Garden Of Yellow Roses (1/?)

Garden Of Yellow Roses

Jonghyun sat in his usual seat in the back of the classroom in a blue chair, sitting alone, and crying. It had been about two weeks since he started attending Kindergarten and he really didn’t understand why he had to be there every day, he hated coming to this place. It wasn’t because his teachers were mean, Mrs. Park and Miss Lee were actually very nice, and it wasn’t because the other boys and girls were mean, because they weren’t, even despite the fact that Jonghyun just cried pretty much all day. Jonghyun just didn’t want to be here with them. All he wanted was to be home with his Appa, sitting on his father’s lap hearing him tell about his day. When he wasn’t forced to be at school, Jonghyun spent most of his time with his father at home, mostly because Jonghyun didn’t really have any friends but he didn’t mind because to him all he really needed was his Appa. The reason Jonghyun didn’t have any friends wasn’t because other children didn’t want to be his friend though, but ever since his mother died when he was three Jonghyun had become quiet, shy, and extremely attached to his father. He was practically his father’s shadow at home with the way he always followed him around. With the exception of their maid his father was the only person that Jonghyun was comfortable being around.

“Miss Lee, can you please take Jonghyun to the restroom? His crying is making it hard for the rest of the class to pay attention to their lesson.” Mrs. Park said as she handed the brown haired teacher a green box of Kleenex. Miss Lee walked over to the crying boy kneeling down behind him, softly rubbing circles on his back with the palm of her hand. “Jonghyun it’s hard for the other children to learn when you cry like that, let’s go to the bathroom and get your face all cleaned up, okay?” The brown haired woman said softly as she took Jonghyun by the hand. When they entered the small room Miss Lee stooped down in front of the crying boy, gently sweeping the hair from his red, puffy eyes. “Now Jonghyun,” she said as she gently cupped his wet face between her thumb and index finger, wiping his eyes with the tissue in her other, “with all these tears no one can see that handsome face of yours.” She said smiling down at him. When she was done cleaning his tear stained face she grabbed another tissue from the box to help him blow his runny nose then stood to wash her hands in the white sink behind her. Jonghyun was standing next to her whimpering quietly when she picked him up patting his bottom affectionately in the process before sitting down on the toilet seat rocking back and forth, in an attempt to sooth him. She spoke tenderly as she held the still whimpering boy, “Jonghyun, it been almost two hours, school isn’t that bad is it?” She paused for a moment and tilted her head looking at Jonghyun’s face, waiting for him to respond. When he didn’t she continued speaking, “I know you want to see you Appa but you have to do your work first so why don’t we go back to class and color with your friends okay?” she stated as she stood up and took the still whimpering boy by the hand to lead him out of the bathroom. But before her hand reached the doorknob a cascade of tears fell down his face as he began to wail again. It took another forty-five minutes before Jonghyun was calm again; weakly agreeing to join the other children when Miss Lee said that if he did he would be able to see his father soon. The children were practicing writing their names with the use of their favorite crayon color as Jonghyun took his seat in his blue chair. He opened up his green pencil box and picked out a red crayon and began to scribble his name on the white paper.

“And when you’re done writing your name Jonghyun you can decorate your paper and we’ll show it to Appa when he comes to take you home.” Miss Lee said with a smile as she patted him on the head before attending to the other children in the class.

Jonghyun had been working quietly on his picture of him and his Appa for a few minutes when the Mrs. Park called for the attention of the class. Jonghyun looked up from his drawing to see the teacher standing in front of the class, a small black haired boy with big, bright, eyes standing next to her.

“Class, we have a new friend with us today. This is Kim Kibum, he was in my class last year for preschool so some of you that were in my class last year already know him. He just returned from a trip to Daegu visiting his grandmother. Make Kibum feel welcome.”

“Kibum please introduce yourself.” The other teacher, Miss Lee said with a grin. Kibum was one of her favorite students from the year before. For being so young Kibum was full of personality, he was one of the most entertaining people she knew. He was also extremely respectful and polite; it was obvious that his mother was raising him to be a good mannerly Korean boy.

“Annyeonghasayo, My name is Kim Kibum.” He announced to the attentive class with a bright smile, bowing lightly and finishing his introduction with a cute pose.

“Such a unique introduction,” Mrs. Park said giggling as she motioned to the young boy to take his seat. “You will sit by Jonghyun in the back, Jonghyun raise your hand so Kibum can see where to sit.” The teacher stated and Jonghyun just stared blankly at her before timidly raising his right hand, watching the bright eyed boy carefully as he made his way to the back of the class. Kibum walked to his seat placing his backpack on the back of his brown chair before sitting down. Jonghyun watched quietly as his new table mate opened his pink crayon box, thoughtfully scanning the contents before smiling and choosing a yellow crayon, closing the box and placing it neatly on top of the name tag in front of him before carefully writing his name in the middle of his white paper.

Jonghyun managed to finish the rest of the school day without tears thanks to his new distraction, Kim Kibum. He was extremely intrigued by the boy, how smart he was, and how he was slightly bossy, taking it upon himself at times to tell Jonghyun how to do his work though Jonghyun never asked for help and if he wasn’t working fast enough Kibum would just take the pencil from Jonghyun’s hand and finish it himself. Kibum was so much of a distraction that Jonghyun was surprised when Mrs. Park said that school was almost over and it was time to start getting ready for dismissal. When his name was called, he walked to the front of the room to his green cubby removing the papers in it to place in his backpack and took his place in line behind Kibum waiting with the rest of the class to walk outside to see their parents.

