The Darkness Growing Inside

A Part Of You

~In Front Of Your House - Kim Soo Hyun~

People started to avoid me

I don't why, I felt something happen

The fake smile, just annoyed me

Will you be like them too ?

"Baek ?"

In the twilight of the room, Baekhyun saw Kyungsoo, tucking him on his bed.

"Dyo-ah...." He tried to get up but Kyungsoo forced him to sleep.

"No, Baek. You need to stay inside the bed."

"It's hurt so much. Can you stop it ?" pleaded Baekhyun.

Kyungsoo hesitated. But he suddenly moved to hug him.

"I'll do anything to help you, Baekhyun." 

Bekhyun smiled, but he didn't see Kyungsoo's tears in the dark room.

Two hour before

"Mianae.... But Byun Baekhyun suffered 4th stage of glioblastoma, a brain cancer, the worst one."

The news shocked 11 of them. Chanyeol staggered, upon hearing it.

"Baek- He's dying ?"

"Well, we can do something to him, but it affecting the part of the brain that controls his movements. That's why he fell, his left part of his body isn't functioning well. We can maybe extract the tumour, but never 100% will be back to normal."

After the doctor left, Chanyeol, feeling devastating, hugged Kyungsoo for strength.

"I should knew it. His fever, his . Kyungsoo-ah, ettoekke ?" He cried for his best friend.

"Chanyeol, enough..." Xiumin reassured him.

"He'll-" Tao hesitated "Be fine."

"Kai ?" Suho called him. Kai, leaning far side of the group, raised his chin.

"Are you okay ?" asked Kris.

"Anniyo. It's just that.. will Baekhyun hyung be alright ?" His eyes getting teary. "I mean, it's fourth stage, will we have enough time with him ?"

Kai's words, made Chanyeol wailled. Eventually, all 11 of them, embraced each other, assuring together, even though, deep in their hearts, they hope Baekhyun will be as healthy as ever.

Baekhyun felt stiffed once he got up. He tried to sit up, but the numbness on his left legs.

"Ettoekke...." He sighed. He watched the snow running down the pale and gray Seoul, as if they were mourning about something.

"Dyo-ah ?" He saw a glimpse of someone inside his room.

"Anniyo. It's me, Yeol..." The voice emerged from the darkness.

"Yeol-ah..." Baekhyun grinned at the sight of Chanyeol. "Could you please- ummm"

Baekhyun stuttered to see his puffy eyes.

"Were you crying?"


Baekhyun could sense what he wanted to say. "I'm sick. Isn't it ?"

Chanyeol wiped his tears and helped Baekhyun get up. They walked towards the balcony.

"It's cold, Yeol..." He stared at the falling snow on Chanyeol's shirt.

"I'm going to die right ?" Baekhyun's question shocked Chanyeol.

"No, you'll never die ! I-I want you here. We all want you here, you just need to hold on~"

"4th stage, Yeol !" screamed Baekhyun. "Why do you think I have a chance ?"

"Anniyo. It's just that.. will Baekhyun hyung be alright ?" Kai's voice hesitated

"I mean, it's fourth stage, will we have enough time with him ?"

Baekhyun staggered to hear the news. He leaned towards the wall, rejecting the fact of him sick. And dying.

"Yeol-ah... Kyungsoo." He remebered the closest member, what if he gone.

A tear dropped on his hands, he lie down on the floor, trying to think about them without him.

"Help me, Yeol. Tell me ! What do I have to do to stay with you ? With them ?" Baekhyun screamed and he yanked his arm from Chanyeol's grasp.

"Baekhyun-ah, you're not well !" He could tell, Baekhyun is nearly black out.

"Chanyeol ?" Kris' head popped out to see what happening. When Baekhyun is out of control, he quickly grabbed a syringe and gave him the shot.

"Yeol-ah. I don't wanna die yet..." he whispered before he's completely asleep.

"Hyung..." Chanyeol's eyes getting teary. Kris hugged him immediately.

"It's okay, Yeol. It's okay. We'll get through this...." Kris looked sadly at Baekhyun's sweaty face.

We don't want you to die too, Baek....

In the place where we were together
In the moment where I resembled you
When it felt too good being soaked in the rain
You are gone, gone
How am I supposed to erase you alone and live
When I miss you so much

Jinn - Gone

The song made Ji Ha wokep up. She stared on her radio, thinking about the lyrics of the song.

"Usual, I don't like this kind of song..." she mumbled while went to the toilet, refreshing herself for a oncall round.

"Doctor ?" A nurse popped out from the door.

"Yeah ?" Ji Ha just got out from the toilet. She glanced at the clock. 2 a.m.

"There's a patient you need to see. He's having a 4th stage glioblastoma on his moto cortex side of his brain. Doctor Min Joon asked me to give this to you."

"Arasso." Ji Ha grabbed the folder given by the nurse. 

Suddenly she trembled.

Byun Baek Hyun. 22 years old. Suffered 4th stage of tumour....

The picture of the guy. 

Baekhyun ?  Ji Ha wondered. She remembered the bright smile of Baekhyun the last time she saw him in the amusement park. She knew something wrong with him.

"Baekhyun, I'll help you." Ji Ha determined.

I'm doomed. I'll be leaving Yeol soon. 

Anniyo, Chanyeol, I still want to be with you ! Won't you help me get through this ? Ahhh, I'm going mad !

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could anyone, made somekind poster or background for this thing ? i don't know how to do... ettoekke ?


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hanistar99 #1
Chapter 4: so sad :'(
hope you want to continue the story
ngee :D