
You're Beautiful

~Your POV~
I have always been that insecure girl. The girl that you would pass by in the hallways of school or maybe the girl you never noticed and won't ever notice. Maybe you'd only realise that I was there if I screamed, but also maybe not. 
As I walked down the hallways of school no one ever turned to say hello or say anything nice. They would just look at me in disgust and then turn back to their businesses. They would usually call me names and try to forget I was even there. I was invisible, and no one remembered me...except for him.
His name was Wu Yi Fan a Chinese school transferee, he was nice and kind. He would always be there to tell me how beautiful I was. Everyday, everynight and every single class we had together. He was the only one who saw the beauty in me. The fact that he saw my beauty even when I didn't...

Everyone in the hallways were rioting to get to the main doors. I was pushed and pulled and maybe a few of my curly baby hairs were torn. Ouch! This situation ! Why were they trying to get to the door anyways? I tried to see what they were looking at, tiptoeing and doing whatever I can do to see who they were looking at.
"Kyahh! A new student! Omg he is so handsome!", a girl screamed at my ear. I had to make sure my ear was functioning, a few head taps here and there!
"Gosh! Please watch where you are shouting!", I tried to explain to her. She rolled her eyes and went back to screaming. What in the world were they looking at anyway?
A tall, handsome guy emerged from a black mercedes car. Oh, so that's what they were looking at! I can't blame them for fangirling or such, he is the definition of beauty!
"Move!", the girl beside me said. I was pushed and pulled until BAM! I fell.
"Miss, are you ok?", a voice said. It was coming from a guy. I couldn't really see him since he was against the sun light. 
"Yes I'm fine! Thank you", I said as he helped me get up his hand was, that's weird!
"Are you sure?", he asked again. I nodded at him and he smiled.
"Kris Oppa! Don't talk to her, she is ugly and she is scrawny like a bug!", the girl beside me said. 
"Well, I think she's beautiful!", he said. I think I just died. He called me beautiful, I am obviously not!
"Oppa! No she's not, she is like a skeleton, so ugly and scrawny one push can make her fall down. Look at her curly hair! And her face in general!", she said. I knew I wasn't as pretty as her or anyone from our school but she didn't have to rub it in!
"Well, beauty is not on the outside, it's inside. By the way you talk, you have an ugly personality!", Kris said as he lifted his eyebrows at her and walked off.
"You should be thankful Kris oppa was there to save you. If he wasn't there you'd be dead by now!", she said as she followed Kris.
Aish! I picked up my backpack, it was torned by the strap and a wiped off the dust the rally caused.
"Aw, this was my only decent bag! I can't even afford another one! Ah jinjja ___!", I told myself. I walked to my first class amd sat down on my usual seat at the back. I can't see the whiteboard from here, and my glasses need a new grade! Just my luck!
"Class, we have a new transferee! This is Wu Yi Fan, please introduce yourself!", the teacher said. He was joining OUR class? I don't think he is a bully like the other students here anyway.
"Hello, I am Wu Yi Fan but please call me Kris, please take care of me!", he said as he bowed and all the girls started screaming. He was told to locate a seat.
"Kris oppa sit here!", the same girl from this morning said. Her long wavy hair swayed back and forth, her hair was so pretty! Her fair face makes her even prettier, unlike me! I have wire like curly hair and uneven skin! Kris rolled his eyes and continued locating a seat.
"Miss, can I sit here?", he asked me. Me?!? Why me? I nodded anyways, I mean what would you say?
"I didn't get your name this morning! I am sorry for walking off without a formal introduction!", he said. He is talking to me? Am I not invisible?
"Hi, I am ___! Nice to meet you too", I said softly. He smiled and turned to his studies. As the bell rang and everyone got up from their seats, Kris stayed. 
"Hey, ___, can we have lunch together?", he asked. I poinnted to my self with a clueless expression. He laughed softly and nodded.
"I didn't think you'd even talk to me", I said blushing a little.
"Why not? We are friends now right?", he asked. Friends?
"Arasseo, I'll give you a tour then!", I told him gesturing for him to follow me. It took my by surprise when instead of following me he put his arms around me. Should I take it off? Or...? It was quite sudden and it's embarrassing. I wonder what everyone will think!
"___? Are you ok?", he asked eyeing my frozen body. I nodded slightly and we head out the door.

"So, please tell me, why do you think you are ugly?", he asked. Another sudden question! 
"I actually don't know, it is inborn. I have thought this since I was smaller. I would look at myself in the mirror and see no beauty at all. I was teased and bullied throughout the years, no matter where I am", I started to say. I didn't notice a tear come out. I only noticed the tear when Kris took the tissue to wipe it. He is kind, the only person who wouldn't be disgusted of me.
"It's ok, keep going. Let it all go!", he said coming closer to pat my back. I didn't realise that after a few minutes of telling him my story I was already crying.
"I mean, no matter what I do this is what I look like. I was told to embrace my beauty but, how can I?", I asked him. He stared, and it made me feel weird. His stares pierce like knives.
"Well, some people may not think you are beautiful, but always remember that I think you're beautiful!", he said. He was still staring, his short blonde hair emphasised his beautiful face. I stopped crying and tried to joke about it.
"Oh, why am I even crying? I am used to it! And sorry for crying on your first day here!", I said. He waved his hands as if to say that it was ok.
"So, will I see you tomorrow?", he said. I nodded.

