A sixty second love story

60 seconds

This is a sixty second love story created inside the thoughts of man who saw the most beautiful lady in his eyes.

It’s raining and he is under his umbrella. He was about to enter the cafeteria when a lady went out but stopped for a while for the rain restraining her to.

He couldn’t believe what he saw, he froze in amazement.


He approached her being a gentleman, giving her his umbrella. She smiled and they shared the umbrella together. That day, they became friends.

                He used to go back at the cafeteria every day to see her, there are times that she is there and sometimes she’s outside, intentionally waiting for him.

                Their feelings were mutual. And this feeling grew without them knowing. It isn’t hard for him to court her, since they were at same state.

                They became the best lovers they could ever imagine. A love story that started when a stranger met a stranger with kindness, that’s the best love story that ever existed for them.


                But one day he didn’t saw her at the cafeteria. He waited but she did not come. He called her but she did not answer. He searched for her but she can’t be found.

                He went back to the cafeteria and saw her. . with another man. He was broken at what he saw. He never said a word but just walk away.


                After this man’s sixty second story, he stepped towards the lady and offered her his umbrella, leaving her outside the cafeteria and went inside, never turning his back.


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