Plotlines,Cheat Sheet & Application

Exo's Guardians - Apply Open


The Leader:

As the name of the plotline suggests, this girl will be the leader of the group. As leader, and as the most experienced girl in the group she will look after the other girls, and will make sure that they are doing their job right. Has a strong personality, but she also cares a lot about the girls. 
Note: I would like that this girl would be the oldest of the group. It makes more sense to me.
The Exo member that she will be guarding aka her love interest has to be a little like her in terms of personality. But it’s your choice.


The Underestimated (Taken by your author):

She would be that kind of character that is the most playful, clumsy and childish. The one that nobody knows how she ended up being a guardian. But what they don't know is that she's one of the most powerful and smart guardian that as ever existed. Who is the real her? Double personality or is her way to hide her weaknesses?
Note: She would be one of the youngests of the girls.
The Exo member that she will be guarding aka her love interest will be Sehun.


The Loyal One (taken by your co-author):

She's the one that never shows her true personality but is always there when you need her. She's the most polite girl that you will ever meet and she also takes her job very seriously. Just...who she really is? What is she hiding?
Note: Not the oldest but also not one of the youngests.
The Exo member that she will be guarding aka her love interest will be Kai


The Hacker:

Like the name of the plotline suggests she'll be the hacker of the group. She'll be responsible for everything that as to do with computers. But she isn´t one of those normal hackers that don´t have any social life. She´s popular and has the image of "The Cool Girl".
What does she see that no one else sees?

Note: For this one you can choose any age, but watch out, I don't like relationships with a huge age difference.
The Exo member that she will be guarding aka her love interest has to be the opposite of her, a clam guy, or something like that.


The Spy:

She´s very good at invasion, stalking, all those kind of things. She needs to be discrete but she also needs to get along with the other people and needs to know what to say if she's caught in action or if she's infiltrated. How did she end up as a spy? What did she do before being a guardian?
Note: She'll be one of the youngests.
The Exo member that she will be guarding aka her love interest is a curious guy that is always arround her asking her all kind of stuff and asking what she's doing.


The Gunsdealer:

She´s an expert in everything that as to do with guns and gadgets. Somehow, she has a deep love with guns. She sometimes says if she could she would marry a gun. The other girls find it weird and hilarious, but this girl is the best with guns. Don´t mess with her and try to be on her good side. How did she end up loving so much guns? Will you die in her hands?
Note: I think that it will be funny if she has a ert sense of humor .
She'll be one of the oldest.
The Exo member that she will be guarding aka her love interest can be anyone, as long it makes sense. Are they the same or the oposite? You decide.


The Shy Doctor:

She's the one in charge of taking care of any wound that her group mates may get. She's also very shy. Talks very little to everyone, and can´t look directly in the people´s eyes. But! Don´t let yourself underestimate this girl. She knows how to use a gun to, so be aware: do not irritate her and do not mess up with the people she loves and cares a lot.
Note: I'll leave you to decide her age
The Exo member that she will be guarding aka her love interest has to be someone very outgoing. Someone that is the total opposite of her.


The Unknown:

The members of the group know nothing about this girl or her intentions. She´s like "the dark girl" of the group. She´s really mystireous about her things and never speaks about herself. She prefers to listen to others than speaking. She will speak when necessary and if she wants. What´s her past? How dark is her past?
Note: She should be one of the oldests.
The Exo member that she will be guarding aka her love interest will be someone warm and kind enough to make her open up to him and the rest of the girls.


The princess:

She´s the richiest member of the group and will be the one that gets all the resources that the group needs. she may be a princess but she knows how to fight. She likes to use swords the most. Every single girl of the group are always woondering where did she get so much money? Just, to whom is she related? 
Note: Like the name of the plotline suggests I want her to be like a princess,what kind of princess I leave it to you.
I'll leave you to decide her age.
The Exo member that she will be guarding aka her love interest will be someone that understands her the best, like a best friend.


The Social Butterfly:

She´s the one who has more contacts no matter where. When they need something of someone or need to get an invitation to somewhere, she'll have the contact that you need for that. Where did she get all of her contacts? Is she famous? Is she hiding her identity?
Note: She'll have to be a social type girl.
I'll leave her age to you.
The Exo member that she will be guarding aka her love interest will be kind of like her, with all the contacts.


