
Assassination At Its Finest

It was an ugly day.

The clouds were gray and dull, it seemed like the whole atmosphere was dull. This is how it always is. Citizens live in constant fear of being assassinated, never knowing who will be the next to go. It was all a waiting game in this strict and heartless society. The leaders of the society were the assassins themselves, Assassins-M&K, their cooperation at different sides of the city. They work in peace, working somewhat together to maintain the perfect community. If there was robbery, the robber would die. If there was cheating, the cheater would die. It was founded on Hammurabi’s code, “An eye for an eye.” If a citizen were to steal, they could be stolen from, or punished much harder. This way, citizens who live truthful and kind lives would live, and those who lived in a pool of lives and evil would die.

Pretty simple?

Not exactly, Assassins-M and Assassins-K hate each other, and only work together to keep the peace and tranquility of their utterly perfect city. But not all peace can last forever.

This is why Luhan is being summoned at such a un godly hour, 3:00.

“Tell me why I’m here again?” He asked his manager, the leader of Assassins-M, Kris.

“A new mission.” Kris answered, lighting a cigar and pressing it to his mouth.

“You really shouldn’t smoke; it kills you and the people around you.” Luhan reminded, rolling his eyes. “Listen to your hyung.”

“But I just lit it!” Kris complained, but quickly put it out; listening to Luhan was something you must do.

“Anyways, what’s the mission now? An old lady robbing a bank? Some university delinquent setting the school on fire?” Luhan asked, “Nothing we haven’t seen before.”

“This is serious; it is an S Class mission.”

“Whoa things just got real, S Class.” Luhan looked at Kris was an appalled look. “When do we ever get those? Who we assassinating? The president?”

“No, Oh Sehun, the lead assassin at Assassins-K.” Kris replied, sliding a picture of Sehun over to Luhan, “He is as dangerous as you.”

“Him? He’s nothing, like taking candy from a child.” Luhan snorted.

“He’s pretty skilled, despite his young age.” Kris explained, “He’s almost as good as you.”

Luhan let out a laugh, “we’ll see about that when I have his heart roasted on a spit in your fireplace.”

“Ew, that’s nasty Luhan!” Kris exclaimed, “You can’t seduce him, he seduces his victims as well!”

“There is no way a little grasshopper like him can beat the big old wolf.”

“That did not even make sense, you called yourself old.”

“Oh shut up I’m older than you!” Luhan snapped back.

“Anyways, you can do some research on Oh Sehun before you go kill him.” Kris sighed as Luhan walked out of the room.

Luhan sat down and opened one of Assassins-M’s databases; it contains all the information about every citizen in the city. The information was skillfully gathered by the ever so sneaky Tao, one of the other Assassins from Assassins-M. He scrolled through the “O” last names until he landed on Oh Sehun. He clicked on it to see very little information. Only general information, nothing that Luhan could use against Sehun.

“Hey Tao!” Luhan called, the boy popping up next to him.

“Yeah Luhan, what is it?” Tao asked.

“Can you hack into Assassins-K and find me a profile of Oh Sehun?”

“I thought you were an expert hacker?”

“I am, but you need to freshen up on your skills.”

They sat at the computer for ten minutes.

“Dang it!” Tao cried angrily, “They really have an anti-hack code up in their systems.”

“I can see, even I can’t hack that.” Luhan frowned, “thank you for your time, Tao.”

“No problem hyung.” Tao stood up and walked away, “hope you can deliver what that Oh Sehun deserves.”

Luhan sat back down and stared at the screen, information that he really didn’t need was popping up.

Sehun was 181+ cm tall. Luhan did not need to know that. Luhan was shorter than him! Luhan was supposed to be older by two years!

Sehun has brown eyes. Okay, what Asian did not have brown eyes?

Luhan walked away from the computer and into Kris’s office. “Kris where is Oh Sehun going next?”

“Minseok on the field says that Sehun and another assassin, Kim Jongin is going to be attending the Royale Dinner, acting as assassins undercover in case anything happens.”

“Oh like if an old lady were to start a fire in the middle of the dinner, BAM! Her neck gets cut off.” Luhan suggested.


“When is this Royale Dinner?”

“Tonight, I’ve got a set of gadgets that you can use on the mission in the weapons room.”

“Heck no, I’m picking my own.” Luhan complained, “You always pick the lame ones.”

“Because they are the most effective, Luhan! You don’t need a lightning whip at a dinner!” Kris boomed back, “what the heck, pick what you want, but take what I’ve provided.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“I am not a woman!”

“The amount of BB cream you wear is equivalent to my long lost sister’s.”

 “You don’t even have a sister!”

“Congratulations Kris, you are now a certified woman.” Luhan continued.

“Just go put on something nice and get your to the dinner.”

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

Kris gave Luhan the old up and down. Luhan was wearing a pullover with casual shorts. “E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.”

