The Quiet Kyung

EXO Tales of Love

        In school, most things remain secrets. Most crushes on teachers are let go, most bad grades are thrown away and forgotten. However, there are secrets that reveal themselves in the most unusual of ways. At S.M High School, short for some old guy who made the school hundreds of years ago, everyone had class now. The bell had just rung loudly, the teens were taking their seats, teachers were preparing their lessons and the door that opened to the outside world to them was shut.

“Alright,” the teacher in class 2B said, “Take your seats.”

    There was still chatter between the teens, all except a couple of them. Well, there was Do Kyungsoo, the quiet wide-eyed boy who sat in the middle of the classroom and opened his notebook to write the teacher’s lesson. Then, there was Soomin, the average girl with long black hair that remained at her corner desk. Finally, there was Jaekyung, the tall boy and popular one of class 2B, at his desk by the door. It was strange that he didn’t talk, he didn’t do anything. All he did was stare intently at Soomin, who continued to look out of the window, day dreaming.

“Listen students,” the teacher said again, “I know it’s the last day of school but please pay attention.” The class groaned and quieted down, listening to the boring voice of the teacher. Soomin continued to stare, daydream about the life she would outside of high school. The teacher soon left after her 45 minute lesson, leaving the students to roam and take a break before the next teacher arrived for their lesson. Soomin left for the bathroom, walking by herself out of the door and down the hall.

Do Kyungsoo, people called him D.O so they wouldn’t confuse him with Jaekyung, looked as she left. He sighed, taking glances at the door as she left. This would be the last time he would see her, and he never had the chance. D.O looked into this notebook, taking out a sheet of paper that has been folded a few times into a rectangle. He unfolded it, skimmed over it and looked again at the door. She would never know. No, she would never know how much he liked her, since the first week of school. He looked again at the folded paper that contained his confession. Everyday, D.O imagined giving it to her. She would blush a beautiful flush of red as the heat of the suns lit her pale face and made her black hair resemble black silk. She would wrap her arms around his waist and hug him tightly, her touch would be warm and soft as she accepted his confession. That’s how he imagined it, that’s how he imagined his confession but it wouldn’t happen. It would never -

“What’s that, Kyungsoo-ah?” D.O rolled his eyes as he heard Jaekyung talk to him. Aish, this guy, D.O thought.

“Speak formally, Jaekyung-sshi. We’re not friends and I’m older than you,” D.O said simply. The young Jaekyung smirked smugly and ruffled D.O’s hair.

“Yes, but I’m taller than you D.O ah. I look older,” Jaekyung answered stupidly. He snatched the paper from his hand, coming close to D.O’s pale skin and he felt the sharp paper cut his skin. It stung badly, but D.O attempted to only wince slightly and pull his hand away. He looked at Jaekyung, realizing that he had taken his written confession to Soomin. D.O stood up on his feet and glared at Jaekyung with his hand out. He felt such a rage towards his classmate, the smug and cocky guy. How dare he take something that didn’t belong to him? How can someone be so rude? D.O wasn’t one to fight, with his fists at least. He didn’t mind talking.

“Jaekyung-sshi. Give it back, please,” D.O demanded in a polite yet strict tone. Jaekyung smirked again.

“Eh? You want it? Come get it,” the junior said laughing as he rose his hand with the paper up in the air, clearly above the height and extent of Kyungsoo. D.O wouldn’t risk it. He wouldn’t degrade himself, he wouldn’t show that Jaekyung was taller or better than him. In his mind, in his heart, D.O felt that he was right, he knew that his love confession was there; he knew that Jaekyung would eventually read it. Jaekyung would laugh like a hyena and tell the whole class. From there, the whole school would know...Soomin would know. The confession he had been planning, writing, and erasing over and over and over again, wouldn’t have the same feelings. he couldn’t let Soomin find out by someone else. He had to tell her. Despite his initial resistance and the heat that began to develop in his ears, D.O looked up at the note and reached for it, hopping for it. Jaekyung began to laugh just as Kyungsoo thought he would, like a big hyena. Jaekyung began to snicker and make fun of poor D.O.

