You are beautiful no matter what!

You're Beautiful

~Your POV~
"Unnie, I wanna be beautiful like you!", I asked my sister. I guess she was surprised since her jaw reached China!
"You serious?", she said but her eyes were still in shock.
"Yes of course I am! So jebal?", I asked. She started to squeal. As in not like annoyed kind of squeal more of like 'I am proud of you' squeal.
"Finally! You finally realised that you have to be beautiful to be in this family!", she screamed. Ok, I was expecting that she would say, somethig like 'it's ok, you don't have to, you're pretty in your own way', but nope!
"What made you realise?", she asked. Well, I was hoping she won't brong up the Kris situation, but..
"Well, let's just say I am trying to make a dofference, is that what you say in those pageants?", I said. I am so clueless...
"Whatever! Come let's start!", she said dragging me out.

"Um unnie! Where in the world are we?", I asked as I look at people working out.
"The gym! Duh! You have to get fit, no more scrawny look, you have to be y looking and buff!", she said while jogging on the spot. Not a single sweat came out of her, and after her jog she was fine, I was dying. Unfit is the word! 
"Not bad, not bad, 5 more laps! Up and around!", she said after I passed out. 
"Unnie, let's rest!", I asked her. She rolled her eyes.
"If you want to impress a dude you have to do this!", she explained as she snaps her fingers at me! Do I really have to do this? I mean, if a guy loves me, he should love me for whatever I currently look like!
"Fine, only 2!", I said.
"Four!", she suggested.
"Three! Take it or I'll leave you here!", I compromised she nodded. Yes, I ran the three laps. And now I all sweaty as my Unnie still looks like the beauty queen she is!
"Now, tell me where we are!", I said as I saw people getting nails and hair done. Am I gonna get my hair done?
"Unnie, what in the world are we doing here? I don't want to be here!", I said trying to get put of her grip!
"Whoops! Wait a moment! You don't want to be here? Well, you NEED to be here! I mean look at your wires!", she said holding up my tangled hair.
"They're called hair, sis, hair! They may look like wires but they're called hair!", I said making gestures of process with my hands. Once again she rolled her eyes and I followed her unwillingly.
"Welcome, to Pink Salon and Spa! How may I help yo-", the man who was more feminine than me said.
"Never mind, I know what's the problem!", he said. Wow, am I really that bad?
"Honey, you're gonna need some spa magic, very deep conditioning, skin therapy, dead skin removal, etc, etc everything! And of course a miracle!", he said. Aish, so insulting, but it was true...
"Sure, whatever, do anything, just don't comb, OUCH!", before I could finish my sentence a comb yanked my hair.
"Oh mian! Haha! But your hair, ew!", he said combing my hair and taking a few pieces of hair out.
"So ready to get beautified?", he said. I nodded.
"Let's go!", he said.

"Hello...", I said to my sister who was reading the magazine.
"If you want a picture of me, just take it and leave! Gosh paparazzis these days!", she said putting her hands over her face.
"Unnie, it's me!", I said swatting her arm off her face. I knew she was a beauty queen but I didn't know she was harsh to fans!
"JINJJA! You look incredible!", she said. Really now? She handed me a mirror. 
"I can't be that beau- WHOAH!", I said looking at myself. Eyebrows aligned, skintone even, hair straight amd soft, nails are awesome looking!
"You look beautiful sis!", she said. It was my first time receiving hug from my sister ever since I hit puberty, which was like I don't know five years ago? 
"You...hugged me...", I said hugging back. She immediately took the hug off.
"Don't push it!", she said. 
"Now, what do you plan to do?", she asked. Honestly I just want to keep looking like this I mean forever. The thought of no more bullying excited me! And school! I will be one of the populars!

"Whoah! ___ is that you?", Suzy asked. Well, of course it's me who else could it be?
Have I told you that it's has been a year? A depressing year actually. 
"I haven't seen you in forever! How are you?", she said acting all sweet all of a sudden, is it because of the sudden change of my appearance?
"Yeah, it's me!", I said walking out leaving her befuddled. I was rude, I know but it was right for her.
"She just became beautiful and now she is a bish!", one student said. Really now?
"What did you call me?", I said to her, she needs a taste of her own medicine!
"Nothing, I swear, just please don't hurt me! Your nails please!", she said. I realised how deep my nails sunk into her skin. I suddenly took it off.
"____?", a rather familiar voice called me. Kris? He's back?
"Kris?", I echoed the name.
"What kind of monster have you become?", he asked as he walked out. I had to run after him! 
"Kris Oppa! Please!", I said. How in the world did Oppa come out of my mouth?
"Oppa? What has become of you? You're like all those girls that you didn't like before!", he stated. I became a bully, I realised.
"I don't know anymore..Kris..ever since you left, I tried to change myself. Into something you and your family would want. Are you not happy?", I asked tearing up.
He smirked sarcastically. 
"Happy? Why would you think I'd be happy with what you've become! A monster! They said you were a monster before because of your appearance, but now you actually lived up to it! How can I be happy?", he said. Monster? He thinks I am a monster now?
"Kris, I am still that person you know, it's time and depression that killed my spirit!", I explained as I caught up with him.
"You have to prove it!", Kris said. 
I don't know how to do this, how can I prove it's still me? 
"I am willing to give up everything! Even my appearance to be with you!", I stated as he already had his back turned away from me. He stopped walking.
"What would actually make you happy? If keeping the appearance makes you happy, keep it, but please change the attitude...", he said turning to me. I nodded. 
"Kris, I am not a mean person. I know you know that, give me another chance", I asked of him.
"Chance? I never ran out of hope and chances for you...", Kris said as he came closer. 
His lips landed on mine, I didn't feel the moment until the last minute. 
"I promise, to be a better person for you", I said.

I have always been that insecure girl. The girl that you would pass by in the hallways of school or maybe the girl you never noticed and won't ever notice. Maybe you'd only realise that I was there if I screamed, but also maybe not. 
As I walked down the hallways of school no one ever turned to say hello or say anything nice. They would just look at me in disgust and then turn back to their businesses. They would usually call me names and try to forget I was even there. I was invisible, and no one remembered me...except for him.
Well now I realise that beauty isn't everything, I may have changed my appearance and took care of myself more, but became my worst nightmare. 
As for Suzy, well, she became nicer to everyone who is insecure, she even ran a workshop for them to boost their confidence. 
My sister passed on her crown to the next Miss South Korea, Suzy. She became proud of me, amd even, my parents were proud of me, for the first time.
As for me and Kris? Well, let's just say we lived happily ever after...cheesy...and guess what? He proposed...I said Yes.

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