
Way back


 I went out of minho’s car and went to dad’s office


Sulli: dad I’m here

appa: sul good thing you’re early

sulli: what’s up dad, is there a problem

appa: I just wanted to talk to you first before I go to my meeting

sulli: so what do you want to talk about dad?

appa: since it’s your first day I don’t want to pressure you so call me when you’re being pressured arraseo

sulli: dad you don’t have to do this pressured is part of my job

appa: arraseo by the way , I arrange you a meeting, he will be around by 11 so you better prepare yourself. You are excused for today

sulli: arraseo

appa: I better go now

I hugged him

sulli: take care appa

appa: I will you also, enjoy your first day


he left the office and I headed to appa’s assistant to instruct me the things that I will do for today


Assistant: mrs. wu this is your schedule for today you will have a meeting at 11am-3pm

sulli: did appa say something about this meeting? Who are the people I’m going to talk too

Assistant : Pres. choi didn’t say anything about it Mrs. Wu

sulli: arraseo

Assitant: Mrs. wu you can use one of the conference room for your meeting.

sulli: I will

assistant: Pres. choi also instructed me to tell you that there is a phone there which connects to my line so if there’s anything you like me to buy or do don’t hesitate to call me Mrs. Wu

sulli: thank you jinah

jinah: your welcome Mrs. Wu


it’s 10.50 and now I’m at my office preparing my stuff, I know I’m just a beginner but dad wanted me to have an office for some privacy and for me to rest. I noticed that people are gathering around looking at something and I head out the office and saw


: sul!

sulli: kris?

he hugged me

sulli: what are you doing here?

kris: don’t you miss me?

sulli: you know that’s not what I meant?

kris: I wanted to visit you

sulli: wait I’ll ask jinah to move my meeting

kris: no need

jinah popped out of no where

jinah: Mrs. wu this is Mr. Wu this is the person you will have a meeting with

sulli: dad planned it?

kris: I planned it

sulli: thank you jinah, you may now go back to work and tell dad I won’t use the conference room

jinah: arraseo Mrs. Wu


jinah left

sulli: as for you let’s talk in my office

we headed to my office

kris: wow! big office, I thought you don’t like working

sulli: do I have a choice?

he hugged me

kris: I’ve missed you

sulli: I miss you too, why didn’t you tell me you’re coming?

kris: I wanted to surprise you on your first day

sulli: my husband is so sweet, so are you staying for good?

kris: for your information Mrs. Wu I have work but I’ll try to visit you

sulli: how did you even convince them to visit me?

kris; my grandfather was a General before so I asked appa to talked to them

sulli: wow! your grandfather’s a general? and I didn’t know

kris: I forgot that information

sulli: anyway what time are you leaving?

kris: around 2

sulli: wait this meeting will last at 3 why are you leaving at 2?

kris: let’s pick up yoogie together arraseo?

sulli: arraseo wait I’ll call minho to tell him not to pick yoogie after school

kris: minho?

sulli: I forgot to tell you he wanted to make it up to yoogie which I agree and yet hate the idea

kris: don’t get mad he just wanted to do his responsibility

sulli: you’re such a good person

kris: and that is why you love me

he gave me a kiss

sulli: arraseo Mr. Wu

suddenly someone knocked at my door

: Sul I need you to

sulli: minho good thing you’re here

minho: why? kris your back?

kris: just visiting my wife on her first day

sulli: speaking of back, kris and I will be the one pick up yoogie  later, he wanted to see yoogie and spend some time with him

minho: sure, by the way you need to sign this since Pres. choi is not around

he gave me the paper and I read it

sulli: ok thank you

minho: I’ll get going then, and good luck on your first day


minho left the room and things started to get a little bit awkward


kris: so what should we do?

sulli: since half of my first is not about work, how about we have lunch first?

kris: arraseo and pick yoogie after and eat ice cream?

sulli: yo sure know what yoogie loves

kris: I’m his dad aren’t i?

sulli: let’s go then

we head out of my office while walking people are staring at us

sulli: why are they staring at us?

kris: I don’t know

then I saw Mrs. Lim

Mrs. Lim: Mrs. Wu I see you started working now

sulli: ah ne Mrs. kim

Mrs. kim: and who is this fine looking young man?

Kris: Annyeonghaseyo Wu Yi Fan imnida

kris bowed

Mrs. Lim: Wu ? your husband?

sulli: ne Mrs. Lim

Mrs. lim: I I thought he joined the army

sulli: I also thought so but

kris: I wanted to visit her on her first day

Mrs. lim: how sweet, well I have to go now, and good luck on your first day

sulli: ne komawo Mrs. Lim

and then she left

sulli: now I know why people are staring at us

kris: why?

sulli: they’re staring at you

kris: me?

sulli: ne because of your looks

kris: or maybe because we look good together?

sulli: maybe

kris: stop being jealous and let’s eat

sulli: arraseo


we ate Italian then went to pick yoogie up


yoogie: daddy!

yoogie ran towards kris and he hug him

kris: yoogie!

yoogie: I miss you daddy

kris: I missed you too

yoogie: mommy is daddy gonna stay with us?

Sulli: yoogie, daddy has to go to work, he’s just visiting us baby

yoogie: arraseo

yoogie said in a sad tone

kris: don’t be sad baby after 3 months I’ll stay with you and mommy forever

yoogie: promise daddy?

kris: I promise

yoogie: speaking of promise you didn’t call us for a week and that means you have a punishment

kris: daddy’s been tired lately and haven’t got the time to call, Sorry baby

yoogie kissed kris cheek

yoogie: 1 call is equal to 1 kiss from me and mommy

so we kissed him 5 times

kris: ahaha I think I’m not going to call everyday

sulli: yah!

kris: arraseo let’s eat ice cream


after eating ice cream kris drove yoogie to umma’s house

yoogie: bye daddy!

kris: bye yoogie! take care arasseo and study hard

he hug and kissed yoogie

then he drove me back to office

sulli: well I guess this is goodbye for now?

kris: ne I guess

sulli: don’t forget your promise

kris: I won’t

I kissed him goodbye

sulli: please stay

kris: sul can you please wait

sulli: I will

kris: now go in

i kissed him on the cheek and bid my goodbye

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Chapter 26: i think u will make kris die :( :'(
Chapter 21: i want kris and sulllli plz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i beg you
MinsulYaya #3
I can't believe I just found this fanfic now... I've been looking for Krislli fanfic...Please let it be Krislli since they don't have much fanfic( I love Minsul too )
korinna26 #4
Chapter 26: Update plz...Minho or kris? It's hard choice for sulli right ? But I think he should choose kris cause kris was there all the time she's needs Minho ...
Ghelhar7 #5
Please vote for sulli :)
kimipuys #6
Chapter 26: I hope minho will be together soon with sulli and yoogeun. Oh sull are you love minho or kris?thanks
kimipuys #7
Chapter 26: Day by day im so confused with sulli feeling toward kris and minho.can destiny tied minsul togther?thanks authornim
naeminsul #8
Chapter 26: I smell something bad will happen to Kris. It's sad for him since he's a good man. I like him too but I like Minho more :)))
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 25: is it a conspiracy for minho and sulli to be together?
thanks authornim
afelhojas #10
Chapter 25: pls update again tnx authornim