Picture Not-So-Perfect

Smiling Down

~~~OC's POV~~~

“Say cheese~!” I said as I took a picture of me and Hyunseong.

We were at the beach on a date. It’s only been a few weeks since we started dating, so we’ve been to a few places. I thought he genuinely loved me and loved to take me places, but I soon realised that he only brought me places where he knew people. He’d spend a lot of time talking to his friends rather than with me, and this date is when I realised everything.

“You look really y in that bathing suit.” He told me.

He was the one who chose this bathing suit, and I couldn’t fit into it at the time. When I told him it didn’t fit, he told me to lose some weight to fit into it. I was stupid and did as he said. I skipped meals and ate less during the times I did eat, all to fit into that bathing suit. It was very revealing and I didn’t feel comfortable in it.

“Th-Thanks…” I responded. He grabbed my hand and brought me towards his friends.

“Hey guys, this is my girlfriend.” He greeted them.

He then brought his arm around me and slid his hand down onto my . I swatted his hand away, which got me a look of scorn. He gave his friends a fake smile and brought me to a secluded area.

“Who told you to hit my arm away?” he said angrily.

“I-I didn’t feel comfortable with your hand there.” I stuttered.

He then shoved me into a wall of rocks that were behind me, which hurt of course.

“You’re MY girl, and you should do as I say.” He yelled.

I got angry when he said that.

“Since when was I your property?” I yelled.

He then shoved me onto the ground and said, “Since you’re too ugly to get an actual man to love you.”

Those words really hurt, even more than the impact from the rock wall.


After that day, I told him that I wanted to break up, but he wouldn’t allow it. He kept on saying that I would never get a better guy than him. I always tried to leave, but he would always find me and say that he would never acknowledge our breakup. I knew he just wanted to use me, and I know it’s mostly my fault. I fell in love with the idea of being loved since nobody else even paid attention to me. Why couldn’t I have been smarter?

I left home and decided that I should move into an apartment, but he found me before I could even talk to the landlord. All he wants to do is control my life, because he believes that I should do whatever he tells me to, and he doesn’t want to even lift a finger to take care of his responsibilities.

That’s when I decided to just not have a home. If I don’t have a home, he won’t be able to find me; I’ll be on the road all the time.

And how wrong was I?

~~~ Yoongi’s POV~~~

“And that’s when he punched me?” I asked her.

She nodded. “I’m sorry about that.”

I shook my head. “It’s alright…I just can’t stand someone like that…” I trailed off.

I looked at her and took a deep breath.

“You told me your story, so I guess it’s time to tell my story.” I told her.

She gave me a puzzling look like she completely forgot about the deal we made.

I gave her a smile and said, “You’ve proven to me that you do want to live, and as promised, I will tell you.”

She nodded and made herself a bit more comfortable.

“She was the most amazing person I’ve ever met, and she made me so happy.” I told her.

She thought about what I said for a bit and said, “So she was…your lover?”

I nodded. “I was going to propose to her with that ring.”

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Chapter 4: can you continue this fic? :3 its amazing!