The Mind:

She's the one in charge of all the plans and strategies of the group. She's the mind behind all of them. She can also use her fists although she isn't the best. She has an IQ of 200. In what is she thinking when she isn't making plans for the group? How come is she so smart?
Note: I'll leave to you to decide her age.
The Exo member that she will be guarding aka her love interest will be her opposite.


The Master:

She'll be the martial arts expert in the group. Although she is an expert she's also the cutest member of the group. Looks are deceptive. Don't be fooled by this girl appereance. Will she attack you from behind? How come such a cute girl is the best fighting machine of the group?
I'll leave to you to choose her age.
The Exo member that she will be guarding aka her love interest should be someone childish yet responsible.


Cheat sheet:
- Kai and Sehun are already taken as love interests
- Park Sora and Jang hae Byeol are already taken as face claim
- There is a password...
- The Underestimated and The Loyal One are already taken as plotlines
- The age of the girls should be between 19 and 24 years old
- Don't use ulzzangs with those giant eyes please
- Comment your application in the story.

- ... it will be " I'm the guardian of ( your love interest name) and I swear I will protect him."





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Chapter 2:
Hope you still contiue with this applyfic it seems very exciting !
esmkseunmi94 #2
Chapter 1: hope you liked her, dont know if ur still applying! ^^
caatchmeonfire #3

Here it is o/
i added as much as I could
caatchmeonfire #4
Chapter 1: i read your review :) let me correct it e ue
Chapter 2: i have read your review ; w ;
first of all, thank you for that ♡
and i'll get on it! o u o
thank you, once again ♡
Chapter 1:

yehet! i have done it ; w ;
its actually early morning here and my mind is just asdfg- e w e
please do tell me if i missed something or if i need to change something ; w ;
caatchmeonfire #7

here it is OTL
im sorry for what i did before
caatchmeonfire #8
Chapter 1: I shall continue here tbh:
link one:
link two:
link three:

PICTURE LINKS: link one:
link two:
link three.

Appearance & Style: She loves fashion but also she loves to look fierce, she likes black clothes the most

LOVE INTEREST: ...Chanyeol

STORY: ...(Tell us how did you meet each other): Chanyeol doesn't know that Haru is EXO's guardian just yet. He meet her in college where he always see her drawing, he'd often stick to her as he thinks shes some kind of loner and he thinks she's a good girl even when he finds out shes a guardian.
caatchmeonfire #9
OTHER NAME:... Park Haru
NICKNAME: ... Bunny
DATE OF BIRTH: ...03/16/1993
AGE: ...21
PLACE OF BIRTH: ...Busan, SouthKorea.
HOMETOWN: ...Busan
LANGUAGE:...Korean, English and Chinese.

As I choose the gundealer to be my character, I've decide her to be much like a rockstar, she loves to wear leather pants and rides a motorcycle(?), she has a erted side that comes out a lot, she's not afraid to speak her mind even though it may get her in trouble all the time, she acts dorky but she's very smart in fact.

When she's comfortable enough she may show a sweet side, she also likes to attend parties but it doesn't mean she doesn't like to be culturized, in fact she loves to read, especially if it's gun-related. She's also addicted to coffee and likes to draw as her frustrated dream was to become a tattoo artist.

She is the daughter of the most respected gundealer in south korea, and he was the one that provided the guns to the older guardians. His father made a deal that once you were old enough you'd be one of the guardians and he'd keep providing the guns when needed.

She grew up being trained about guns, but she doesn't have many child memories as she was always training. She found out she was going to be a guardian since she was a child and surprisingly she was - and is - okay with that.

Guns, books, food, pororo (when alone) and coffee

watch tv, rude people, teletubbies because theyre scary, gold color and salads.

crockroaches, planes, heights, being alone and dogs.

Internet (tumblr), spend time at a bookstore, cooking , dance and paint.

Crack her fingers, her bottom lip, scratch her right arm, rub her cheeks a little and drink coffee every morning.
Chapter 1: the plotines are interesting!
i shall apply o u o
wait a bit, jusey0 ♡