“Almost three hours today,” Mrs. Park announced to Jonghyun’s father about how long his crying episode lasted today, fighting the slight blush that made its way to her cheeks when their eyes met.

“He’s getting better then,” The suit clad man said with a hopeful smile before bending down to pick up his son, grunting slightly in the process. “Aigoo, how is my Jonghyunnie, did you have fun at school today?” he said as he kissed his son on the cheek. Jonghyun just laid his chin on his father’s shoulder in response and wrapped his small arms around his father’s neck. Mr. Kim bid the school teacher goodbye, thanking her for her patience with his son, before turning around to walk towards his parked car, placing Jonghyun in the backseat and buckling him securely into the seat before shutting the door. The half hour drive home was quiet as Jonghyun looked intently out the tinted car window at the familiar scenery and his father occasionally looking at his son contently sitting in the back seat from his rear-view mirror.

“We’re home.” His father announced cheerfully as he drove into the parking garage. Jonghyun sat patiently in the back seat and waited for his father to unbuckle him and help him out of the car.

“Do you want to push the number?” His father asked peering down at the boy who only glanced up blankly at his father in reply. “Go ahead, push number 3.” His father insisted, motioning with both hands to let his son know that it was okay. Jonghyun stepped forward and pressed the round button, slowly stepping back to his position next to his father when it turned green. When the elevator doors opened Jonghyun and his father stepped into the large hallway with ivory colored walls and patterned carpet and walked down the hallway to the last door on the right. Before Mr. Kim could get his keys out of his pocket the door opened, their maid greeting them with a bright smile. Good Evening Mr. Kim.” She said with a bow. “And Good Evening to you too Mr. Kim.” She spoke to the small boy, bending down to plant a soft kiss on his forehead before taking him by the hand to walk him to his room. “Dinner will be ready in a few minutes Sir.” She called to Mr. Kim as she and Jonghyun made their way down the hallway.

“Thank you Yejin.” He replied as he took off his suit jacket laying it across the couch arm rest, loosening his tie and unhooking the first two buttons of his white shirt before sitting down with an exhausted sigh.

Jonghyun and Yejin emerged from Jonghyun’s room about five minutes later, Jonghyun no longer wearing his school clothes but his favorite Spiderman shirt and some sweat pants. He walked with Yejin to the kitchen and sat at the table waiting for the table to be set and dinner to be served. After dinner was eaten Jonghyun and his father played a matching game on the living room floor, Jonghyun grinning widely when he found a match and giggled softly when he found all the matches and won the game, which caused his father to be a sore loser and pout, while Yejin cleaned up the kitchen. When Yejin was finished tidying up the kitchen about thirty minutes later she called for Jonghyun to go to the bathroom so he could take a bath.

“Don’t worry about that tonight, Yejin.” Mr. Kim said after glancing down at his watch. “You have to get home, you’ve done more than enough for today. I’ll give Jonghyun his bath tonight and you can just get off a bit early today.” He said with a kind smile.

“Are you sure sir?”

“We’ll be fine, won’t we Jonghyun,” He said smiling down at the young boy, ruffling his hair.

“Thank you sir, I’ll see you on Monday then, have a good weekend.” The woman called as she collected her things and left the apartment.

After his bath Jonghyun dressed himself in his favorite blue pajamas with monkeys on them and climbed into bed waiting for his father to tuck him in for the night. His father entered the room with an old worn out book, one that Jonghyun knew very well, it was his mother’s favorite story to read to him. His father climbed into bed next to his son and read the familiar story, closing the book softly when he was finished. “Goodnight Jonghyun, sweet dreams.” He said before placing a light kiss on the toddler’s cheek, pulling the covers up, and tucking him in tightly. Jonghyun watched as his father walked towards the door and dimmed the light before turning around one last time blowing him a kiss. Jonghyun smiled softly before shutting his tired eyes and fell asleep.



A/N I work with kids and there is this particular little girl who is terrified of kindergarten and cries EVERY DAY. About the third day in class another little girl (just as cute as the other I might add) came up to me and asked if she could be her friend. She took her hand and walked with her to the classroom. It was the cutest thing ever, she waits for her every day during breakfast and just sits next to her rubbing her back until the other girl stops crying. It inspired me to write this story but with Jongkey. I hope someone enjoys reading this. This will be a short chaptered fic oh and BTW this is my first fanfic so comments and honest criticism are welcomed. Thank you.

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Chapter 2: ahhh that was a really cute story>.< you did a great job author-nim! :)
Chapter 2: My gosh! So adorable >3<
It probably would never be extremely popular because its about little kids but I still love it XD
The cuteness is turning me to mush *becomes a big puddle of apple sauce*
shesworthit #3
Chapter 2: good and nice, meke no pres tidas
foreversucks #4
Chapter 2: lol. my lovely one. good!
awhh!! THAT WAS THE ING CUTEST EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR D': i'm doing to cry <3 moremoremore!!!
RavenRage #6
It´s so cute, I think my ovaries are going to burst! :DDD
I know how you feel! Starting chapters is just THE WORST.
LOrd_JY_ #8
It's nice,update soon please ><
This is just... too cute! Update soon >\\\<