



"헐! I can't believe Fanny 언니 and Khunnie 오빠 are an item now..." Luna gasped from shock. We were now gathered on the dining table having our dinner.

"Sunyoung-ah, no gadgets on the table please, let me have your tab for a moment and finish your supper before I give it back to you, understood?" Vic 언니 took Luna's Ipad away and set it aside on the table.

"Aish... You're just pissed off 언니, admit it." Luna murmured but with sharp senses, Victoria was still able to hear it clearly.

"Why admit something when there's nothing to admit at all. Just focus on your meal and don't forget to wash all the dishes after we're all done."



"Aah... That was tiring." Luna said propping herself on the couch.

"Done with the dishes 언니?" I sat near her and gently massaged her shoulders from the back.

"응~ Vic 언니's really giving me a hard time, pssh! Ah, there... Yes right there Sulli-ah... Harder... I think I just overworked my muscles earlier while washing."

While massaging her back, she started surfing the net once again, and can't get enough of reading different news articles regarding the newest talk of the town - KhunFanny Couple.

"Waaahhh~ 대박... These netizens surely knows how to catch some attention. Tsk tsk. Can't they just be happy about these two's newly found relationship? I mean, come on... What's with those harsh words? Seriously, people these days, aish!"

"왜 언니? Are they bashing Fanny 언니?" I peeked behind Luna to get a clear view of the netizens' comments.

"Hmm." She nodded. "But not only Fanny but also Khun 오빠... tsk tsk tsk. I wonder how fans would react once they learned I got into a relationship one day." She let out a small giggle and continued, "I guess I better prepare myself with these harsh types of comments starting today so that when that time comes, I'll be perfectly numb."

I felt something got stuck at the back of my throat. That sore feeling hit me once again.

"오, why did you stop? Continue Sulli-ah, I can still feel my muscles' stiffness..."

"Huh? Oh, uhm..." I fake a yawn, "언니, I think I'm going to bed now, I felt sleepy all of a sudden." I stood up and hurriedly went inside my room.

"What's up with her?" Luna just shrugged her thought off.


Fortunately, Soojung has her CF Photo shoot for today and won't be back 'till tomorrow, I have the room completely all to myself. I lay down on my bed after taking a quick shower and picked up my phone.

I wonder what he's doing today... Did they arrive safely in Mexico?

I started dialing his number when all of a sudden...

☎ ♪♩♪♩♪♬

민호 오빠 calling... 민호 오빠 calling...

What a great timing, I thought, and suppressed a giggle.

"여버세요?" I answered the call.

"We're here already, just arrived here in Mexico a few hours ago. Sorry I just called you now baby." He sounded a bit exhausted, guess it was because of the long travel.

"오빠 괜차나, you should've just called after getting some sleep, you must still be jet lagged."

"Don't worry. 오빠 spend the whole flight sleeping..." he gave a light hearted laugh, "... It's already past 9 or 10 pm there right? Go to sleep now baby, just text me when you wake up tomorrow so that I can call you before the concert starts, okay?"

"아니, I still want to talk to you 오빠. Don't hang up yet."

I can hear his giggles at the other end of the line, "아이구~ my princess misses me a lot huh?" He said, teasing. "와~~~ How long has it been since we last saw each other Sul? Months I guess?"

"Yup...more than a month already. I last saw you on our Etude CF photo shoot oppa. Oppa..."

"Hmm... what is it baby?"

"Uhm... nothing, it's nothing. I just miss you so much."

"Same here Sul. Oh! Minhye noona posted my pic just right now baby, search it up."

"Really? Wait I'll just get my laptop..." I stood up and quickly opened my laptop and searched.

"I look quite handsome on the photo baby."

"Haha, really? Well, you always do. Wait oppa, I'm still searching it up."

After a few minutes, I found the link to Minhye eonni's Instagram account and clicked it. Yes, he's right. He is as handsome as he will ever be but... they look quite good together. Enough with that thought Jinri. I mentally smacked myself for thinking that way.

