Aside from hyeri’s acknowledgement, the twin actually really sure that kim hyeri is their long lost friend.


-oppa what are you think when hyeri says that she is not our hyeri?

-well i’m not buying it woori. I’m positive about whom she is and i’m sure she is hyeri. Uri hyeri

-hey since when she is your hyeri?its mine too ok. Jeez oppa what if we had a wrong person? They tend to be 7 look alike people in this world.

-nope that never going to happen woori.

-But oppa, she says that she stayed her all her life. What else that can we use as proof to says that she is hyeri?.


-see oppa? Even you have no idea about it. I never thought that after we moved school here that we can see a person like hyeri. I always miss her. I never know why she moved away.

-wait woori. I’m trying to think. Woori it’s our hyeri. That girl

-But oppa, remember that omma used to said that the kim went abroad. Its not jeju, its abroad. Dad said that it was London.

-quiet will you woori. Maybe mom and dad do not know the truth about the kim. Maybe they already went back to korea or nover left.

-oppa stop with you obsession about hyeri. I know that you love her and will always love her right? But that girl is not hyeri. Our hyeri is bubbly and cute, love to laugh and do silly things.oppa chebal....

The twin girl starts to plead her brother while shocking him lightly on the shoulder. But the boy seems to be drown in his own thought. Seeing her brother like this really make the girl, woori sad’s. She has witness her brother went into depression because hyeri went missing one day without any words. Seeing how her brother love hyeri all of his heart really hurt the girl because they twins and she can feels his hurting inside. How she hopes that the girl in school is hyeri but her mind keeps denying it.

-woori, i know you are worried about me but just listen to me ok. If hyeri is really from jeju and never left her whole life, why she never talks in stoori like others? Why her language seems like a Seoul born person with an English slang? It proves that she is not from jeju and she most likely travels abroad frequently. She is great with her English and seem tense when she know I’m watching her.

-really oppa?i never notice it. OMG you may be right oppa. When i’m thinking of it again what are you saying is quiet relevant actually. Omo.. oppa is so smart.

- That is why i went to class first and you second.

-hump..nappeun oppa

-hahahaha...aigoo kiupteouri dongsaeng.

-tehehehe..i know i’m cute, beautiful,and...

-quit it woori and listen here. This is my plan to uncover hyeri

-chincha... arasso i’m in it

All of these conversations actually take place before woori starts to get close to hyeri. Get close to hyeri is actually one of woohyun plan on making hyeri reveal her trueself or in other words for them to uncover hyeri.  Woohyun asks his sister to get close to hyeri while he keeps acting like a stalker with her. With this, hyeri will never suspiciousl about their true intention. 

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