“Everyone, look! D.O is so short he can barely get this paper.” The girls in the classroom, looked just to see Jaekyung’s ugly (in their mind beautiful) face. The teenage girls went from staring at Jaekyung to finally noticing D.O, still jumping like a bunny. The confession was so close to his hands, so close to being his again, just as Soomin, but when he slowly came back down from his jump, the note went back to being out of his grasp. He heard the classmates began to laugh and snicker at D.O. As much as he hated it, he needed that paper. Jaekyung suddenly stopped moving the paper from D.O’s grasp, turning his head. D.O finally saw his opportunity. There it is, he thought. That kid was distracted, he could reach for it and reach for it and sit down as if nothing happened. He didn’t care about the people laughing, it was the last day. Who cares about the short boy named D.O, Do Kyungsoo? No one will remember. he had the moment, all he had to do was go on his tip toes once more and stretch, just a bit more -

    Oh no, he thought. Oh, this is awkward. There in the doorway was the beautiful and quiet Soomin, who stared at the class curiously. She had just decided to take a short trip to the bathroom and she comes back to, what? The popular boy Jaekyung bothering the quiet boy and the students laughing along, typical high school. A normal day in SM High.

    Kyungsoo looked at her, her sweet pale face and then immediately looked to the floor. He let out a sigh, to calm his beating heart as he tucked his hands into his pockets. Forget the note, Kyungsoo thought. She can’t see him in such a state, in a desperate and petty state. No, let her forget seeing him like this. Let her forget. Let her forget. He looked at her, stealing a glance at her beautiful, innocent face with his big round eyes. She was so - No, he told himself. No, let her forget. He chanted this over in his head, digging his hands into his school uniform pocket as he walked out of the classroom to recollect himself. The chanting grew louder as he passed her through the doorway and the sweet summer scent of her perfume made its way into his nose. Let her forget, forget, forget, forget. He continued to walk, to chant, to walk, to chant until he reached the end of the school property. He sighed and leaned against a brick wall as the gate leading to outside world stood in front of him. He was a man. He had to act like a man, not like a short petty boy. But, he thought as his heart began to beat wildly again. Why did his love for Soomin make him willing to be humiliated and made fun of, even if it was to get a little note? This love made D.O reckless in so many ways.

    Soomin looked curiously as he left, confused. But, she pushed these thoughts to the back of her brain and entered the classroom, walking back to her seat in the small corner of the class. The last teacher of the day would come soon and begin his lesson so Soomin began to prepare her notebook. After a few moments of writing her name, Kim Soomin, on the top page, she turned her head slowly, drawn by the bright light to the window. Outside of the window, she saw the shadow of someone. Her eyes focused closely on the shadow, the blackness turned to color and the shadow took shape, the shape of the boy who walked out. Soomin watched him as he leaned against the wall by the gate and sighed a big sigh. Before her heart would begin to beat regularly again, there was an interruption, a clearing of a throat.

    “Uh, Soomin-sshi?” Her head turned toward the voice while her eyes lingered on the boy outside the window. Her eyes soon followed to see Jaekyung, smiling nervously at her. She smiled at him, confused as to why he was there.

    “Oh, hi Jaekyung-sshi. What is it?” she asked kindly He began to run the side of his neck nervously. This action caused one girl to look at him curiously. This girl caused another to look and then another until the majority of the class watched as the popular Jaekyung handed her a note shyly with both hands. She looked at him, confused and took the note with one hand.

    “What is it?” she asked, curious to know before she began to open the folded piece of paper. Jaekyung answered quietly, shyly with a smile.

    “O-Open it, please.” Soomin did as he said. Her hands nervously began to shake as they unfolded slowly. Jaekyung and the class watched as the note was revealed and Soomin looked at it. She read the note to herself, in her head, reading each line and letting each word sink into her head. With each long lasting moment, the anticipation grew.

