.

Jonghyun gazed at Kibum for a while as he slept, still thinking about the kiss on his cheek. Jonghyun didnt know that friends could kiss eachother but Kibum was smart in Jonghyun's opinion and Kibum had  taught him alot about friendship since they had become friends so friends kissiing each otheE must be okay, Jonghyun thought as he shifted under the blanket, a yawn escaping his lips, reminding him of how tired he was. Even though it made him blush, Jonghyun did like how he felt when Kibum kissed his cheek so he decided he would return the affection as leaned in to kiss Kibum, blushing again when he kissed the sleeping boy on the lips.

A/N Well here is chapter two and for those of you who dont know the Korean nursery rhyme The 3 Bears the son that Key sings to Jonghyun is pretty much the most adorable song ever but Im sure most of you know it. I battled all week how to write this chapter so I hope its satisfactory to those that read it , parts of it seem choppy to me though :( . Im still really new to this whole writing fanfic thing but the hardest part of writing fics Ive found for me so far is what the heck to write at the beginning. I usually have everything I want to put in the chapter pretty much down but I just stare at my computer screen for hours cause I don't know how in the heck to start it LOL. Oh and I hope you guys liked the little exchange of affection from Jongkey too. This chapter is shorter than the first, something I was trying to avoid. I wanted the chapters in this fic to be longer but I dont want it to sound like Im just craming stuff in every chapter so I guess its good that they arent incredibly long ... oh god now im just rambling xD ... Im gonna go now  BYE Lol

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Chapter 2: ahhh that was a really cute story>.< you did a great job author-nim! :)
Chapter 2: My gosh! So adorable >3<
It probably would never be extremely popular because its about little kids but I still love it XD
The cuteness is turning me to mush *becomes a big puddle of apple sauce*
shesworthit #3
Chapter 2: good and nice, meke no pres tidas
foreversucks #4
Chapter 2: lol. my lovely one. good!
awhh!! THAT WAS THE ING CUTEST EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR D': i'm doing to cry <3 moremoremore!!!
RavenRage #6
It´s so cute, I think my ovaries are going to burst! :DDD
I know how you feel! Starting chapters is just THE WORST.
LOrd_JY_ #8
It's nice,update soon please ><
This is just... too cute! Update soon >\\\<