~My Bedroom~
I study and do my homework in my bedroom. It was the only place I can be alone and the only place where I am not teased or humiliated. Yes, I am also humiliated in my own home. Having a retired model as a father and a retired fashion designer as a mother, there are expectations set for me. They come from beauty industries, and of course I am expected to follow in their footsteps.
"___, why can't you be like your Unnie! The new Miss South Korea for this year!", my Eomma said. My sister just stared at me with disgust. She had the perfect body, skin and hair. Why can't I be like that? 
"Yes dear, please, being academically perfect isn't everything! Beauty is important too you know!", my Appa said. I just ignored their comments and went straight to my room.
"Dear! We are not finished, get down here young lady!", I heard my Eoma screaming at me. I just continue, she would eventually lay off and just start talking to about my beautiful sister again!
School again tomorrow, and nothing will even change.

~Your POV~
"Sorry, I can't be with you during lunch, I have a meeting with the principal!", Kris said. 
"Why are you sorry, it's not like you are latched onto me! Well, have fun talking to principal, goodluck!", I waved my hand as he walked out of the classroom. I stayed to finish a few assignments. 
"You, stupid girl!", I heard someone call out.
"Suzy! Um, me?", I asked getting up from my chair. She pulled me out of the classroom and dragged me to the school common grounds.
"Don't you know that Kris is mine? Don't you know you are a barrier in our relationship?", she screamed at my face. Me? 
"Me? How can I be? I am an ugly duckling right? You said so yourself, so how in the world could I be a barrier to your relationship? Oh right, maybe because Kris wants someone with a good heart!", I said. I didn't expect those words to come out of me. Stupid me!
"What did you say to me? Are you saying I am a bad person?", she said with a slight squeal. I gestured 'a little bit' with my fingers and that was what made her snap.
"That's it! Attack her!", she said. Attack?!? I thought we were alone, I guess not. Students from all around the corner started throwing water ballons and dirt filled balloons. Some of them with fire extinguishers and smoke sprays. I coughed and gagged through it all. I was pushed and pulled again and again! I think I just cut my knee! I am bleeding and I think I am going dizzy. Until...
"Stop it! All of you stop it!", I heard a familiar voice as I was on the ground nauseated from all the smoke. 
"Kris..?", I sighed as I tried to see if it was him.
"___! They're gone now! I am sorry for leaving you...I shouldn't have...", he said. That was the last thing I heard.

~Kris' POV~
"...I have a meeting with the principal...", was what I told her. I can't hurt her by saying my mother told me to stay away from her, because of her appearance. Appearance that could ruin our image. I don't care. 
I regretted leaving her, so I went back to the classroom. She wasn't there. Maybe she went out to lunch by herself. Impossible. Her bag and books are still here, knowing her, she wouldn't leave anything valuable, unless...
I went to look for her everywhere in this is school. Nowhere to be found. I ran to someone rioting.
"Have you seen ___?", I asked. They just laughed and pointed to a direction of a group of students rallying, or I guess causing chaos!
Then I saw her...she was there lying down. I can't help but think that it was my fault why she is now laying weak on the ground.
"Stop it! All of you stop it!", I screamed as I took every single smoke spray and fire extinguisher from them. They shouldn't have done this to her. She is too precious for me.
"Kris..?", she let out a sigh. Oh no! Eotteokhae?
"___! They're gone now! I am sorry for leaving you...I shouldn't have", I said as I carried her out of this school.

~Your POV~
"Kris?", I said as I woke up in a bright room. Kris was sitting with his head between his knees. He seemed so dull. 
"You're awake! Thank goodness...", he said. Happy but a little bit weak.
"Thanks for saving me, you didn't have to, you should have just let me die on that pavement!", I said looking away from him.
"If I did that, then I wouldn't be able to spend more time with you!", he said. I don't know whether I should believe or not. I can't trust people anymore, but this was Kris.
"Me? Why me? Why the girl everyone hates for her appearance?", I asked, kinda regretting it because the answer will most likely hurt me.
"Because, I like you!", he said. Softly, but he seemed sure. I don't know about this.
"Prove it! If you are able to stay with me, tolerate me, then I can believe you!", I said. I know it's a challenge to be with someone like me, but if he is really truthful, then he can manage.
"The thing is...I have to leave...", he said. I turned to face him fully now. Leave? Where? Why?
"Why? And where?", I asked the questions with a straightforward tone
"Canada, I was born there. I have to leave for reasons I can't tell you right now until I am sure!", he said. 
"You said you liked me! Isn't that enough to make you stay and figure things out? Is it because my appearance can ruin your reputation?", I asked, crying now. I thought he was different. I gathered everything. My body was hurting but I could manage. I escaped from his house. How could he?

~Your home~
"Unnie? Can I talk to you?", I said as I approached my Unnie who was sitting on the couch with her iPad. She stared at me with disgust again.
"What do you want?", she said sternly. I jumped back a little at her sudden response.
"I just need 15 minutes that's it!", I said making a pinky promise. She rolled her eyes.
"This better be good, that is 15 minutes I can't get back!", she said as she turns to me.
"Unnie, I wanna be beautiful like you!", I said. I thought that maybe this was what Kris was looking for, and maybe if I was beautiful, he would accept me more. Was I right?

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