    D.O watched from the outside as Soomin read in the classroom, knowing well what Jaekyung had done. He saw Soomin’s lips begin to move and talk to Jaekyung. Jaekyung nodded, smiling and D.O sighed turning away as Soomin laid her sweet, soft hand on his arm. Rejection or acceptance, Kyungsoo couldn’t look anymore. He turned his head and headed for the gate, not caring that he might get caught. He walked into the billowing wind, letting the air flow through each strand of brown hair on his head. In his mind, he wanted Soomin to be his. In his heart, he was pained by the fact she never would be. Who sees each other after high school, the chances are slim to none. And so, today, it was the last day, the last hour, the last time he would see Soomin. The beginning of summer, the end of their life at SM High. The end of ever seeing Soomin again.


    D.O walked, walked, and continued to walk 20 minutes after the bell was heard. The students had been scattered now, yet there was still a glimmer of them as he walked down the smooth cement below his feet. What he found interesting was a small soul still walking, school girl uniform, walking familiarly in front of him. She walked with grace, poise and beauty radiated off her soft steps. He recognized her immediately by her silky black hair. Kim Soomin. He didn’t notice when she walked in front of him, but, now that he knew, his eyes wouldn’t leave her, hypnotized by her as he always had been. No matter how much his brain told his eyes to look away, they refused. He continued to watch what he wanted to be his, that, until she was snatched away - literally.

         As she neared an alleyway, common in South Korea, and for the most part, harmless to all who walk by, D.O watched as a hand reached out and grabbed her. His already wide eyes, widened even more as he walked with a faster pace, almost sprinting to the alleyway. As he began to near it, he heard a familiar, annoying voice.

    “Why, Soomin? Huh?! Why?” D.O began to clench his fists into a ball as he heard Jaekyung, the popular boy from class, speak to her in a harsh tone. Jaekyung stared at Soomin with cold eyes, his arms gripping her shoulders, his nails digging into her arms. He was no longer the popular boy that all the girls loved, he was now the boy that wanted to desperately know why, why...why.

    “Please, J-Jaekyung, let me go,” D.O heard Soomin say in a terrified and shaking voice.

    “Why, Soomin? Why did you reject my confession? Huh?” She remained silent, turning her head away from the contorting face that belonged to Jaekyung. He didn't wait for the answer, his body, filled with anger, didn’t let him. It didn’t let both of them. As Jaekyung began to shake her violently, Soomin's head was dangerously close to hit the cement behind her. However, she never had the chance to.

In a blink of an eye, Jaekyung was pushed off of her and fell to the ground with a thump. Soomin was confused, yet grateful that that part of the ordeal was over. She turned at the sound of the pure, soft voice.

    "Yah! Kim Jaekyung, don't you dare lay your hands on her ever again," D.O said. Jaekyung looked up, to see who had dared to shove him. When he saw the small Do Kyungsoo, he couldn’t help but wipe the sweat from his lip and smile, chuckling like a hyena as he always did.

    “Kyungsoo-ah, you’re gonna regret it.” As Jaekyung began to stand up on his two feet, he looked at Soomin, still with the angry in his eyes that said, ‘Just wait until I deal with this kid, then you’re next.’ He turned his eyes on Kyungsoo, taking his big fist and attempted to punch Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo, turned slightly, enough to avoid the punch and balled his hand into his fist. The fist contained all the anger that he had bottled up, all the times that Jaekyung had bothered him, looked at Soomin and for taking his beautiful confession and using it as his own. Kyungsoo was never one to fight, but today he made an exception, for Soomin. The fist connected with Jaekyung in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. Without thinking, D.O grabbed Soomin’s hand and walked away from the scene enjoying the feel of her warm hand.

    10 minutes later, they walked calmly toward Soomin’s house,quietly without words. They were side by side, Soomin remaining close to Kyungsoo’s side for protection and Kyungsoo enjoying every second of it. When they reached her home, Soomin smiled at him. thanking him and began to go inside. Before she could, Kyungsoo held her arm gently, so she wouldn’t feel hurt but still keeping her where she was. She looked at him, confused.

    “Eh?” she said simply.

    “W-Why did you reject his confession, Soomin-sshi?” he said. Am I really doing this? he thought to himself. Am I really talking to her? She smiled sweetly.