"Sul, 'you still there? Have you seen the picture yet?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah I've seen it already oppa. You look cool in this shot with Minhye eonni." I tried to hide the tone of jealousy in my voice. What is there to be jealous anyways? I gave him all my trust and I know he's keeping it well. Stop those crazy thoughts Jin.

"See I told you I look great." He laughed at his own comment. "But it would've been better if it was you beside me on that picture." I heard him sighing.

"But we have tons of sweet photos compared to that oppa, hidden on our phones, aren't those enough?" I asked.

"Yes we do have tons of them, but I wish we could have at least one, even just one single photo that I can show off around the world."

"I would love that, if only it is possible, but it is not, is it?" He's right. We have hundreds of photos together. We take them every time we'll secretly meet up and go on dates. There was even this one photo that we kept hidden on a private folder on our phones, afraid that our members might see it. It was a picture taken at myeongdong, inside one of those photo booths where he stole a kiss on my lips while the photo machine was still counting down. I kept the printed one on my diary and we get a scanned copy for our phones, how sweet would that be if we can freely show those things to the public without ruining our careers?

"Just wait Sul, our time will come. Let's just enjoy this much privacy while we still can, okay? Like Khunnie hyung and Fanny noona, we'll reveal ourselves soon."

"Oppa..." he cut my words off, probably hearing the worry in my voice.

"Shh, Sul, if ever that time comes and the public take notice of our relationship, set all the haters' comments aside, just know that I will always be right here beside you, no matter what, okay?"

"O... okay oppa, I love you." My tears welled up already and are about to fall. To be honest, upon seeing the hateful comments on the articles about Fanny and Khunnie's relationship, a sudden flash back of the hurtful comments I received on my previous scandals sink into me once again. And I know, once the whole world learned about our relationship, it will not only be me, but also Minho oppa who will be hurt as well. But being the strong willed person I know he is, I'm positive he'll get through it. And he's right, with him by my side, there's nothing for me to worry about at all.

"I love you too Sul. Let's not worry about these things yet okay. Let's just enjoy what we have right now. Let us not over think alright. I love you and I miss you a lot. Get some sleep now baby. And don't forget to dream about me, araso?"

"Nae oppa... good luck on your concert."

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Chapter 1: hope this real
Chapter 1: Aww, I hope those scenes are really happening to our dear couple. Thanks for writing this one-shot. :)
kimipuys #3
Chapter 1: Aish the haters..do they realize minsul is hunan too they have right to be happy and show their love in the public.i hope minsul will happy fotever.thanks authornin
Swensenseven #4
Chapter 1: thank you,dear
i'm always think that uri minsul surely have ton of couple pic in their phone because when minho visit sulli at pirate film side, we didn't see a bit of their pic together that certainly have more than one.
Chapter 1: Those haters...aish! They're indeed immature. Don't scare and stop worrying Ssul. You have us, sullians and minsullians esp your special oppa beside you.

Soooo great one shot authornim. I felt so real while reading this. You made me smiled all long with the phone talking.

Really love them so much. Minsul is real. They are in love. MinSul fighting.

Thank for this beautiful one shot. I love it :-)
nana4ever #6
Chapter 1: I agree ... Great one-shot my dear

It's sad with so many haters and negative comments towards the couples.

When our MinSul couple finally become public our MinSul thread must be strong and give themsupport when the negativity starts.

MinSul FIGHTING !!!!

Thank you my dear. Looking forward to reading more stories from you ;)
afelhojas #7
Chapter 1: sweet minsul i feel great this plot tnx authornim great story pls do another one ....hahaha......
Chapter 1: Whoaaa!Nice plot!

It feels real while reading this story.I really imagine them being together like that.

I believe in MinSul!Haha..

It really is a good one,authornim!Hope to hear more from you,authornim!Have a good day! :)