The Past (9)

Looking back

"What's this?" Seohyun looked at Sulli with puzzled eyes when the latter passed her an envelope.  

"Ummm I am not really well at expressing myself, especially when talking face-to-face thus I poured my thoughts into this letter. I doubt you'll be my listener after you read the letter. You know, it's kinda long and mostly about my whines," Sulli replied sheepishly, unable to look at her seatmate in the eyes because she was embarrassed. She had never gotten close to anyone else after she transferred here except for her ex-BFF and Minho. She was afraid to be hurt again.    

However, Sulli decided to have a change. If she were a hermit crab, she wanted to climb out from her old shell and look for a new one. Although there were chances that she might not end up in a big comfortable shell in one piece, she was willing to take the risk. She wanted to move on after heeding the advice from Minho.

"I am so happy that you finally speak more than 10 words to me. And we are not even talking about the lesson for the first time! I have a gut feeling that we are going to be best of friends! I will read your letter verbatim for now. Let's go to the cafeteria now," Seohyun squealed excitedly and she tugged the envelope into her pocket and grabbed Sulli in the arm, ready to make a beeline for the next destination.

"Umm I am not really hungry. I am going to the cafeteria," Sulli was still in awe. She never thought the quiet and soft Seohyun had this energetic side. She almost seemed hyperactive. Furthermore, she was not ready to face the other people yet. She did not want to meet 'those girls' in the cafeteria and receiving disgusted looks from the other half of her classmates that isolated her. She had even forgotten to bring pocket money to school after not eating during recess and lunch for the past few weeks. However, her rumbling stomach revealed that she was in need of food now. 

"Haha you see, bodies don't lie! Let's go and have a seat at my table. The girls will be more than happy to welcome a new friend. A nice and pretty one!!" This time Seohyun wasted no time and brought Sulli to the cafeteria before the latter realised what was happening.

"You sure are a good runner, Seohyun. You should join the race during Sports Day. I am sure you will add a gold medal to your House's pocket," Sulli was panting after running all the way from class to the cafeteria. She was standing awkwardly in front of Seohyun and her friends'. They were from her class. 

"Girls, I think you know her already. Nevertheless, let me introduce you guys again! This is Sulli! Sulli, they are Victoria, Luna, Krystal amd Amber," Seohyun did a formal introduction for them.

"Hi Sulli, don't be so fidgety. Come sit over here," Krystal offered a seat beside her. Although she seemed cold in class, she was acting really warm now.

"Thanks," Sulli said softly. "What would you like to eat? I can get it for you," Victoria popped up and offer. " I forgot to bring my purse so there's no need, really," Sulli was red-faced.

"Ahh no biggie! I will treat you as a welcome gift. I will get a sandwich for you, ok?" Victoria winked and left.

"Vic is being all maternal again. She is really suited to be call 'eomma'," Amber randomly commented.

"I think that's very nice of her. She is always so caring," Luna said. "Don't you think so, Sulli?" she added.

"Yeap," Sulli gave a short reply, unconsciously accentuating the 'p' on the tip of her tongue.

"How have your day been? Girls?" Seohyun asked.

"You asked as if we are not in the same class. Boring, of course!" Krystal was the first to reply.  

"How can it be boring? Don't you think that the historical places, structured and mythologies that Miss Hwang mentioned in her lesson were fascinating? What could be more enticing that myths of the Great Piramid? Which era could be more enslaving than the ancient Greece? I must visit these places before I die!" Luna said with dreamy eyes. 

"Perhaps you can be an archeologist! I am back!" Victoria suddenly replied and put the food tray on the table.

"Geez, c can you please make some sound when you walk next time? You scare the heck outta me!" Amber who was sitting beside Luna was patting her chest dramatically, as if she was at the verge of getting a heart attack.

"You can't blame me. This is how I roll. I mean how I walk, like an elegant cat. Anyway way come let's eat! I am starving!" Victoria said and they all dug in.

Sulli was amazed by how the girls interacted. She had never felt this at ease, not even when she was with 'the girls'.

To be honest, she had never thought to close to these girls before because they were the geeks. Nana and Sora had always been making fun of them. Although Sulli never joined in their bad-mouthing contest before, she felt ashamed for judges these group of so-called geeks. They were actually pretty good-looking if you looked closely and they had an even more pleasant personality.  Inner beauty really mattered more. The recess ended in their random conversation with Sulli midtly chewing her sandwich while listening to them.  

It had been two weeks since Sulli and Seohyun started passing letters to each other. Sulli vented all that she had been feeling into the letter. She was feeling much better than before and she could almost move on even though she had yet to understand why the girls hated her with so much fury. She thought her rainbow after the rain was finally going to appear. However, she was wrong.

