The End.

I know.

It was night when Luhan came over to Taera’s house, he was planning to tell Taera that he wants a break on this relationship but he didn’t know how so he ended up scribbling some sentences on his phone. The journey too Taera’s house was longer than expected because he was playing with words about “how to break up with my girlfriend and blaming myself for all the wrong doing because I ignored her months without a reason”

Yes, he could simply tell her “Hey I’m sorry I ignored it’s just that you’re not important to me anymore” but really did he had the guts to do so? No he didn’t. He didn’t want to crush the girl heart again because he did it for months and that just had stopped.

When Luhan arrived at Taera house, he was pacing around back and forth thinking he should ring the doorbell. After countless of nervous back and forth pacing, he eventually did. He rang the doorbell, and she came out wearing a knitted sweater (which he bought it for her birthday a year ago) and her normal sleeping shorts. “What brought you here Luhan? I was assuming that you didn’t know that I exist anymore” Luhan chuckles of course she just had to be all sarcastic around him. “Do you have time to like walk while talking? Or are you super busy making up words that would totally me up?” Taera stared right at him and replied “I’ll go change my pants first”


They walked throughout the whole neighbourhood in the middle of the night. It was only silence that accompanied throughout the 2 minute walk. When they arrived at a random café, they were sitting at the second floor and didn’t even talk. Taera was all pissed and blurted out, “What kind of talk are we doing right now? The silence one where you just had to wait for me to scream because really Luhan, I’m getting tired of y-“

“Let’s break up” Luhan had finally found his courage “I know I’m the one who is at fault now because obviously it was my fault for ignoring you and” This part seemed so hard to even elaborate to her what he once cherished is probably going to slap his face when he tells her the news. Luhan took a deep breath, “Do you love me Taera? If I did a mistake would you still love me like how you did before?”

“No Luhan, look” Taera puts her hand on top of Luhan’s hand “I’m confused and it because, half of me hates you for ignoring me and half of me still loves you because I don’t know just—it’s hard enough that I had to cry myself to sleep reminding to myself that you’re still with me but your presence weren’t with me. You get it……right?”

Luhan sighs. He is really the fault now and he needs to stand up and be a man in this situation. “I didn’t know why I ignored you.  I wasn’t even busy with anything, I was just ignoring you without a reason while really I was deeply in love with you but I just didn’t know how I ended up not really caring about you. You still meant the world to me but I had enough time breaking a girl’s heart and this all needs to stop. I love you really but I screwed up and I guess……we need to cut this all out.”

“Luhan lets go and take a walk” Luhan could really see the tears that was forming in her eyes and if he tells people he didn’t care, it was obviously a lie. “Yeah, let’s do so”. They went out and the night seemed chilly all of the sudden

The walk back to her house went; “Luhan I love you” which Luhan replies, “I do too but this isn’t going to work out” “I know, I know”

When they arrived at Taera’s house, it was starting to rain and Luhan was pretty sure it would start rain heavily after this.

“So are we official now” Taera asks. Apart of Luhan wants to tell her no we’re still together we are going to work this out but he replied her; “Yes, but please don’t—cry” Taera nodded and bid her goodbyes and as she was opening the door, Luhan yells far from the front gate

“Don’t cry Taera! Don’t cry!” Taera could clearly hear Luhan cries through the words he screamed,

Taera ran back to him despite the heavy rain she screamed back to Luhan,


Slowly he turns back and faced forward to see the owner of the voice she was wet from the rain and so was he

“LUHAN!” she screamed while running towards him. She placed a watch on his palm “It’s yours, so I’m giving it back” Luhan wanted her to keep it but he had the sudden idea to ask her for something else.

“Can I take something before I start losing it after this’” He asks. “What is it?” She asks,

“A kiss, our kiss, your lips” Luhan replies

Taera obviously was surprise with such request so she played around and told him; “You’re such a player Luhan” which he replied, “Yeah, maybe I am one” he laughed after that.

“Lower yourself now” She said to him. Luhan then lowered himself and waited for his kiss. She pecked his lips which then Luhan laughed because it was too awkward.

“This is awkward” He tells her

“But this is the last” She tells her

“I know” he replies

“Goodbye Luhan, thanks for the three years together, thanks for the memories” Taera smiled at him and walk back towards her house. She could just stay and waited for his reply but she wasn’t strong enough to hear his voice again. She choose to walk forward and never turned back for him.

Luhan understand why Taera didn’t turned her back and she didn’t want her to hear his sad goodbye anyways.” It’s funny” he thoughts “We were an item by day and we broke up in the rain” Luhan was completely drenched by the rain and he didn’t mind at all.

His tears was a mixture between the rain that was pouring heavily. He realised that he didn’t made a turn back and watched her go again, it was a good thing he didn’t because he might be running towards him back.

“I need to move on now” he closes his eyes “Goodbye, Lee Taera I will remember you forever”

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