    “Do Kyungsoo, you should know that Jaekyung isn’t the smartest person.” She reached into her pocket and began to take something out. D.O was in shock. She knew his name. She knew his name...Do Kyungsoo, she said it. He began to feel happy and warm inside. Soomin handed him the piece of paper and he took it with two hands, looking at it. It was his confession note, well Jaekyung’s, but originally his! He knew exactly what it said but, he read it anyway:

    Kim Soomin,

You may not know me, my name or even if I was always in Class 2B with you. That’s fine, though, I can understand it. I don’t talk much, I don’t raise my hand to answer a question like you or talk in between classes with friends like you do. Even though you don’t know much about me, you can at least know my name. I am Do Kyungsoo, the quiet Kyung and not the other Kyung.

I’m usually this shy and quiet, so don’t think I’m weird or anything. But truth is, I’m extra shy when I’m around you. When you walk by, I freeze up and my cheeks burn red. When you look in my direction, my heart skips in a beat. When you smile, my brain can’t seem to function. You're very beautiful and smart. I like you Kim Soomin, this small quiet Kyung. No, that’s not what I wanted to say. I love you, Kim Soomin, that’s the truth. I have, ever since I laid my eyes on you, when you walked into Class 2B with your school uniform and pure smile.

I know this seems weird, awkward and creepy. But I don’t mean to be that way, I just can’t seem to tell you this in person. So I hope you accept my confession, Soomin-sshi. If not, its ok, I can understand that too. But as long as you know, I can walk away from these feelings with a happy heart and mind. Kim Soomin, I love you, will you accept my heart?

-Do Kyungsoo

D.O looked at the note and noticed that where ever his name would appear, there was a one line through it and above it would be ‘Jaekyung’ or ‘Kim Jaekyung.’ He couldn’t help but smile at Jaekyung’s stupidity. With a chuckle, he said, “Kim Jaekyung, you’re really dumb.” He looked up at Soomin, who smiled at him sweetly as he handed her the note again.

       “Jaekyung-sshi may be popular but he isn’t that smart. When he gave it to me, I read it and then rejected him.” She rejected the confession, D.O thought. She didn’t like the note, so she rejected me too. D.O felt his pride fall and sadness overcome him as he let out a sigh. But yet, Soomin still giggled as she looked at him.

        “I didn’t reject the letter, Kyungsoo-sshi. I didn’t like the fact that he took it. It wasn’t real and neither was he so I rejected him,” she explained, pausing, “I loved your note though. It was very sweet.” He looked up at her, at her beautiful smiling face.

        “Really?” She nodded.

        “Neh. But I’ve always known your name, Kyungsoo-sshi,” she blushed and pushed a strand of hair out of her face, “I always knew who you were and where you sat in class. To be honest,” she said blushing a deep shade of red, “I’ve always liked you too.” Kyungsoo’s eyes widened as he came closer to her, thinking maybe he didn’t hear her correctly.

        “E-Eh?” She nodded, looking away from him with a smile on her face.

        “Mhm, but you were always quiet so I was afraid of talking to you. But that was then,” she said, pausing.

         “What about now?” He asked, looking at her.

         “Now, I know that you’re sweet and caring, Kyungsoo-sshi.”

          “So, Soomin-sshi,” he said, smiling on the inside as well as on the outside, taking a deep breath as he continued, “Will you accept my heart?”

          “Yes,” Soomin said, with total sincerity and pureness in her voice, “I do.” They looked into each other’s eyes, the pure shining eyes of Kim Soomin gazed into the wide eye whites of Do Kyungsoo. She came closer to him, wrapping her arms around him, hugging him warmly. In shock, Kyungsoo hugged her back, taking in her scent. This was just as he imagined, he thought warmly. This feeling felt so great. Acceptance, the greatest feeling in the world. He was no longer D.O, there was no other Kyung to be different from. He was Do Kyungsoo to Soomin, and that was all that mattered.

    ...Two Kyungs battled for her love..

  ...Victory for the Quiet Kyung...



A/N: I hope you enjoyed! I didn't think this story was my best but I tried my hardest. The next one will be better, promise! Sorry for taking a long time, but updates will be faster now, hopefully. Thank you for reading! Annyeong! :) Please Comment and Subscribe for more.

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Chapter 2: baozi, my loves
Chapter 1: sweeet ~ like it