“Don’t hate because you have to wear a suit all the time.” Luhan gestured to Kris’s Armani suit in disgust. He hates those kinds of fancy suits. Luhan walked into the weapons room and saw the gadgets that Kris laid out, along with a suit, and a note card.

Luhan you better wear this suit or I’m going to burn down your house.

Love, Kris

“Love my .” Luhan smirked as he quickly changed into the tight suit. He slipped all the gadgets provided into his pocket and looked around the weapons room.

He spotted something perfect, a vial of arsenic. Arsenic can be used as a suicide item. It is the cause of many deaths. If the party had lobster, it would be perfect, just add a larger amount of arsenic to the lobster, and Oh Sehun would drop dead in a matter of minutes. Lobster already contained amounts of arsenic, so adding more would not arouse any confusion. And Luhan would walk out without a hassle at all.

He jumped into his car and drove to the dinner. There was a large crowd waiting outside, but they seemed to be letting people in. Luhan walked his way to the front only to be stopped by a burly body guard.

“Sorry man can’t let you in without an invite.”

“I don’t need an invite.” Luhan tried to walk his way through but the man stopped him.

“Hey men I don’t want any violence to happen, just leave.”

 Luhan frowned and leaned in close to the man’s ear. “You’re going to want to let me in, I’m here under assassins business, and if you don’t let me in, I already have 3 million ways that you can die in my head.”

The guard jumped back, “Never mind sir, you are on the VIP list, please head on inside!”

Luhan smiled sweetly and walked in. Tons of rich people we chatting away, old and young, fat and skinny, they all had one thing in common, being ridiculously rich. He scanned around the room, looking for the two misfits that were hired to handle any skirmishes. There, he saw them; they stood out like two red roses in the bouquet of white roses. Oh Sehun was lazily leaning against a Greek style pillar with Kim Jongin standing next to him. They were oh so obvious to spot out. He ducked and began to banter with the random rich girls who began to swoon around him, best to act in the crowd rather than out of the crowd.

Sehun leaned lazily next to a pillar that probably cost more than his whole house. “Jongin you see that?”

Jongin looked at him suspiciously, “see what?”

“I see someone who definitely shouldn’t be here.”

“I don’t, they all look like stuck up rich people.”

“No that guy that just walked in, he looked over at us for more than fifteen seconds.”

“And I’m supposed to be alarmed because…” Jongin sighed, Sehun was always too observant.

“What I’m saying is that his gaze does not linger on anyone in this room too long, so the fact that he looks at us longer than the walking jewels here is suspicious.”

“I don’t know, we look out of place don’t we?”

“Rich people don’t care about those kinds of misfits in the world, they ignore them.”

“Who do you think the boy is?”

“I’d say another assassin, judging from the way he walks and talks.” Sehun mumbled as he whipped out his phone, “I’ll do a scan.”

“You look like a e.” Jongin hissed.

“I’m not; his name is Luhan from Assassins-M.” Sehun reported, “He’s 22.”

“That name rings a bell; didn’t he kill a whole mass of kids who burned down the local library?”

“Yes, all in one setting.” Sehun answered, “But the real question is, why is Mr. Fairy pants here.”

“Maybe he was assigned to this case as well.”

“No way, Suho would’ve at least told us.” Sehun sighed, “He must have a sole purpose of being here.”

“Maybe he needs to kill a rich person.” Jongin reasoned.

“Nope, we would’ve done it ourselves.” Sehun looked at the boy who was chatting with some rich girl, “I have this feeling that he’s here to try to finish us off.”

“You mean end the deal between Assassins-K and Assassins-M?”

“I have a confession.”

“You sound like a teenage girl.”

“Are you going to criticize me?” Sehun frowned, “Or let me finish?”

“Let you finish.”

“Okay, Suho gave me a mission to kill Luhan, it seems both Assassins-K and Assassins-M are going to kill the best assassins before they split apart, like whoever kills each other first, gets the prize and the glory.”

“You summed that all up from one mission?” Jongin laughed.

“Yes, I am serious.”

“Why so serious?”

“Do not play that music reference thing with me again, Jongin.”

“So what happens from there?” Jongin asked, “Do you make your move tonight?”

“No, we’re going to see what he does, and if he really is trying to kill me or you, then we can strike.” Sehun answered. “Someone’s going to die from this, and it is sure not going to be me.”


I hope you enjoy the first chapter!

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Chapter 2: I want such a needle too, one who don't kill but make the person sleep half a day to a day.cant wait for sehuns revenge and chapter 3.beside I hope there is going to be a little bit romance soon too.
Chapter 1: Wow all this information from a too long stare. I cant wait for the next update and im looking forward to the action and the love storys. Soooo, please update, you have a great writing style and keep it soo interesting. My opinion is, that its funny, that luhan is not so bubbly and angelic like in the most fanfics. Ok its getting to long... looking forward to chapter 2. So see you then autor-nim \(^. ^)/
This looks interesting:3
Update soon, please~~