Watch Me

Watch Me

Peniel kept his eyes on Sungjae as he sat across from him at the table. He was saddened by having these feelings for Sungjae that he never thought he would have. Sure Sungjae was the one who helped him the most out of the members, but that didn't mean he had to have feelings for him. It wasn't right, especially since they are in the same group and if he did confess, how will they be after that? Peniel couldn't risk that. 

"Hyung, are you okay?" Peniel snapped away from his thought and smiled. "Oh, yeah. I was just thinking of tomorrow's performance... That's all." Peniel stammered, looking back down at his plate and picking a few things with his chopsticks. Sungjae stares at Peniel for a moment before nodding and continued eating. 

"Oh, hyung, guess what?" Sungjae spoke again, smiling. Peniel looks up and munches on his food. "I'm going to be an MC with Minhyuk hyung!" He chimed. Peniel laughs and nods. "I know, you told me throughout this whole week." Sungjae tilts his head as he stuffs food in his mouth. "Really?... Hm..." 

As they finish eating, Sungjae looks back at Peniel. "You'll be watching me.. Like you did a few minutes ago, right?" Peniel slowly looks up with a shocked look. "A-a few minutes ago...?" Sungjae nods and stares at Peniel, the same way Peniel stared at Sungjae when they were in the middle of eating. Full focus on him and with an endearing gaze. Peniel's face turns pink and he looks down.

He could hear Sungjae laugh and moving his seat back to walk over to him. Peniel stiffens when he feels Sungjae wrapping his arms around him. "I like my hyung, so please watch me lovingly, okay?" Sungjae teases, pressing his cheek against Peniel's. 

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Chapter 1: Cute >-<!!!
Chapter 1: That was really cute XD XD XD
Nice story ^^
Chapter 1: Really cute~
Chapter 1: This is just too frickin' cute! Gosh every time I read it I can't help but smile stupidly at how adorable they are. Thanks for writing this ^_^