The Past (11)

Looking back

"Here you go," Mr. Doo passed Sulli a dry towel and placed a mug of steaming hot tea in front of her. He was seated across her, by another side of the desk. Sulli muttered a 'thank you' and wrapped herself up. She held the mug with much care, afraid that her trembling hands would not be able to support its weight. Although she did not like the current situation, she was utterly grateful to Mr. Doo for the small things that he had done. Those were the only solace she could hold onto during a tight situation like this.

"Now, can you please tell me what happened, Sulli?" Mr. Doo who sat opposite Sulli across the table questioned. It was as if he was the prosecutor and she was the suspect.

"She pushed Suzy down the stairs!" Nana exclaimed hysterically before Sulli could answer. Talking about Nana, she was brought into the office because she was supposed to be the witness (although she wasn't). She was the first to appear at the 'criminal scene'.

"Are you Sulli? I'm sure I clearly pointed the question to Sulli, not you," Mr. Doo silenced Nana up with a simple reply. He was staring intently at Sulli, waiting for her response.

"Suzy and I had an argument by the stairs. I wanted to leave but she blocked me. Then we were suddenly splashed by water. She wanted to slap me but she lost her footing because she was stamping on the slippery tread. End of the story," Sulli replied curtly. 

"Bummmppp!" the door was banged open and someone barged in. " Who caused my precious little princess to fall down the stairs? I demand an explanation!" It was Suzy's mother, Mrs. Bae. Her face was contorted in fury.

"Aunty, it's her!" Nana pointed her finger eagerly at Sulli.

"Choi Sulli? I have heard Suzy complaining about you. How could you!" Mrs Bae gave Sulli a death glare. If looks could kill, Sulli would have been dead by now. She stormed towards Sulli like a raging bull in no time and sent her right hand flying in the air. Her target was Sulli's cheeks.Her actions were oddly similar to Suzy. "No wonder. Like mother like daughter," Sulli thought as she shut her eyes, waiting for the agonising pain to register on her tender skin. 

One. Two. Three. A few seconds had passed but Sulli did not feel anything. She opened her eyes and realised that Mr. Doo was standing in front of her, protecting her from the attack of the irrational Mrs. Bae. "Please control yourself, Mrs Bae. We are going to solve this problem in an adult way. So please behave like one," he said.

"But my daughter is still unconscious and lying on a hospital bed!" Mrs. Bae's lips quivered and she suddenly burst into tears.

"I understand your feelings but we have yet to find out the culprit," Mr. Doo said in his usual calm and cool way. He explained Sulli's statement to Mrs. Bae. Then he asked Sulli," Even though you said Suzy fell because of the slippery tread. Do you have any witness to prove your innocence?

"No, we were alone and the block was empty. But I swear I did not push her down the stairs," Sulli replied softly. 

"She could be lying! Suzy is always careful! The culprit must be Sulli!" Nana cried out. "Stop adding fuel to the flame or you'll have to get out of this room. By the way, you seem to be very confident that Sulli had done the terrible act. Did you see it with your own eyes?" Mr. Doo threw Nana a question that earned a silent response from Nana.

"Now, we need to find out who splashed water on you girls. However, since you have no evidence to prove that you are innocent, you will still be under the list of the suspects. We'll have to wait for Suzy to wake up to know the truth. I'll contact your mother too, Sulli. For the time being, the both of you please go back to class," Mr. Doo tried to calm Mrs. Bae who was crying hysterically and directed the two girls to leave the room.

"I never knew she is that cruel!" "She looks like a lamb but she has a murderous heart! " "Never judge a book by its cover!" "Omo she was envious of Suzy the goddess so she pushed her down the stairs?" Sulli kept herself silent along the way to class even though other students threw nasty remarks about her. It was the same when she entered the class. The others gathered up around Nana and asked her all kinds of questions regarding the staircase incident and looked at Sulli with disgust, as if she was a new kind of monster. Some of them even threw paper balls and erasers at her.

"Sulli, kwenchana?" Seohyun was the only one who approached and consoled her. "I need some time alone," Sulli said and buried her head on the table. "Minho went home, in case you want to know," Seohyun informed her. Sulli felt weird about the statement but she did not have the heart to pay concern to others anymore. She left hastily once the bell rang. She was back to her old self. The hermit crab that hid itself in the shell and away from the world.

"Ssul, the school called and told me what happened," Sulli was surprised to see her mother at home. Mrs Choi was obviously back from the middle of work, still looking immaculate in formal attire. "I only have an hour. We need to talk," she continued with a straight face. Sulli kept herself silent.

"If you don't speak out your problem, how can we solve it? I am not a mind-reader!" Mrs Choi was getting impatient as Sulli continued her silent treatment.

"Are you on their side too? I'm your daughter for goodness' sake! You don't know what I have been through, Eomma. I don't know what to feel anymore. Hmmphh hmpphh......" Hot tears seared Sulli's eyes as sadness pooled her heart.

"I don't mean it that, my baby girl. Come to eomma. Hush, hush," Mrs Choi softened her expression when she realised something was very wrong. "It started like this......" Sulli finally broke down and confessed in her mother's warm embrace......

