
Decreasing Time

 Bomi smiled as she watched the couple of younger girls playfully kiss each other while enjoying the club atmosphere. Chorong sipped on her drink avoiding the scene, laughing at Bomi who seemed to enjoy it.  

               "What it's cute." Bomi hit Chorong lightly as she walked back to the bar to get another drink for herself.  


"Thanks for all the help..." Lizzy mumbled as she watched Bomi go behind the bar and grab what she needed. "So Nana, you're back again. I may have to charge you for stalking." Lizzy half joked, but Bomi knew how serious she was actually being. Nana looked up with a cold look, which quickly broke into a smirk.  


"It's the only good club where I'm not constantly bombarded with people trying to get with me." Nana grabbed her drink, taking it all in with one shot. "I'm quite the catch, but looks like I wont be caught." Nana smiled before making her way back towards Chorong 


"Smooth." Bomi whispered as she patted Lizzy on the shoulder.  Chorong watched as Bomi laughed to herself leaving a angry Lizzy tending to the bar herself. Bomi made her way over towards the girls, where Nana was now explaining what had just happened.  


"WAIT." Bomi held up her glass, as she had just thought of something. Bomi narrowed her eyes and pointed towards Nana. "Business endeavor" Bomi pivoted on her feet pointing her finger now at Lizzy.  


"What.. what..." Nana mumbled as she looked towards Chorong Bomi took a ship of her drink, then pointed towards Chorong. She smirked catching the girls eyes then she pointed toward herself.  


"Business endeavor."  


"I LIKE HER" Namjoo laughed as she slung her arm over Hayoungs shoulders.  


"If you must know. Yes she was my plan... but I've changed my business ideas." Nana smiled confidently as she passed by Bomi make her way to the dance floor.  


"I can't believe you told Bomi." Hayoung nudged Chorong, who just stared silently towards Bomi 


"I kind of guessed it there is no way, Chorong would do... well everything she's done. Without someone planting the idea." Bomi raised her eye brow towards the couple. "Also I don't think you two, are giving out advice on the physical part of a relationship." Chorong hit Bomi on the shoulder, giving her a disgusted look.  


"Stop being so vulgar... they're only young." Chorong glared towards the girls.  


"I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING." Bomi raised her voice, stepping away from the group. "I said they wouldn't know... geesh." Bomi messed up Chorongs hair before heading back to the bar to finally do her job. 


Bomi smiled as she walked into her apartment, happy that she could interact with Chorong without the awkward air looming around the two. She threw her keys on her coffee table as she, walked carefully around her couch trying not to stub her toe for the hundredth time.  


"Bomi." Bomi jumped in surprize putting up her fist to fight whatever man the voice had just came from. She lowered her fist when she noticed it was just her father. "Where were you tonight?" 


"Just out... you know being me." Bomi shrugged as she plopped down on the couch.  


"Don’t play dumb. You were with the girls."  


"Girls? What girls... I don't know what you're talking about." 


"Bomi..." Her father took a stern step towards her trying to regain his composure. "The girls... the girls... the ones from the files you so happened to stumble upon in my office." 


"If I was it doesn't matter... soon they'll be gone right? like all the others trying to look for answers... all the others that dodged death." Bomi glared up at her father momentarily before turning her attention to the tv as she pressed power on.  She remembered the day she found those files, it was almost as if they were screaming her name. She had to look at them, and when she did she couldn't help but wonder what the girls were life. All she knew was their expiry date, and she wanted to know why it was so premature. So she selfishly went and pushed her way into the lives of the girls she had read about, and she assume Chorong would be the easiest to get to. 


"Don't you dare." Bomi's father had enough taking several angry footsteps towards the girl who was comfortable sitting on the couch. He grabbed Bomi's wrist lifting her up from the couch, Bomi's eyes now wide as she has never seen her father this way. "Don't you ruin what I've done. What security you have... Don't you dare threaten the system you born into... You could easily be one of those girls. But you're my daughter, check your wrist next time you feel you are the same as those... people." Her father yelled as he threw her wrist down with his final words. Bomi looked down at her wrist that was clear of time. She knew she wasn't like them, she knew she never had a chance to be like them. Bomi was the daughter of the president, the one dishing out all those years to people. The one who so desperately wanted to play god, because he lost his wife to someone who was careless. Bomi lifted her wrist showing It to her father, with a glare.  


"Just because I lack a death penalty. Doesn't mean death isn't near. You're so dumb to think that you were worthy of my mothers love. Worthy of calling me your daughter. Wait... a year is almost up. I'm already signed to take your office. You touch those girls..." Bomi smirked as she lifted her fathers wrist. "You'll be what your wrist shows... Nothing.Bomi smiled as she picked up her keys from her coffee table.  Her smile faded as she knew exactly what she had just done, she herself had just painted targets on the backs of all the friends she had just made. 

 I wonder why Bomi knew what was going to happen. Now you all know. Bomi isn't as innocent as she seems. 

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Chapter 17: noooo here we ended aha~ this is a really exciting story!! with the themes, I wondered how it would make Chorong so paranoid, but now reading through and understanding her trauma and the system, it all makes sense. Bomi too! This was really great to read and painted a world that felt like it could've been grey but in fact had colour, and love, and living! would've been so curious to see how they might get out of this, and how Bomi could make it up to them. thank you for writing this!
Gr33nPow3r #2
Chapter 17: Interesting story hope u havent given up on it :)
Choheri #3
Chapter 17: Really great plot author nim...update soon <3 hope to see morw chomi moments :)
Chapter 17: Yeahh!! Lets get it on!!
Chapter 16: Who shot Bomi?! I'll fite him/her myself >:(
Thanks for updating
Chapter 15: What noww!!?? Cant wait!!
Chapter 14: ohhhh
Chapter 12: update please
Chapter 12: Waiting for update~
Chapter 13: Yay cant wait!