My Guild's Better Than Yours


In a virtual fantasy world of 90% realism, twelve different characters met, bonded, and formed what would end up becoming the game’s strongest guild.


And after going through so much together, it was only natural - that the next step would be to meet up.

In real life.


And boy oh boy, could appearances be deceiving.



The guild had already been around for a year before the suggestion was even made.


It was the middle of the night, just after a successful but intensely difficult raid, when Joonmyun finally spoke up, coughing hesitantly into his mic.


“Lag delay is going to get us killed.  … I think it’s about time we had a LAN party.”




“You mean… meet up… IRL?”  Tao muttered, narrowing his eyes.


“Well… yeah, I guess so.”


As usual, he was met with an awkward silence, the feeling of way too many pairs of eyes staring him down.


“Or not.”  He mumbled, more to himself than anything.


But finally, finally, someone threw him a bone - and it was Sehun, of all people.


“You know… that sounds like fun.  Let’s do it tomorrow!”



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wheeeeeeeen are you guys gonna update this lol
etteine #2
This fic is definitely interesting. Will you be continuing it? I hope you do. :)