"Seems like you have suffered a lot in the new school, Ssul. I am doubting if I have made the right decision to move to Seoul, hmmm," Mrs Choi finally spoke after Sulli was done saying her part while Sulli's hair gently. Sulli was lying on on her mother's lap like how she always did when she was young. They were finally having a heart-to-heart bonding time after ages.

"Well, if I didn't move here, I wouldn't meet Seohyun who has been a really really sincere and good friend. She has been with me through thick and thin. And there's Minho, too," Sulli said.

"Minho? The boy who lives in our neighbourhood? Omo I smell something fishy!" Mrs Choi said mischievously. "Eomma! It's not like that! We are just friends!" Sulli denied with a cute pout.

"Aishh I wouldn't mind if he is your boyfriend. He looks like a good boy. I'll give him some credit for protecting my baby girl," Mrs Choi ignored her daughter's complaint and continued to until her cheeks turned scarlet.

"Ssul, remember the saying 'a straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe'. It means a clear conscience fears not false accusations. Remember life's not always a bed of roses. There'll be obstacles and challenges along the path. What happens when life throws you lemon? You can keep silent and live a sour life but you can also make lemonade out of them! It all depends on which perspective you have. For instance, even though you are wounded by the whole Suzy-and-the-girls drama, didn't you realise who your true friends are? This is what you have gained. Your father and I can't accompany you to finish your journey of life so you must go on bravely, maybe finding a partner with you in the future. But you have to know that eomma will always stand by you no matter what happens as long as you are righteous. Remember, if you stand your ground nobody can push you around. Despite what others say about you, I have absolute faith in you. I believe in you, for you are my daughter whom I have raised up with my own hand along with your father. I love you to the moon and back, forever and always," Mrs Choi looked into Sulli's clear eyes with a warm gaze, love was oozing out invinsibly. Sulli felt a lump in . Her mother had never talked to her so intimately. Her happiness was reflected in her eyes.

"I am sorry I haven't had time for you lately because of work. As a compensation, I'll take off work this afternoon. We will have patbingsu at your favourite stall later. You look drained out, Ssul. Just sleep for now," Mrs Choi patted Sulli's head.

"Don't go, Eomma. I want you to sing me lullaby," Sulli grabbed her mother's right hand and squeezed it. It was soft but rough, rough with work. Her mother had done so much for her in silent. She promised herself to help with the house chores to lighten her mother's load before drifting off......


Author's note: No MinSul moment but I hope you guys don't mind ^^ enjoy the read :)


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CuteAnimeLover #1
Chapter 25: Authormin, when will you update? It's wrong to make people so interested in a story and the take forever to update!! Please, give us another chapter soon!!!

And are Yoogeun and Minho really father and son? Or are you just teasing? XD
Chapter 25: Aigoo, u left us hanging again authornim. I'm so curious what relationship Minho has with Yoogeun. Are they really a father and son, I hope not. That's just so heartbroken if he ever married before or more even worse if he is a married man. I really feel bad for Sulli. Thanks so much authornim. Hopefully you are back for good to update more often. I do miss your story. Take care always ;)
Primadeli #3
Chapter 25: aish. i thought they cud catch up already. u make me anxious authornim. hehe. poor Sulli. She will suffer until the misunderstanding is clear.
u have a very good plot authornim. it's just try to update more often, then only u cud catch some of the readers to drop some comments. i hope u won't blame them since u hv left them hanging for quite some times. am glad u r back coz it's really a watse if u didn't finish this story.
Waiting for next, fighting!! ^^
p/s : Minho and frog onesie remind me when he was in Hello Baby with Yoogeun. hahahaha. so cute ^^
purnamas #4
a long time for the story ??
nice chapter, i hope minsul will together
update soon
nana4ever #5
Chapter 25: Its so good to hear from you and read the next update. I hopeall is well with you

The connection between MinSul is still so strong. I hooe they can finally end this misunderstanding
.I'm curious sbout Yoogeun .. if Minho really was married before.
Can't wait for the next update

Take care. ..enjoy your day
Chapter 24: I don't think Minho is married but I'm not sure if Yooguen is really his son or not. But I'm happy that minsul's feeling are still there for each other. I'm excitingly anticipating more of their encounter and ofc Minho's spirit fighting to get Sulli. Thank you authornim. Good luck with your school and take care.
zangsia1 #7
Chapter 24: I think since 7 years ago there was already a misunderstanding.
Sometimes it is not what you think it is
thanks for the update authornim
MinsulUnique #8
Chapter 24: Omo , minho is married man ? Gosh , it will be hard for minsul to get back their feeling .
Hope they will be fine .
Thanks for the update . Update soon .
Chapter 23: I was surprised when I saw your story update. It's been a while. I hope everything's okay with you. :)

Oh... I'm curious about this. Is Minho married already? No. Please no, authornim...
I wonder what'll Minho's reaction be when he sees Sulli? And what'll he do when he see her. I'm so curious now, haha. Will be looking forward to the next chapter. Have a great day ahead! =D
Chapter 23: aaa they meet they meet again, wopps minho not married yet right, aaa minsunderstand againn