
Decreasing Time

"Chorong, I can explain." Bomi reached out to Chorong.  


"What is this Bomi." Chorong leaped from the couch now feeling unsafe with the girl. Bomi got up trying to calm the older girl. "Stay away."  


"Chorong.... I...." Bomi stopped as she felt a slap on her face. She looked up as her eyes began to water.  


"Just... stay away from me... oh my god I let you meet my friends." Chorong now picked up the lamp next to her brandishing it as a weapon. "What do you want." 


"Chorong, my father... My father is the president." 


"Excuse me?"  


"I saved you." 


"From what!? I was safe before you came here."  


"No this isn't." Bomi sighed, she couldn't sort her thoughts. She tried to look at the girl in front of her but her vision blurred. "I just... I need too..." Bomi felt her breathing quicken. She fell to the ground clutching to her chest as she felt a pain in her chest.   




"I'm fine..." Bomi began to control her breathing. She felt the tears leave her eyes, she hadn't been so real with anyone. "Panic attack." Chorong took a step back placing the lamp on the table. She knelt down with distance to spare in front of Bomi.   


"Bomi... are you crying.?"  


"I'm sorry. Please don't be afraid of me..." Bomi struggled to get out through the tears.  "I stopped them, I won't let them take your friends I promise." 




"My father."  


"What does President Yoon have to do with taking my friends." Chorong slid closer to the crying girl, maybe this was her only chance at answers. Bomi reached out grabbing Chorongs wrist carressing slightly as she took a minute to up her tears.  


"It's about population control, to keep people in line, to keep people from questioning the system. Every month I go through stacks of paper and I have approve them for termination. I saw yours and I had seen you before from prior terminations, I wanted to know more."  


"You order people to die?" Chorong pulled her wrist from Bomi grasp now wishing she had that lamp in her hands.  


"No they get themselves there. I just approve of their wrong doings."  


"you basically killed my friends, and watched? You expect me to just accept that they were doing something wrong? No they weren't they just wanted to be together, they wanted to have security!"  


"They didn't have faith in the system, love is dangerous to our delicate system." Bomi looked down at her feet hating the words that were coming out of .  


"How does it feel to be the one doing wrong..."  


"What do you mean."  


"You saved me... you slept with me... I know you have feelings for me. I guess you deserve to die." Chorong crossed her arms glaring towards the younger girl.  


"Your right." Bomi sighed walking towards Chorong. "I wish I could die. But I can't, I have to stop this." Bomi looked up trying to make eye contact with the dark haired girl. "I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I was never worthy of feeling, I notice this now. I agreed to be friends, because I knew I wasn't worth it. I know I am dirt to you Chorong. I wanted to tell you everything..."  


"Screw you..." Chorong hit Bomi on the shoulder as her hair fell in front of her face.  


"I'll leave, and promise you no one will touch you or your friends. I'll try to fix what I can. I wish you happiness and love." Bomi smiled as her tears slowly slid down her cheeks. "It was wonderful meeting you."  

Torture myself, that's what I feel I'm worth
Torture myself, well aware that the pain is somewhere else
You can root for the villain, I'll take that title, I'll take the heat now and be your rival




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Chapter 17: noooo here we ended aha~ this is a really exciting story!! with the themes, I wondered how it would make Chorong so paranoid, but now reading through and understanding her trauma and the system, it all makes sense. Bomi too! This was really great to read and painted a world that felt like it could've been grey but in fact had colour, and love, and living! would've been so curious to see how they might get out of this, and how Bomi could make it up to them. thank you for writing this!
Gr33nPow3r #2
Chapter 17: Interesting story hope u havent given up on it :)
Choheri #3
Chapter 17: Really great plot author nim...update soon <3 hope to see morw chomi moments :)
Chapter 17: Yeahh!! Lets get it on!!
Chapter 16: Who shot Bomi?! I'll fite him/her myself >:(
Thanks for updating
Chapter 15: What noww!!?? Cant wait!!
Chapter 14: ohhhh
Chapter 12: update please
Chapter 12: Waiting for update~
Chapter 13: Yay cant wait!