
A Dinosaur or A Cat?

Chapter 4

I sighed as I approached the front desk with a straight face. Fortunately I still had time to do this even after a ten-hour filming.

“This isn’t gonna work.”
“You’ll never know if you don’t try, Jong Woon.”
“Why the heck are you talking so impolitely to me? You should know that—“

I shoved a hand inside my bag and shut the toy up. I smiled at the lady sitting by the desk as she returned the smile.

“AnNa-sshi. What can I do for you today?”
“I was wondering if I could borrow the log book from the other day.”
“May I ask why?”
“I’m looking for someone who was supposed to be visiting Saeyoo then.”

She looked at me weirdly for second before shaking her head a bit.

“I’m sorry, Anna-sshi, but besides you there isn’t anyone outside the office who visited her that day.”

Well that’s… weird.

“Ask her about the day before.” I heard a slight whisper.
“How about the other days before then?”

The desk lady shook her head.

“No one has been visiting Lee Saeyoo-sshi. As I know she’s told everyone that she would be busy that week and she shouldn’t be bothered.” She said looking over a few papers.

“Ahh…” I dumbly nodded.
“Ask her about any suspicious people.”
“Have you seen anyone roaming around that is a bit suspicious?” I tried to explain with my hands.
“There have been a few new strange recruits but not strange enough to fall under the ‘suspicious’ category.”

I simply nodded again. Now what? If we hit a dead end then we’re—

“Why are you asking, AnNa-sshi? Did this person do anything wrong? If you’d like I’d call security and—“
“Ah! No need, I’m just—“

Wait! Security tapes!

“There are security cameras all over the building, right? Would it be possible for me to access the security tapes?”
“I’m afraid that would be impossible unless it is of high priority business.”
“Ah. . .”


I groaned and dragged my feet.

“What are we gonna do?” Donghae pouted as he peaked out of my bag for air.

I brought the two toys out of my bag and carried them in my arms.

“I don’t know. I had an idea but I guess I can’t do it.”

I sighed and looked around. I had to be sure where I was going or I might end up wandering again. Let’s see know… I think from here I should take a left on that street next to the shoe store… Or what is a right to the toy store?

I shook my head and tried to remember the way to where I was going. Wait—where am I going again?

“Maybe we should just give up and try to get the whole SM’s help for this. Or at least SM’s tracking services.” Donghae suggested.
“Come on, it’s only been a week and you’re thinking like that already?” I scolded him.
“Well, we did almost get eaten by a dog.” Yesung pointed out and Donghae nodded in agreement.
“Ya! That’s only because you rolled around in food before we went out to the fortune teller’s!”
“Oi! I was just curious if I could eat!”
“You’re a toy for pete’s sake! Isn’t it obvious you can’t eat?!”

Yesung groaned in defeat and I looked around. People were starting to stare. Honestly, I’m not that bothered that they think I’m crazy. You get used to it after a few days, I guess.

“Anyway, I can’t do anything for now but if you remember anything then—“


In a millisecond, I found myself sitting on the concrete, my aching from the landing.

“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention and—“

“No, it’s my fault. I should’ve moved aside for the lady.” He said in a husky voice as he reached out his hand to help me.

Strange, he’s wearing white gloves. And his face was painted with an eerie smirk contradicting his bright striped purple suit.

Dumbfounded, I took his hand and he pulled me up without much effort. I thanked him and he took off his black hat, revealing his messy blonde hair that covered half of his right eye, and bowed a bit.

“My apologies, again.”

He and eyed me for a few moments and I consciously covered myself with my arms.

“You’re Park AnNa-sshi, right?” He said, putting his hat back.
“Um.. Yeah…”

Woah. I never thought someone would actually recognize me. Maybe I’m getting a bit more popular?

“We bumped into each other last week at the elevators. Pity I didn’t get to see more popular stars.”

I swear I could hear Yesung holding back a laugh. And Donghae was even moving around a bit.

“At least you’re pretty in person. Well, my ride is here. I guess we’d meet again if fate let us.” He said, boarding the bus that just stopped next to us. I simply nodded along and watched him.

“Who was that guy anyway? He’s pretty amusing.” Yesung commented after the bus left.
“How am I supposed to know? Anyway, let’s just get back to my place.”
“But he’s right, at least you’re pretty.” Donghae nodded to himself.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”

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The chibi dino and kitty pics are so cute!!
Ooo Update soon please!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
LoveBunNyForever #4
Lolll~ sul's such a bad dog. -_- update please! :33
DarthJader #5
LOL Sul, that dog chewing up idolls... >.<
Blue_eevee-chan #6
AW Yesung kitty >.< want it!! Please continue to update~~
LoveBunNyForever #7
hwaaa~~!! It's really interesting! XD<br />
update soon!!x3
DarthJader #8
Woo~ to the fortune tellers!
Blue_eevee-chan #9
I can't wait for more! I want a Yesung kitty plushy! >.<