A Taste Of What You Paid For


When you can buy love in a bottle by the ounce, how much is the real thing worth?


A birthday fic for our dear Sehun.

No?  How's this?



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audbear #1
Chapter 1: OASDJASKJDLASJDLASJDLKASJDLASLKDJSLKdjlkajdlksaoalhgjlfidlhidnfhiksfnhiskdnfaknfsilkhsljaksnfhdsajlkfsnhslajflan,
Chapter 1: I'm reading this for the second time and I still love it. I'm a utter trash for hunhan and I feel that this is so well written ;_; <3
Chapter 1: :o oh my, you thawed hearted bastard LOL I love the concept - emotion drugs...
FedyTsubasa #4
Wow!This was pretty interesting!!0.0 Now I need Suho's side story! Well, actually I need EVERYONE's side story!!0.0
Chapter 1: The world you created is so interesting!!! Amazing job!
Lilianlimi #6
Chapter 1: Unique concept !!!
Chapter 1: Read this once again. Mygolly! Its soooo beautiful like really really beautiful! Kudos to you Author-nim! Thanks for sharing. :) and a sequel would be good hehe if u want
hannafurukawa #8
Omfg. This is so fluffeeeeh!!! This needs a sequel *sobs*
amn101 #9
Chapter 1: I really wish you can continue this. Its really unique and an eye opener! :)
Chapter 1: Wow this is different. And nice!