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"Do not the rabbit! Nobody the rabbit!" Sandara screeched loudly at her six year old niece.  She was currently the guardian of the young child, who belonged to her sister, Durami. But children tend to hate her, and for some reason they find that it is fun to bully her.


Dara stomped over to where the little girl was sitting in the middle of the living room and yanked her rabbit toy, Tam Tam away. "Mihyun, you cannot harass my rabbit like that, do you understand me?" The little girl laughed and stuck her tongue out.


"But Tam Tam needs a bath Dara unnie!" She complained and pouted. Dara sighed and shook her head.  She her rabbit's head lovingly and assured to it quietly that everything was going to be alright.  Dara had just returned home from a long day of finals, and she entered her home to find her niece about to her toy.


"No, I will be in charge of that.  You go into the kitchen and eat your snack Mihyun." she sent a glare to her niece that she hoped would look scary. But really, Dara knew that she could only scare ants.  And that's because of her high pitched screaming when she sees them.


The little girl whined and shook her head. "I want omma!"


"Your omma left me in charge of you! So you have to listen to me!" Mihyun started bawling. Which caused Dara to physically panic. "Or I'll.."


The girl looked up at Dara through her tears and waited for the threat.


"I'll- I'll.. I'LL YOUR BOTTLE!!"


Her niece stopped crying and looked at Dara in confusion.  Then she started laughing, and Dara mentally face palmed herself.  Really? Was that the best threat she could come up with? This was one of the many reasons why she hated babysitting.  It was physically tiring, and mentally. Honestly, could this day get any worse?






Honestly, could this day get any worse? Jiyong asked himself as he was driving quickly.  First, he stopped by the university to find out that classes had ended 2 hours ago, and now he was late.  Again. 


He had already received more than enough text messages from his father asking 'Did you meet Sandara yet?'.  But he chose not to reply to any of them.  This situation didn't need to include his father yet, Jiyong thought.  Now he was looking at the Maps gadget on his phone, trying to find Dara's apartment.  He secretly prayed that Dara was one of those clean girls, who didn't throw everything they used on the ground. 


He shuddered thinking about his last encounter with a girl like that. 


Jiyong's car swerved into the parking lot that belonged to the apartment complexes and he let out a relieved sigh.  At least he had made it here alive. But then there was the problem of three ahjummas watching his wreckless driving with wide eyes and open gasps from the parking lot.  He gave a small wave towards them, and they all scurried away. 


"Pshh, old ladies.  Haven't you ahjummas seen Fast and Furious?" He frowned. Of course they wouldn't understand how cool Kwon Jiyong really was. 


Aside from following ladies around 24/7 for his dad, Jiyong had many activities.  In fact, he could make the best chocolate chip cookies ever, even if they were just from a box mix.  On Fridays, he liked to sing karaoke with his friend; Dong Young Bae.  Before his dad gave him his job, Jiyong and Youngbae were even gonna start their own singing duo: Ji Dong. 


Once, Jiyong even considered becoming a NASCAR racer, because he had been so inspired by the Pixar movie, Cars.  He saw both movies already, Cars and Cars 2 of course. 


After a couple of minutes, he found himself standing in front of an oak door on the 7th floor of the building.  Jiyong was about to knock, but his fist stopped mid air when he heard shouting from behind the door. 




Jiyong took a couple of steps away from the door.  Was this the right apartment? Should he just try again another day?  A job was a job, and he knew that he had to complete it.  Who knows, maybe Sandara Park was going to get married in 2 weeks. So maybe he didn't have to deal with her that long.  Jiyong knocked three times on the door and waited. 


When the door opened, Jiyong had expected a total madwoman carrying a chainsaw or something.  But instead, he was facing a very pretty girl wearing a yellow t-shirt, pink overalls, and a baby bottle in one hand.  He also saw a little girl sitting in the apartment.  Even though the girl in front of him looked very neat, her apartment was a complete mess.  There were baby blankets on the floor and stuffed animals everywhere. 


"Umm.. hi.." Dara looked in confusion at the random man standing in front of her.  She smiled awkwardly. Ok Dara, there is a cute man standing in front of you, do not freak out, do not freak out, do NOT freak out. "Can I help you with anything..?" 


"Are you San..dara" Jiyong glanced down at the file in his hand. "Park?" He really hoped that the woman in front of him was her, and that it wasn't just the REAL Sandara Park's pretty sister or something. 


He knows my name. Oh god, he knows my name. Dara gave another awkward smile and nodded. "Yup, that's me.. Sandara Park.. Park Sandara.. heh" Just then the little girl behind the both of them erupted into a tantrum. 

"DARA UNNIE I WANT MY SNACK!!" Mihyun shouted and her little fists clutched onto Dara's overalls. Jiyong smiled at the cute sight.  The little girl's facial features almost looked identical to Dara's. But then his face dropped in panic.  Oh no.. she isn't a.. mom.. is she? 


Dara noticed the man's gaze on her niece. "Oh, this is my niece Mihyun by the ways.." She shoved Mihyun, who was currently clawing at her body, away with her hands. "I'm taking care of her for my sister," 


"Oh.. I see," Jiyong pinched the little girl's cheek, which made her pout and turn away.  Mihyun positioned herself on the living room floor and started playing with her dolls. When she noticed Jiyong still watching her, she made a face at him and faced the other way. "I'm Jiyong, by the ways." 


"Jiyong.. nice to meet you I guess," Dara smiled shyly. She watched as her niece pick up Tam Tam from the floor.  Her mind was telling her to run and save Tam Tam if there wasn't a cute guy in front of her. She let out a small whimper when she saw Mihyun put one of Tam Tam's ears into . 


"Let's go straight to business," Jiyong suddenly put a serious mask on.  Enough of this awkward talk, he told himself.  His dad would not be happy with him. "Does your family own any sort of company?" 


Dara nodded slowly. "Well, I'm not technically in charge of it, but yes, my family owns Park Insurance." Park Insurance was one of the biggest insurance companies in Korea.  Dara wondered why she was still living in a small shabby apartment when her family apparently made a lot of money from the business. Her face fell.  This cute man in front of her was probably just another business man then, who wanted to be an intern, or something. How come all the cute boys had to be interested in business?


"Are you here because of my family's business?" Dara asked seldomly. 


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this very cute
missboulevard #2
Chapter 4: Omg... So cute. Kkkkk update juseyooo..
GirliedeDios #3
Chapter 4: Jiyong should allow the two to get closer. He is the guy she is suppose to marry. Change of heart?
kkenggi #4
Chapter 4: Haha Mihyun n tamtam together...yahey i like your story author..cute and funny
Chapter 4: Aigoo ji your supposed to be pairing dara to donghae, hahahahahaha

But nah, hahahahah i support you daragon moment all d way, hehehehe
Chapter 5: I think there's something wrong with this chapter... I can only see part of the first line... other than that, this is such a good story!!!
Chapter 5: what? why. I can't view all? was this only draft?
heiress #8
Chapter 4: I think Jiyong is starting to develop some feelings for Dara.
chelzjj #9
Chapter 4: Aigooo ..... Jiyong jealous much huh ;))))
tokki9 #10
Chapter 4: jiyong you are acting like a very jealous bf.hahaha~