It was a Thursday morning. Sulli entered the classroom as usual. Everything seemed normal except that there was a pink envelope on her table. 'READ IT ALONE" was written on it. Seohyun was nowhere to be seen but her bag was on her chair.

"Must from Seo even though she has never liked pink before. She has probably ran out of white ones, haha," Sulli retrieved the envelope and walked to an empty corridor to read the letter. She usually read the letters after going home but she was somewhat impatient today. However, her impatience came with a price.

Shattered pieces of papers fell from the envelope once Sulli opened it. She was shocked to discover that those were her lastest letter to Seohyun which she slipped into her drawer during recess last Friday.

"Why did she tear my letter?" Question marks flooded Sulli head as she gathered the torn letter. The envelope accidentally slipped from her hand and another piece of paper in blue colour fell to the ground. She picked it up and had a read.


What do you think you are doing now? Didn't we ask you not to bother us? We've been kind enough to give you peace up to now. Why did you have to promote the stories between us to your new-found-geek-friend?

You said that friends should be open-minded and accept each other's flaws but how can we put up with you when you are acting like a slimy cobra with a three-forked tongue?

Why do you have to spoil our image when you are at fault? From what you have written in your letter, you made us into the worst friends one could ever have.

You said that you're happier without us, you are delighted in your new friends' embrace. Why didn't you leave us earlier? We admitted that we are silly, silly enough to show you kindness and mercy when you were a new comer.

You better stop talking behind our backs and telling malicious lies around. If not, we are going to take action.


p/s: Meet me by the stairs near our classroom later since the block will be totally empty. Let's settle this once and for all!


BAE SUZY ( I am brave enough to leave my name here, unlike someone who was totally anonymous in the letter written to Seohyun.)


Sulli was lost for words.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry this chapter doesn't have any minsul moment and I think it's pretty mundane :( please forgive me *bows* 

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CuteAnimeLover #1
Chapter 25: Authormin, when will you update? It's wrong to make people so interested in a story and the take forever to update!! Please, give us another chapter soon!!!

And are Yoogeun and Minho really father and son? Or are you just teasing? XD
Chapter 25: Aigoo, u left us hanging again authornim. I'm so curious what relationship Minho has with Yoogeun. Are they really a father and son, I hope not. That's just so heartbroken if he ever married before or more even worse if he is a married man. I really feel bad for Sulli. Thanks so much authornim. Hopefully you are back for good to update more often. I do miss your story. Take care always ;)
Primadeli #3
Chapter 25: aish. i thought they cud catch up already. u make me anxious authornim. hehe. poor Sulli. She will suffer until the misunderstanding is clear.
u have a very good plot authornim. it's just try to update more often, then only u cud catch some of the readers to drop some comments. i hope u won't blame them since u hv left them hanging for quite some times. am glad u r back coz it's really a watse if u didn't finish this story.
Waiting for next, fighting!! ^^
p/s : Minho and frog onesie remind me when he was in Hello Baby with Yoogeun. hahahaha. so cute ^^
purnamas #4
a long time for the story ??
nice chapter, i hope minsul will together
update soon
nana4ever #5
Chapter 25: Its so good to hear from you and read the next update. I hopeall is well with you

The connection between MinSul is still so strong. I hooe they can finally end this misunderstanding
.I'm curious sbout Yoogeun .. if Minho really was married before.
Can't wait for the next update

Take care. ..enjoy your day
Chapter 24: I don't think Minho is married but I'm not sure if Yooguen is really his son or not. But I'm happy that minsul's feeling are still there for each other. I'm excitingly anticipating more of their encounter and ofc Minho's spirit fighting to get Sulli. Thank you authornim. Good luck with your school and take care.
zangsia1 #7
Chapter 24: I think since 7 years ago there was already a misunderstanding.
Sometimes it is not what you think it is
thanks for the update authornim
MinsulUnique #8
Chapter 24: Omo , minho is married man ? Gosh , it will be hard for minsul to get back their feeling .
Hope they will be fine .
Thanks for the update . Update soon .
Chapter 23: I was surprised when I saw your story update. It's been a while. I hope everything's okay with you. :)

Oh... I'm curious about this. Is Minho married already? No. Please no, authornim...
I wonder what'll Minho's reaction be when he sees Sulli? And what'll he do when he see her. I'm so curious now, haha. Will be looking forward to the next chapter. Have a great day ahead! =D
Chapter 23: aaa they meet they meet again, wopps minho not married yet right, aaa minsunderstand againn